I find it unfortunate how people are so torn on this issue. Copa, Mav, Espola, you guys are honestly a little much on this subject. The problem is, you guys are ok living in a world of fear. Staying home for the time really needed is not an option. We can't do years, which is what would be needed to get done what you would like to get done, to keep this under control. That is the reality, I know you know you can't dispute that. This is now part of our lives and that will be the case for years to come. The idea that the vaccine is going to fix everything is folly. On the flip side, there are quite a few people on here that are like our president, an ostrich in the sand. Nothing is ok and it isn't going to be alright. Our country is an absolute shit show and we have nobody to blame but ourselves. The reality is, we are not wired to deal with things like this because we are arguably the most idealistically diverse country on this planet. We can't compare ourselves to other places because they can get their people behind and idea much better that we can. There is not one single issue that our country could get behind, no matter what it is. Covid, protests, 100 degrees in Antartica, etc are great examples of that fact.
As for any of those people that think that what is going on with our country isn't affecting our youth, you are as bad as our President. I have a 19 and 21 year old home again due to Covid. We sit down and talk as much as we can but this has been devastating to them. Last night, we sat down and talked about a myriad of subjects. The biggest one is suicide. Both of them were surprisingly open about the conversations that they have had with friends in regard to current life. "We have what equates to it is going to be ok, don't do anything stupid talks every week or two amongst friends in our group." That is hard to hear your kids talk about but I appreciate their willingness to talk about it. What I think hurt me the most was the talk of kids. I honestly can't wait to have grandkids to spoil, watch play, etc. I miss that part of my life selfishly more than anything else. Both of my kids said that they are unsure that they want to bring kids into the world any more given what is going on and where we are going. That is frightening to hear kids this age say but they are so frustrated with the way people our age are screwing up this country that they are not sure they want the responsibility of raising kids in the direction we are going. Ouch. Are they wrong?
What makes this country great is also part of our demise. Our individual nature, which I live for, is also what is holding us back in times of crisis. I hope by some act of God we can turn this around but I am not as hopeful as I would like to be. Btw, I am an independent so no political backing here one way or the other. I have voted on both sides as well as the middle once, I prefer to choose who I believe in the most. This November will be the toughest decision ever, 330 million people and these two are the best we can come up with. I teach a PoliSci 102 course, we discuss at length what we should do to revamp the system. The buy in from these 18-20 year olds is outstanding. There is hope if us older folk can just get out of their way....