The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Good grief... I'll never get back the 30 seconds of my life I wasted reading the first paragraph of this dumb post. Honestly, I feel kind of bad for you Joe... what kind of human spends all day reading wacko right wing fluffer pieces and re-posting them on a youth soccer website? Talk about a creepy and weird.
Don't waste that on me, Kevin Spacey needs all of your energy right now.
Don't waste that on me, Kevin Spacey needs all of your energy right now.

Joe... maybe I should go bump up some of your old posts on Roy Moore, but I bet you can't find a single one of me defending Kevin Spacey. Kinda funny there is actual proof of you doing that exact thing your making-up attacks on others about. Seems to be a thing with you.
Joe... maybe I should go bump up some of your old posts on Roy Moore, but I bet you can't find a single one of me defending Kevin Spacey. Kinda funny there is actual proof of you doing that exact thing your making-up attacks on others about. Seems to be a thing with you.
Aren't you the one that said Spacey should be left alone because he employs a lot of people or something along those lines?
What did Roy Moore do and why isn't he been charged, prosecuted, arrested and jailed?
I don't remember me defending him other to say we need some proof. I could be wrong and if so show me.
Aren't you the one that said Spacey should be left alone because he employs a lot of people or something along those lines?
What did Roy Moore do and why isn't he been charged, prosecuted, arrested and jailed?
I don't remember me defending him other to say we need some proof. I could be wrong and if so show me.

No, I'm the one who said his team dropped him, he was digitally removed from his last movie and his career was over... and there wasn't any more punishment Hollywood or the entertainment industry could do to him. I'm sure the posts are still there if anyone wants to go look.

Roy Moore wasn't charged because as he pointed out, the statute of limitations had passed and it was no longer possible to charge him. Guess voters in his district didn't quite see it that way as he ended up losing one of the deepest red districts in the country.

If you don't remember defending him, that's on you.
No, I'm the one who said his team dropped him, he was digitally removed from his last movie and his career was over... and there wasn't any more punishment Hollywood or the entertainment industry could do to him. I'm sure the posts are still there if anyone wants to go look.

Roy Moore wasn't charged because as he pointed out, the statute of limitations had passed and it was no longer possible to charge him. Guess voters in his district didn't quite see it that way as he ended up losing one of the deepest red districts in the country.

If you don't remember defending him, that's on you.
I guess I am just a victim of the boy who cried wolf syndrome, feels pretty good to be the victim.
You should know by now I don't like criminals, lock all the guilty people up.
Especially before Trump was in office.
El Presidente got some Americans back from that hell hole, but during the last administration they came back like poor Otto, or they didnt come back at all.
It is just like Carter and the hostages, they were let go before Regan got the chance. The killed Otto because Obama is a weak pussy that did nothing.
I guess I am just a victim of the boy who cried wolf syndrome, feels pretty good to be the victim.
You should know by now I don't like criminals, lock all the guilty people up.
So Sheriff Joe, as a model of consistency, you’ll agree with me that Sheriff Joe Arpaio should be locked up, right?
Joe... maybe I should go bump up some of your old posts on Roy Moore, but I bet you can't find a single one of me defending Kevin Spacey. Kinda funny there is actual proof of you doing that exact thing your making-up attacks on others about. Seems to be a thing with you.

Hey " Tiny " T....did they ever prove any of those unsubstantiated accusations/smears....

If Roy Moore tries a 2020 bid he will have some formidable challenges..... !
I guess I am just a victim of the boy who cried wolf syndrome, feels pretty good to be the victim.
You should know by now I don't like criminals, lock all the guilty people up.
The whole t swallower thing is to play the victim, who do you think you are fooling, yourself?
t got elected telling you you were "the forgotten" the victims of a "rigged system" then once elected did the exact opposite by rigging the system even further making policy by the rich, for the rich and to the advantage of the rich . . . yet you persist to support these things that go directly against your own best interests.
Especially before Trump was in office.
El Presidente got some Americans back from that hell hole, but during the last administration they came back like poor Otto, or they didnt come back at all.

This, of course, is just another load of unmitigated horse shit by lying enablers. Untrue and stupidly repeated. Here's some facts.
Screen Shot 2019-03-02 at 5.05.01 PM.png .

Then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper went to retrieve Kenneth Bae along with Matthew Todd Miller, both of whom were accused of "hostile acts." They were released in November of 2014 after spending months in a hard labor camp.

The journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee were freed after former PresidentBill Clinton traveled to Pyongyang in August of 2009 to ask for their release and to collect them.

Other releases have had unhappy endings. The American student Otto Warmbier was released by North Korea in 2017 when he was in a coma. He died shortly after returning home.

But we all know liars gonna lie.
Where's my huli huli boi at?

Anyone take that bet yet?

The cucks that cluck still around?

Goodnight Paulie Dieinjail,
All the t swallowers buffoons all lay low when it comes to being held accountable, they aren't "Stand Tall" kinda people. They are the shrink and hide types.
Where's my huli huli boi at?

Anyone take that bet yet?

The cucks that cluck still around?

Goodnight Paulie Dieinjail,


How's yur eyesight.....heard yous was high
on Dehorn an the starwell incident was tramatizin....
All the t swallowers buffoons all lay low when it comes to being held accountable, they aren't "Stand Tall" kinda people. They are the shrink and hide types.

Who's hiding.....

From the looks of and yours are in a World of Hurt.
Looks like ole Jeffery Epstein is gunna pop like a Zit and spill
the beans on a whole shit load of Democrats AND Republicans.....

Let's see who shrinks and hides when the TRUTH comes out about
what went on at this Island .....Dip stick.
