The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Reminds me of when W took over from Clinton. I hope Trump doesn’t spend us into a recession...republicans don’t seem to realize you have to pay for stuff.
Oh, when Newt and the Repub Congress gave Willy a surplus and then Bob Ruben convinced Willy to bail out the banks in the Tequilla Crisis sabotaging the surplus. Yes I remember.
Oh, when Newt and the Repub Congress gave Willy a surplus and then Bob Ruben convinced Willy to bail out the banks in the Tequilla Crisis sabotaging the surplus. Yes I remember.

Hey Iz, when you take that class that teaches you about real estate finance you should add an English class to your schedule. You no talk too good.
As we know, unemployment rate dropped far more under Obama than it has under Trump.

When I say “we,” I mean people who aren’t idiots and can add and subtract. So not all of us.
Yes. Quite the drop from 10.3%. Lol! And all during 6 straight years of....wait for it.......Quebec Echo!
As we know, unemployment rate dropped far more under Obama than it has under Trump.

When I say “we,” I mean people who aren’t idiots and can add and subtract. So not all of us.

That's a fuckin LIE !

Go back in your 3 million dollar " Lowes " box on Baltic Ave.....
Hey Iz, when you take that class that teaches you about real estate finance you should add an English class to your schedule. You no talk too good.
I canlt dumb it down for you anymore than I have for you people. Youʻre so short read on such things. Fries U!! What a deal!
Yes. Quite the drop from 10.3%. Lol! And all during 6 straight years of....wait for it.......Quebec Echo!

Once again, you agree!
W spent us into a recession and the unemployment rate dropped far more under Obama than it has under Bush.

Because your communication skills are so fuzzy, you should just say “agree” from now on.
Your lack of clarity in communication suggests you might be, oh, maybe a government bureaucrat or something...
That's a fuckin LIE !

Go back in your 3 million dollar " Lowes " box on Baltic Ave.....

It’s a fact, which an incredibly dumb loser would refer to as a “lie.” Sorry dummy. You lose again.

And your jealousy of my houses is turning you so green you can’t see straight...
Once again, you agree!
W spent us into a recession and the unemployment rate dropped far more under Obama than it has under Bush.

Because your communication skills are so fuzzy, you should just say “agree” from now on.
Your lack of clarity in communication suggests you might be, oh, maybe a government bureaucrat or something...
Once again I do agree that Unemployment spiked to over 10 percent under Obama. Then the tax payer bailed Obama out with 6 straight years of QE! Fries U! What a deal
“How many votes were colluded?” What language is that?

3 million plus here in California thru the Illegal Motor Voter registration Process
in 2015 - 2016....That's the ONLY reason Hillary Rotten Clinton got the Popular
vote. She thought she had it in the bag with those scumbag votes Jerry and his
Northern Mexican Cartel drummed up through the criminal vote scam that was
set up here in Good old Liberal California were the whole legislature is damn near
Democrat by criminal voting.....

When the feds wanted to audit California's votes, the AG buried them......along with
Hillary's server...Yes Xaviar Becerra had control of her server and made it disappear.
3 million plus here in California thru the Illegal Motor Voter registration Process
in 2015 - 2016....That's the ONLY reason Hillary Rotten Clinton got the Popular
vote. She thought she had it in the bag with those scumbag votes Jerry and his
Northern Mexican Cartel drummed up through the criminal vote scam that was
set up here in Good old Liberal California were the whole legislature is damn near
Democrat by criminal voting.....

When the feds wanted to audit California's votes, the AG buried them......along with
Hillary's server...Yes Xaviar Becerra had control of her server and made it disappear.
My God you’re a nutbag.
Fact: Russia interfered with the election.
Fact: Trump initiated
a commission to investigate voter fraud,
then dissolved it because there wasn’t sufficient evidence of anything to investigate.

Hey dummy, how’s your parents’ basement? Are you still concerned about that Dem pedophile ring in the pizza joint?