Or it could be the waves are mathematically rigid and we are going to lose a certain number of people no matter what we do (unless we lockdown entirely until spring 2021 for a vaccine [at least as far as Fauci says] because the lockdowns just push waves back in time, and that's assuming the vaccine even works).
I'd like people advocating perpetual lockdowns to admit that there are real costs on the other side of the ledger and they don't care if people have to suffer those costs. The lockdowns did cost people's lives in suicides, OD and abuse and delayed hospitalizations (whether people scared to go outside for emergency room visits due to heart attack, or cancer screenings which are going to be picked up too late). It's probably not as much as people who died directly from COVID. There was also untold economic damage which cost people their livelihood and businesses which were built up over their lives. It was also mental torment to some group of people, particularly high es, and particularly children, and the riots were no doubt a reaction in part to being locked down. The lockdowns cost children their education, led to greater education inequality, and if it continues for over 1 year could lead to a huge setback for many children. I wish people on the lockdown forever side would just say we don't care if you have a problem with your cancer, if we torment a child, or if you lose your business built over a lifetime. These decisions on both sides can be very cold harded, and are even more hard to justify if we make exceptions for "really important stuff" like protests, political rallies or haircuts for politicians. I also agree that masks are necessary but let's not kid ourselves there isn't a cost there too. If there wasn't there wouldn't be an issue for people wearing them as we saw in even the House committee hearings yesterday.