Today in Fascism

That's closer to the truth, but it was the '50s, for one obvious thing.

I love the Jesus of the Bible, and not the fake Christians who excuse their evil behavior by invoking His name.
Praise the Lord bro. Thanks for sharing your faith with us today. How old were you when you found Christ? Is Jesus in the Bible for abortion or against abortion?
@espola only. Jesus in the bible did not sit on the fence either. So, your either protecting all kids or you allow kids to be killed before birth. You must decide to protect the kids. The fact you voted for Pedo Joe has me SMFH!!!
That's closer to the truth, but it was the '50s, for one obvious thing.

I love the Jesus of the Bible, and not the fake Christians who excuse their evil behavior by invoking His name.
It's been brought to my attention that you had some sort of church abuse as a youth and anyone you think is a fake Christian causes you to be triggered. Would you mind sharing with us what happened? I for sure had church abuse and it's not fun. I'm still working on things. Let's try and work together bro.
Search and rescue efforts underway for Iran's president Raisi

Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi is involved in helicopter crash as frantic rescue missions is launched - just hours after posing for pictures with Azerbaijan's President Aliyev.
I think things are going to get pretty intense folks. Buckle up, get the popcorn out and be careful out there. Our campuses are very dangerous right now.

Hey espola, thoughts about what how your "Christian News Network" has treated President Trump over the years? This is the "Con News Network" and you believed everything they said and some.


Praise the Lord bro. Thanks for sharing your faith with us today. How old were you when you found Christ? Is Jesus in the Bible for abortion or against abortion?
The Bible says nothing about abortion, even though methods of abortion were known to the Greeks centuries before Jesus.
It's been brought to my attention that you had some sort of church abuse as a youth and anyone you think is a fake Christian causes you to be triggered. Would you mind sharing with us what happened? I for sure had church abuse and it's not fun. I'm still working on things. Let's try and work together bro.
The Bible says nothing about abortion, even though methods of abortion were known to the Greeks centuries before Jesus.
So, if the bible doesn't say anything about abortion just like our Constitution, we are to remain silent? Let's see what Jesus say's about harming children. Common sense would tell us all that harming kids before their born is no different than harming them after we welcome them into our wonderful world. I do appreciate you chatting.

At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”

Jesus called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me. (Welcome to the earth from the birth)

“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea." Jesus
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The Bible says nothing about abortion, even though methods of abortion were known to the Greeks centuries before Jesus.
The bible say's nothing so epola will do nothing. Very telling sir.

A great bible verse espola...

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
for the rights of all who are destitute."
The Bible says nothing about abortion, even though methods of abortion were known to the Greeks centuries before Jesus.
Do you remember the story of King David? Let me refresh your memory. You see espola, when all the Kings were off fighting war, David stayed back. He went up to the roof to watch the sunset and noticed a beautiful young lady taking a shower. As King, he gets what he wants, and he wanted to sleep with her. So she came to sleep with the King. Later, this lady said the magic words, "I am pregnant." What did the King do?

A- Tell the girl to have abortion
B- Bring her husband back from the fight and get him to sleep with her to cover his infidelity
C- Put her hubby on the front lines so he dies
D- Both B and C
E- None of the above
"First they infiltrated Congress and Goverment.

Then they wedged the family unit to deliver our mothers to the IRS/Fed.

Poured drugs across our border to destroy communities and traffick our children. (RIP to my nephew David)

Removed God and the Pledge of Allegiance from our K-12 schools.

Eliminated Civics and drove a seething hate for America.

Championed a promiscuous lifestyle and child sacrifice.

Seized control of Academia to indoctrinate and radicalize our youth.

Infiltrated the Press and developed BigTech to control, divide, spy on, and censor us.

Drove identity politics to turn children against themselves and thier families.

Openly sexualized our children to promoted self-loathing and degeneracy.

Drove the mutilation and sterilization of our children.

Now, they aggressively flaunt their Satanic agenda." The Newsman
I disagree with a lot of Butker had to say, but what he said is consistent with Catholic beliefs and he said it at a Catholic school. I'm not sure why everyone's knickers are in a wad for expressing his Catholic faith. Now I'm no fan of the Catholic church, and they certainly should be taking care of their own house before telling others how to run theirs.

He mentioned he is against IVF. Not many people are aware, but the Catholic Church considers IVF as "gravely immoral" whereas I think most people consider IVF a miracle. My wife and I would be childless without IVF.
After denying it, he is now repenting. This is just the beginning folks. The Great Reveal is here. Amen Sean. I will pray for you......

One day after video was released that appeared to show Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs beating his then-girlfriend Cassie in a Los Angeles hotel, the music mogul took responsibility, saying he's "disgusted" with himself.

"It's so difficult to reflect on the darkest times in your life. Sometimes you got to do that. I was f---ed up. I mean I hit rock bottom. But I make no excuses. My behavior on that video is inexcusable (I should be in jail)," he said in a self-recorded message beneath a rattan roof posted to Instagram.

"I take full responsibility for my actions in that video. I'm disgusted (how to eat crow). I was disgusted then when I did it. I'm disgusted now," he added.
espola left The Kitchen because it's too HOT🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

The List is Long.
Judgement Day Is Coming.
Nothing Can Stop It.
