Today in Fascism

You all remember what espola and Husker Du said about this woman? Now espola's other party he supports has an arrest warrant for Bibi. Hamas + UN + espola=?


Agent Smith gets called out on Sunday by judge for playing with dirty tricks. This is how people like espola play politics. These men are dirty and they cheat and lie for a living.
In a five-page order, Judge Cannon, a Trump appointee, said that she is “disappointed” that Jack Smith has demanded redactions for “witness safety” when it benefits him, but ignored those concerns at other times.
Human rights attorney Amal Clooney, wife of actor George Clooney, advised the International Criminal Court on seeking the arrest warrants for Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu and top Israeli officials as well as Hamas leaders such as Gaza Yahya Sinwar.
So basically a hero to cult-Q-maga.
You didn't bother reading the story, did you, 'tard? The rioters surrounded his car. You support armed losers chasing a kid down and trying to kill him when he was harming nobody. We see who you endorse. Let me guess, you think Fentanyl Floyd was a victim, too, right?
You didn't bother reading the story, did you, 'tard? The rioters surrounded his car. You support armed losers chasing a kid down and trying to kill him when he was harming nobody. We see who you endorse. Let me guess, you think Fentanyl Floyd was a victim, too, right?
Perry went looking for them, armed and ready to "hunt some Muslims".


It's not clear whether the pardon restores his right to possess firearms, normally banned for convicted felons under Texas and Federal laws.
Maybe he can join up with Kyle Rittenhouse for a book and subsequent tour. The Q-magas would eat it up! They could join the t campaign as hype men.
Maybe he can join up with Kyle Rittenhouse for a book and subsequent tour. The Q-magas would eat it up! They could join the t campaign as hype men.
Were you and espola in New York City banging drums and screaming at Kash today? Your boy Cohen is a liar, a cheater and a thief, just like the party you serve and defend. You and espola support Pedo Peter, a father WHO takes showers with his dd. Pedo's brother owned property with Epstein, in the VIRGIN ISLANDS. This is only going to get worse for you and your evil twin espola. Surrender, eat crow and go away!!!

So basically a hero to cult-Q-maga.
Husker Du, you need to watch. Q and the military are coming. For those who harmed the children, big trouble. Those who support this behavior, big trouble. Those who turned a blind eye like Cindy McCain (espola supported her hubby, go figure), big trouble. Watch and learn. Pause to read. They killed JFK, they killed his kids JFK Jr (or is he alive. Now that would be rad, just like Princess Di), they killed RFK and they killed the Jesus in the bible, the Jesus that espola loves.

Guess we know why Hamas didn’t want an invasion of Rafah. I wonder if this also explains Biden’s lack of support.

50 Rafah Tunnels to Egypt Unearthed. Everyone in Israel suspected and knew that all along. This proof is for the rest of the world to see.

Which explains why Egypt joins the ICJ against Israel and opposed Rafah operation.

Between this and finding the bodies of hostages, it's becoming obvious why pro-Hamas folks were so opposed to a Rafah operation.

All questions, how Hamas keeps on getting weapons, where are the hostages, where are the terrorists hiding, it's all buried in Rafah and Hamas was counting on using refugees as human shields. We all knew it. Let's finish it, no more waiting.

The real question is whether Egypt is collaborating, whether they have traitors, or if they've lost so much control over their country that even their best intentions can't prevent it. All possibilities are horrifying for different reasons.

Most probably they're collaborating. The peace treaty is a farce for Egypt to obtain American military aid. Egypt are never Israel's friends and regardless if they hate the Palestinians, they hate Jews more.

Hostages who are still alive numbering 33 and Hamas military leaders like Yahya Sinwar are in all probability in Egypt now or may have even been transferred to Turkey by now.

Sinwar's son is involved in cross-border permits.
Eqypt hates Hamas more, related to the Muslim Brotherhood etc. Israel can "finish it" wrt Hamas' armed wing whenever they want, innocent causalities permitting, or not as the case may be. That doesn't finish the ideology as you can't shoot/bomb that. That's why you hear the credendo of calls, including (now) in Israel, what's the plan for after.
I had a chance to read this article and its definitely interesting. The opinion is that Netanyahu was too nice to Gazans by giving them jobs in Israel (increasing work permits 10x from 2,000 to 20,000), allowing Qatari money into Gaza, and not retaliating for rocket attacks which indirectly strengthened Hamas resulting in the October 7th attacks. Do you share that opinion that Netty was too nice to Gazans? It seems that runs counter to your previous arguments. Or is you point that there are Israelis farther to the right then Netty?
The opinion piece laid out the why in the first couple of paras, the rest is just the how.

The point in that piece is that Hamas was being facilitated & even supported by Israel, for its own purposes.
The opinion piece laid out the why in the first couple of paras, the rest is just the how.

The point in that piece is that Hamas was being facilitated & even supported by Israel, for its own purposes.
There is a giant leap in logic from the why to the how.

I thought you said you can't conflate Gazans with Hamas. They gave Gazans jobs. Are you saying they knowingly gave Hamas jobs? Or are you just trying to have it both ways.