Time to Play

This sports writer believes no fall sports. I'm not there yet but am beginning to suspect its true particularly since the mask requirement was handed down and since at least in blue state public schools we seem to be headed towards 2 days live/2 days off schooling. Have to see how the 4th of July plays out before I make a prediction.

Please ask your buddy to quantify a single thing on your meme. Just one please.

And, yes, we can predict the future. People who believe in science understood that a lot of people were going to die if Americans did not take this as seriously as they should, and that’s what happened. A few soccer parents, anti-vaxxers and the president of the United States believed 15 people had it and it would soon he down to zero. Just because idiots make idiotic predictions does not mean that the future cannot be predicted.
Agree, but you make predictions sound easier than they are.

Predicting the course of disease is wicked hard. NY made a horrible decision with nursing homes, in part driven by a bad prediction made by the best available people using the best available data.
This sports writer believes no fall sports. I'm not there yet but am beginning to suspect its true particularly since the mask requirement was handed down and since at least in blue state public schools we seem to be headed towards 2 days live/2 days off schooling. Have to see how the 4th of July plays out before I make a prediction.

All my contacts on the inside say the same thing. It is what it is and were here and we need to obey and that's that. I'm good with it I guess. Middle is where I stay and live. I also said this would happen. A spike in cases because of more testing, thousands and thousand protesting everyday for weeks and even more and more and more protesting. I didn;t see people wearing lot's of masks either but it's all of our fault who obeyed, stayed home and watch our economy tumble before our very eyes on TV. Wow wow wow!!!!
I think he’s asking all of us to violate state and county health regulations, all at once.

It kind of assumes the government will sit still and do nothing while the ICUs get overloaded. Seems more likely that they’ll shut it all down if hospitals get swamped.
Yes, let’s ask for a sanctuary state on the shutdown or do Americans not have the right to break laws like illegal invaders do?
Its funny that you would list entire countries like Germany and Singapore but then say California to fit your narrative. The U.S. as a country does have about a 90% decrease for daily deaths from its high of over 2,000. Back when we were counting duplicate numbers, gun shot murders, and drug overdoses as part of the total COVID related deaths.

I would guess it depends on who is doing the counting.
1-America does not respond well to public health crises and problems that other advanced countries have already solved (gun deaths, universal health care).

2-Leadership is willfully incompetent. We have poor role models. Trump could wear a mask, but unfortunately he’s a psychopath.

3-Soccer gossip, trashing clubs, refs, coaches is more rewarding than politics.

How about this for middle ground, I have to say I agree with you conceptually. In terms of point 1, in part ,because of our many freedoms, the country was not well prepared for the pandemic. I hope on a bi-partisan basis our politicians will look back on this and design a response system that can effectively fight the virus while protecting our freedoms within reason....not holding my breath.

Point 2. At so many levels this is true. Like I mentioned before, I thought the response started out OK, but then ideologies took over. (while I'd guess you and I might disagree on the start, I believe you have a reasonable basis for thinking the start was poorly handled). I'm thankful that I don't live in NY and thankful that SD County leaders have done a pretty good job.

Point 3. 100%. I hope we get back to this soon.
This sports writer believes no fall sports. I'm not there yet but am beginning to suspect its true particularly since the mask requirement was handed down and since at least in blue state public schools we seem to be headed towards 2 days live/2 days off schooling. Have to see how the 4th of July plays out before I make a prediction.

Here is the thing about these guys.

"Novak Djokovic, one of the best tennis players in the world, tested positive for the coronavirus. Von Miller of the Denver Broncos had it. Kevin Durant got it. Hundreds of college athletes still have it."

The above quote is true. Now lets look at how many have died? HMMM?

That is the issue. The vast majority of people exposed and get it, at worst get symptoms like the flu.

At some point we have to deal with that reality and go back to work and not shut down schools, restaurants, etc every time someone tests positive...because people will always be testing positive.

That said the author is likely right about sports because our governments, school boards, etc. work on the risk averse mindset for anything.
You SoCal folks crack me up... worried about Covid. At any given time, when I'm down there navigating freeways, I go from 0 to 70 in 6 seconds, slam on my breaks, go 0 to 70 in 6 seconds, slam on my breaks. Holy shit... I nearly die 7 times for every mile I drive. You guys can't possibly be afraid of the Kung Flu.
I'll just add to the points already made. It's easy for club soccer parents who typically have, comparatively speaking, a more stable financial and home situation, to say just stay at home, etc. However, the lockdown and social isolation negatively impacts the underprivileged and disadvantaged children disproportionally more than our kids. This upcoming school year is likely to be a disaster for many of the underprivileged kids. I hate the word "new normal", particularly as it relates to education. The "new normal" will result in substandard education because there is no replacement for in-person, interactive learning. Once the "new normal" is implemented this fall its likely never to change back to traditional learning, because that's just how our government works. The underprivileged have not been well served by our educational community in many cases, and this will only cause them to fall farther and farther behind. Although, these kids aren't likely playing club sports, they need some sort of sport or exercise as an outlet. PE in a lot of schools is being banned. Those that are physically in school will be tethered to their desks for the entire school day. It's sad to punish children in the name of a virus that has little to no impact on them.

On an entirely different note, a shout out to GraceT who months ago predicted that because of the early shutdown in California that Covid cases would be drawn out and smolder over a long period of time. Logic prevails.
I find your analysis dishonest and manipulative. Sir, classism and racism segregate and isolate the disenfranchised. The disenfranchised kids were stuck at home prior to Covid. The privileged kids are the ones having to acclimate to isolation not the disenfranchised. Have you heard the term “latchkey kid?” You didn’t give a fuck about the disenfranchised 6 months ago, why do you care now?
Well, I don’t think you care. I think you just want what you want and nothing else matters and I’m okay with that. Just keep the disenfranchised out of your weak ass analysis and I’ll fall back. Yeah, keep the po’ folk up out ya mouth patna because ya don’t know what ya talking ‘bout and it’s obvious.
I find your analysis dishonest and manipulative. Sir, classism and racism segregate and isolate the disenfranchised. The disenfranchised kids were stuck at home prior to Covid. The privileged kids are the ones having to acclimate to isolation not the disenfranchised. Have you heard the term “latchkey kid?” You didn’t give a fuck about the disenfranchised 6 months ago, why do you care now?
Well, I don’t think you care. I think you just want what you want and nothing else matters and I’m okay with that. Just keep the disenfranchised out of your weak ass analysis and I’ll fall back. Yeah, keep the po’ folk up out ya mouth patna because ya don’t know what ya talking ‘bout and it’s obvious.

Our Governor just said today that another quarantine could be in the works if deaths and ICU numbers continue to climb. Time for another great depression if that happens. Everyone just wear a damn mask. It's not that difficult.
You SoCal folks crack me up... worried about Covid. At any given time, when I'm down there navigating freeways, I go from 0 to 70 in 6 seconds, slam on my breaks, go 0 to 70 in 6 seconds, slam on my breaks. Holy shit... I nearly die 7 times for every mile I drive. You guys can't possibly be afraid of the Kung Flu.

Alright... "brakes". Didn't want Ebola or Husky Pu circle jerking over my misspelling.
In all fairness some name call out of frustration for not being able to convince the other side of their argument even if their argument is true or reasonable. Unfortunately, our culture is moving to the emotional argument over the factual one. How something makes you feel is more important than what actually happened. Dissenting opinion is so threatening to some that they have to silence it or shout and name call over it. Yes, this divisiveness is not helping our country (and fighting for my position is likely not helping either...I'll blame it on Covid :)). It seems were losing the middle ground where compromise can occur. It doesn't help when the far ends of each spectrum are trying to control the narrative when most of the population is just a little bit left or right of center.

Lovely. You accuse people of being gleeful that people are dying and then pretend you’re on the high road when others use your name calling tactic against you. Even better that you claim those who actually come to to the debate with facts and science are the ones without them, when you still haven’t provided a single fact or number. This is the “I’m just asking questions” ploy intended to hurt the credibility of the person who actually has the answers. You’re trying to paint them (me in this case) as being a big meany, in the hope that maybe people will forget that this particular debate started with you accusing people of being gleeful about people dying. You are correct that I am a big meany, but incorrect that it’s a legitimate reason to ignore facts.

Also, there is no “middle ground” or “compromise” as to facts and science (aka the truth) on one side, and nonsense on the other. This particular debate is commonly known as bothsides-ism. It is the argument that white supremacists make to justify and garner support for at least some of their racism. It is the argument religious folk make to support the notion that “faith” constitutes a legitimate reason to deny fact. The point is to at least keep the door open to a ridiculously stupid point of view. Like the “I’m just asking questions” ploy, the point of it is to try to paint the person armed with actual facts and science - like the fact that more than 120,000 people are dead and that number is tracking to be over 200,000 before the end of the year - as being unreasonable simply because they aren’t willing to compromise to a stupid unsupportable position on the other side. Well, the problem with this is that facts are facts. The world is not flat. Vaccines do not cause autism. You cannot be a tiki torch wielding white supremacist and still be a good person. And most important for our purposes, masks significantly limit Covid exposure, as does staying at home whenever possible, and both of those saves lives. Whether you think reopening the economy now is worth the significant number of people who will die because of it does not change the science that a lot of people will die.

For those of you who are in favor of just moving forward and opening up, just admit “yes, I’m ok with a lot more people dying.” I’d actually have some respect for that. But all this nonsense about how maybe sheltering in place actually kills more than it saves, or wearing masks is a greater health risk than not wearing them and/or doesn’t work, is just self-denial that what you want to happen will kill a lot of people.
I find it unfortunate how people are so torn on this issue. Copa, Mav, Espola, you guys are honestly a little much on this subject. The problem is, you guys are ok living in a world of fear. Staying home for the time really needed is not an option. We can't do years, which is what would be needed to get done what you would like to get done, to keep this under control. That is the reality, I know you know you can't dispute that. This is now part of our lives and that will be the case for years to come. The idea that the vaccine is going to fix everything is folly. On the flip side, there are quite a few people on here that are like our president, an ostrich in the sand. Nothing is ok and it isn't going to be alright. Our country is an absolute shit show and we have nobody to blame but ourselves. The reality is, we are not wired to deal with things like this because we are arguably the most idealistically diverse country on this planet. We can't compare ourselves to other places because they can get their people behind and idea much better that we can. There is not one single issue that our country could get behind, no matter what it is. Covid, protests, 100 degrees in Antartica, etc are great examples of that fact.

As for any of those people that think that what is going on with our country isn't affecting our youth, you are as bad as our President. I have a 19 and 21 year old home again due to Covid. We sit down and talk as much as we can but this has been devastating to them. Last night, we sat down and talked about a myriad of subjects. The biggest one is suicide. Both of them were surprisingly open about the conversations that they have had with friends in regard to current life. "We have what equates to it is going to be ok, don't do anything stupid talks every week or two amongst friends in our group." That is hard to hear your kids talk about but I appreciate their willingness to talk about it. What I think hurt me the most was the talk of kids. I honestly can't wait to have grandkids to spoil, watch play, etc. I miss that part of my life selfishly more than anything else. Both of my kids said that they are unsure that they want to bring kids into the world any more given what is going on and where we are going. That is frightening to hear kids this age say but they are so frustrated with the way people our age are screwing up this country that they are not sure they want the responsibility of raising kids in the direction we are going. Ouch. Are they wrong?

What makes this country great is also part of our demise. Our individual nature, which I live for, is also what is holding us back in times of crisis. I hope by some act of God we can turn this around but I am not as hopeful as I would like to be. Btw, I am an independent so no political backing here one way or the other. I have voted on both sides as well as the middle once, I prefer to choose who I believe in the most. This November will be the toughest decision ever, 330 million people and these two are the best we can come up with. I teach a PoliSci 102 course, we discuss at length what we should do to revamp the system. The buy in from these 18-20 year olds is outstanding. There is hope if us older folk can just get out of their way....
My 20,000 posts don’t have as many key strokes as this post.
Then stay home and cower "snowflake" :rolleyes:
It seems the people who are "dying" to get out can't handle a little discomfort and have very little patience, the typical "me" generation. They want it all "now". They can't handle physical distancing and face masks. I just laugh at some of the idiots who post on here. The typical weak American. I worry more about the lack of fortitude, discipline and resilience of a lot of adults in this country than I do about covid. Some of the best minds in the world are working on a vaccine and good therapeutics. Sanofi and GSK, and Sanofi and a smaller biotech firm have two really good vaccines going to trial in Sept. J & J also have a good vaccine in trials in Aug./Sept. It will happen. But hey, do what you want, as I am sure you are the type that usually does.
Agree, but you make predictions sound easier than they are.

Predicting the course of disease is wicked hard. NY made a horrible decision with nursing homes, in part driven by a bad prediction made by the best available people using the best available data.

Look everyone, I can agree with someone else on occasion!
Lovely. You accuse people of being gleeful that people are dying and then pretend you’re on the high road when others use your name calling tactic against you. Even better that you claim those who actually come to to the debate with facts and science are the ones without them, when you still haven’t provided a single fact or number. This is the “I’m just asking questions” ploy intended to hurt the credibility of the person who actually has the answers. You’re trying to paint them (me in this case) as being a big meany, in the hope that maybe people will forget that this particular debate started with you accusing people of being gleeful about people dying. You are correct that I am a big meany, but incorrect that it’s a legitimate reason to ignore facts.

Also, there is no “middle ground” or “compromise” as to facts and science (aka the truth) on one side, and nonsense on the other. This particular debate is commonly known as bothsides-ism. It is the argument that white supremacists make to justify and garner support for at least some of their racism. It is the argument religious folk make to support the notion that “faith” constitutes a legitimate reason to deny fact. The point is to at least keep the door open to a ridiculously stupid point of view. Like the “I’m just asking questions” ploy, the point of it is to try to paint the person armed with actual facts and science - like the fact that more than 120,000 people are dead and that number is tracking to be over 200,000 before the end of the year - as being unreasonable simply because they aren’t willing to compromise to a stupid unsupportable position on the other side. Well, the problem with this is that facts are facts. The world is not flat. Vaccines do not cause autism. You cannot be a tiki torch wielding white supremacist and still be a good person. And most important for our purposes, masks significantly limit Covid exposure, as does staying at home whenever possible, and both of those saves lives. Whether you think reopening the economy now is worth the significant number of people who will die because of it does not change the science that a lot of people will die.

For those of you who are in favor of just moving forward and opening up, just admit “yes, I’m ok with a lot more people dying.” I’d actually have some respect for that. But all this nonsense about how maybe sheltering in place actually kills more than it saves, or wearing masks is a greater health risk than not wearing them and/or doesn’t work, is just self-denial that what you want to happen will kill a lot of people.
I bet it were only white police dying it would be ok with you.
Are you ok with the rioters not wearing masks?
It seems the people who are "dying" to get out can't handle a little discomfort and have very little patience, the typical "me" generation. They want it all "now". They can't handle physical distancing and face masks. I just laugh at some of the idiots who post on here. The typical weak American. I worry more about the lack of fortitude, discipline and resilience of a lot of adults in this country than I do about covid. Some of the best minds in the world are working on a vaccine and good therapeutics. Sanofi and GSK, and Sanofi and a smaller biotech firm have two really good vaccines going to trial in Sept. J & J also have a good vaccine in trials in Aug./Sept. It will happen. But hey, do what you want, as I am sure you are the type that usually does.
Can we still live in Cali and move around without the vaccine? Very important question for my wifey. Thanks Dr Copa
olders are still higher risk than youngers. If I we a cluster caused by an outdoor game, I’ll be back to advocating under 10 only.

Kids only, either way. No need for a cluster of 45 year olds on the sideline talking to each other. That’s riskier than the game.
It's really about the adults who miss the socializing.