The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

I wonder if John Bolton has figured out yet that his footnote in history is going to be --

*His career showed early promise but he ended up as a sycophant to the worst President in US history.
Where's my huli huli boi?

How long till Iz pops up with some lame sock puppet and can't wait 3 posts till he quotes some Hayek catch phrase he read on a cereal box?

How about Racist Sterno Joe, he take my bet yet?

3.8 Million Drop Off Food Stamps Under Trump

Carolyn Kaster/AP Photo
3 Mar 2019458

More than 3.8 million people dropped off food stamps since President Donald Trump’s first full month in office, according to the most recent data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

The latest USDA data revealed that food stamp participation dropped to 38,577,141 in November 2018, down by 3,899,257 since Trump took office in February 2017, when 42,134,301 Americans received food stamps through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

Food stamp enrollment also dropped to its lowest level in a decade. The last time overall food stamp participation was this low was in November 2009, when 38,184,306 people were on the government dole, according to USDA data.
3.8 Million Drop Off Food Stamps Under Trump

Carolyn Kaster/AP Photo
3 Mar 2019458

More than 3.8 million people dropped off food stamps since President Donald Trump’s first full month in office, according to the most recent data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

The latest USDA data revealed that food stamp participation dropped to 38,577,141 in November 2018, down by 3,899,257 since Trump took office in February 2017, when 42,134,301 Americans received food stamps through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

Food stamp enrollment also dropped to its lowest level in a decade. The last time overall food stamp participation was this low was in November 2009, when 38,184,306 people were on the government dole, according to USDA data.

So $2 Trillion in added debt so we can save a few bucks on food stamps. Talk about fuzzy math...
Head's up - if anyone is involved with Pat's DA, a kid with the same name as one of their '03s and some friends from the OC did a pretty crappy little racism that is now blasting around social media. I have no idea if it's the same kid, but I think it is going to be a tough week for them either way. If anyone knows folks on the team or any of the group involved in the red cup swastika beer party, you might want to give them a head's up that Insta pix and screen grabs of them with swastikas and their antisemetic crap are getting pinged around the internet by big accounts right now.
Head's up - if anyone is involved with Pat's DA, a kid with the same name as one of their '03s and some friends from the OC did a pretty crappy little racism that is now blasting around social media. I have no idea if it's the same kid, but I think it is going to be a tough week for them either way. If anyone knows folks on the team or any of the group involved in the red cup swastika beer party, you might want to give them a head's up that Insta pix and screen grabs of them with swastikas and their antisemetic crap are getting pinged around the internet by big accounts right now.

Great kids! Who are the parents?
Head's up - if anyone is involved with Pat's DA, a kid with the same name as one of their '03s and some friends from the OC did a pretty crappy little racism that is now blasting around social media. I have no idea if it's the same kid, but I think it is going to be a tough week for them either way. If anyone knows folks on the team or any of the group involved in the red cup swastika beer party, you might want to give them a head's up that Insta pix and screen grabs of them with swastikas and their antisemetic crap are getting pinged around the internet by big accounts right now.
Sounds like a they are on their way to becoming a Democrat congresswoman.
download (46).jpeg
Where's my huli huli boi?

I'm so lonely, and I have some questions about whether the bank has my lunch on their balance sheet that I bought with a credit card yesterday. Does my Irvine Parisian Bakery Baguette Sandwich now count as a bank asset?

I have so many questions only my huli huli boi can answer, but I'm afraid he got swept to sea in a north shore ripper. Sad...

Hey Racist Sterno Joe, you take huli huli boi's bet action yet?

How come the pompadour of love is the only cuck with any nuggets around here?
Where's my huli huli boi?

How long till Iz pops up with some lame sock puppet and can't wait 3 posts till he quotes some Hayek catch phrase he read on a cereal box?

How about Racist Sterno Joe, he take my bet yet?

Oh you’re so smug with all your so in so is going to jail CRAP. I’ll tell you someone who is NOT going to jail.


Canada Will Proceed with Meng Wanzhou Extradition


© CTV/AFP/File
1 Mar 2019190


Canada said Friday that it will allow the U.S. extradition case against Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou to proceed.
“The British Columbia Supreme Court has scheduled an appearance date for March 6, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. (PST) to confirm that an Authority to Proceed has been issued and to schedule the date for the extradition hearing,” the Canadian Department of Justice said.

Meng is the chief financial officer of Huawei and the daughter of its founder, Ren Zhegnfei. She was arrested in Vancouver in December at the request of U.S. prosecutors who say that Meng defrauded several banks to hide payments from Iran in violation of international sanctions against that country.

Huawei has denied that Meng committed any illegal