The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Who's hiding.....

From the looks of and yours are in a World of Hurt.
Looks like ole Jeffery Epstein is gunna pop like a Zit and spill
the beans on a whole shit load of Democrats AND Republicans.....

Let's see who shrinks and hides when the TRUTH comes out about
what went on at this Island .....Dip stick.

Who 's side are you on?
This, of course, is just another load of unmitigated horse shit by lying enablers. Untrue and stupidly repeated. Here's some facts.
View attachment 4106 .

Then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper went to retrieve Kenneth Bae along with Matthew Todd Miller, both of whom were accused of "hostile acts." They were released in November of 2014 after spending months in a hard labor camp.

The journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee were freed after former PresidentBill Clinton traveled to Pyongyang in August of 2009 to ask for their release and to collect them.

Other releases have had unhappy endings. The American student Otto Warmbier was released by North Korea in 2017 when he was in a coma. He died shortly after returning home.

But we all know liars gonna lie.
Why didn't Obama handle it?

The left has proven themselves to be the antithesis of truth, individuality and love, Dennis Prager said at CPAC 2019.

Prager, host of The Dennis Prager Show and founder of Prager U, spoke Saturday at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center in Maryland. He shared with the CPAC crowd 21 things that the left has completely damaged. These include universities, the media, arts, sports, the nuclear family, the Boy Scouts of America, religion and human happiness.

What makes the leftist agenda so dangerous, according to Prager, is that even people who are well-mannered and have good intentions can fall for its ideology, allowing it to spread in America’s culture.

“Your opponent is irrelevant,” Prager told political candidates in the past. “You are running against someone on the left. The left is destructive.”

Prager finds it baffling how people who believe in statements made by the left will engage in acts that are hypocritical. He pointed to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-NY) rhetoric that the world will end in 12 years and her belief that massive floods will emerge as a result of climate change. He wonders why people who believe in her words don’t end up selling their homes by the waterfront.

“Do they believe what they say?” he asked.

Prager also commented on racial relations in the United States, blaming the left for creating hostility between black and white people and making up issues that don’t exist.

“There are probably more hoaxes than there are genuine beatings of black people by whites,” he said.

During the end of his speech, he created an example of a married man who says, “I love my wife, but I want to see her fundamentally transformed.” Prager asked rhetorically if someone can truly love their wife and say such a thing. In comparison, can someone on the left really say they love America but want to change everything about it?

Prager ended his talk by advertising the upcoming documentary No Safe Spaces. This film details the totalitarian nature of modern college campuses, and how they hinder freedom of speech.

The left has proven themselves to be the antithesis of truth, individuality and love, Dennis Prager said at CPAC 2019.

Prager, host of The Dennis Prager Show and founder of Prager U, spoke Saturday at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center in Maryland. He shared with the CPAC crowd 21 things that the left has completely damaged. These include universities, the media, arts, sports, the nuclear family, the Boy Scouts of America, religion and human happiness.

What makes the leftist agenda so dangerous, according to Prager, is that even people who are well-mannered and have good intentions can fall for its ideology, allowing it to spread in America’s culture.

“Your opponent is irrelevant,” Prager told political candidates in the past. “You are running against someone on the left. The left is destructive.”

Prager finds it baffling how people who believe in statements made by the left will engage in acts that are hypocritical. He pointed to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-NY) rhetoric that the world will end in 12 years and her belief that massive floods will emerge as a result of climate change. He wonders why people who believe in her words don’t end up selling their homes by the waterfront.

“Do they believe what they say?” he asked.

Prager also commented on racial relations in the United States, blaming the left for creating hostility between black and white people and making up issues that don’t exist.

“There are probably more hoaxes than there are genuine beatings of black people by whites,” he said.

During the end of his speech, he created an example of a married man who says, “I love my wife, but I want to see her fundamentally transformed.” Prager asked rhetorically if someone can truly love their wife and say such a thing. In comparison, can someone on the left really say they love America but want to change everything about it?

Prager ended his talk by advertising the upcoming documentary No Safe Spaces. This film details the totalitarian nature of modern college campuses, and how they hinder freedom of speech.
. . . and you believe him, hilarious! Opposite world realized.
An honest person might ask, since Don the Con claims Kim knew nothing about the murder of Otto Wambier, when the murderous dictator learned about it, who did he punish and how? What steps were taking against the "unknown" guards who killed the American by the authoritarian killer that Don the Con "loves."

That is what an honest person who gave the slightest of actual concern about Wambier or his family might ask.