Fauci laying the groundwork today to make the vaccine mandatory. They may not be able to drag people into the doctor to get it, but you can bet they'll make it a requirement for all govt employees, health care workers, kids attending school, day care workers, employees of major corporations, professional sports figures, college attendance, and kids who want to play youth sports. wouldn't surprise me if they require it for licensed workers either (attorneys, contractors, hair dressers, coaches). They might even go so far as to exclude insurance coverage if you get it and aren't vaccinated.

Fauci says Covid-19 vaccine may not get US to herd immunity if too many people refuse to get it
Dr. Anthony Fauci says he would "settle" for a Covid-19 vaccine that's 70% to 75% effective, but that this incomplete protection, coupled with the fact that many Americans say they won't get a coronavirus vaccine, makes it "unlikely" that the US will achieve sufficient levels of immunity to...