The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

This economy reminds me of W. Take over a rising economy, cut taxes, spend yourself into oblivion and get upside down within a couple of years.
Ahh yes the years of the democrat congress and Chris Dodd and Barney Frankʻs “Affordable Housing Goals”. Increase the money supply so that money is cheap, without increasing housing materials. Classic interventionist democrat policies designed to increase fragility in markets. The democrats broke it than tried to fix it through more of the same monetar policy that caused the crisis in the first place.
Ahh yes the years of the democrat congress and Chris Dodd and Barney Frankʻs “Affordable Housing Goals”. Increase the money supply so that money is cheap, without increasing housing materials. Classic interventionist democrat policies designed to increase fragility in markets. The democrats broke it than tried to fix it through more of the same monetar policy that caused the crisis in the first place.
As usual, you babble incomprehensibly to impress the yokels like Ricky, but nevertheless I think you’re agreeing with me.
Best defense is a good offense, I guess. Barr never had a legacy to blow, but Graham has blown his for posterity. And I’m not making jokes about what else he might blow, that would be inappropriate.
How many votes were colluded? Lol!! You people crack me up?