The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Young Robert, age 3, determined to fool people of his fake Mexican ancestry, in order to appeal to voters forty years in the future.05073A49-9B3C-4CD6-8064-4FBE7D992C48.jpeg
A new “ Poll “ shows Beto ( The fake Mexican ) is beating
Creepy Joe Biden and the rest of the 21 dwarfs.......

The Democrats are back to manipulating polling data again.
You would think they’d learn from the falsehoods America
witnessed in 2016 that “ shocked “ the HRC lemming...

How about just tell the TRUTH !
How simple......
For the divide, yes. This started long before t, he just took advantage of an opportunity, can't fault him for that. He knows how to identify and take advantage of suckers like you.
Just ask yourself if JFK would be a Democrat today.
Look at Sleepy Joe, he doesn't stand a chance against this leftist demcrat party and he was VP 3 years ago.
No way kemosahbee, this is on you.
What we learned today, it's ok to lie to Congress, if it's not a crime it's ok with our current AG, if a 2020 candidate calls on China to find t's tax returns it's now acceptable to the Republicans and Barr, the AG is t's private attorney, lying to Congress is ok, we no longer have three seperate branches of government, obstruction is ok and ignoring The Constitution is ok if you are president.

Who lied.....?
It appears the media and you have that problem
in common, not the current AG...
The AG didn’t lie. The media lied about his testimony.
No crime was committed by the POTUS. Mueller report exposed that.
The AG is not the “ personal “ attorney for the POTUS. Now the previous admin’s
AG did exactly what you are implying the current of.

Is it ok for the House Speaker to go on National broadcasts and call the
AG a liar when she herself LIED about the facts she used to slander
William Barr.......hmmmmm ?
For the divide, yes. This started long before t, he just took advantage of an opportunity, can't fault him for that. He knows how to identify and take advantage of suckers like you.

No this started in the 1800’s when Democrats viewed humans as monetary collateral
and started a Civil War to keep their practices in place....
When they lost the War, they created their own Terrorist group ( KKK ) to instill fear in
the newly freed humans.....
From there on out, up to today the Democrats have used identity politics and every
suppressive tool in their bag of evil to keep a whole group of humans on the Government can lie all you want, but I state the TRUTH that you are afraid to FACE !
This economy reminds me of W. Take over a rising economy, cut taxes, spend yourself into oblivion and get upside down within a couple of years.
Just ask yourself if JFK would be a Democrat today.
Look at Sleepy Joe, he doesn't stand a chance against this leftist demcrat party and he was VP 3 years ago.
No way kemosahbee, this is on you.
You take this all way to personally. I am not them and you aren't those people. We are fans on the sidelines, we aren't the players. You act like you, I, we have some kind of influence (besides 1 vote) in all this, chill dude.