The virus doesn’t care about your cause, or my cause.
If it is stupid to hold a mass gathering, then it is stupid to hold a mass gathering.
Otherwise you are deep onto that self-denial territory you mentioned.
“It is stupid to hold a mass gathering”, well that is truncated passive voice. Truncated passive voice is commonly used when you’re trying to obscure who did what. This allows the person to avoid addressing who is responsible for the action, although that’s a really important point here. Specifically, with the Tulsa rally we knew that Trump held the mass gathering. Trump decided to do it, he was responsible for it, it is his fault. A single person could have easily avoided that stupid and dangerous mass gathering.
With the protests, on the other hand, there isn’t a single person or small group responsible for making it happen. “It might be stupid” to protest but, unlike the Tulsa rally, there just isn’t a way to stop them from occurring. There are too many individual people making individual decisions in too many places. And as everyone should be aware, the more beating on protesters, the more tear gas, the more individual decisions to protest you’re going to get. To the extent you’re saying it was stupid to have mass protests, you may as well be saying it’s stupid for the sun to go around so slowly because its getting pretty hot. With Tulsa, on the other hand, a dumb mass gathering could have been easily avoided by a single dumbf**k. And although he tries to paint himself like the sun, the only thing inevitable about Trump is that he’s gonna need his Depends at least as much tomorrow as he does today.