The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Funny cause my mom was asking how that idiot Iz did an ROA on his own assets, including his house, gold in his safe deposit box, art on his yacht and his coin collection and I told her not to be silly, Iz doesn't own that stuff, he can't even afford his health insurance payments...

Oh wait, we forgot health insurance is "illegal" and "doesn't exist." Kek.

Now, why don't you do an ROA on your "assets" for us - but if you were ever lucky enough to buy a house would you ledger it under your assets or under the banks?

Enquiring minds want to know... kek.
I’m from LA so I meet phonies like Iz every week. Takes a well-honed antenna and just a couple of questions to find out they are blowhards and phonies who have nothing. But they have just enough of a rap that, if you don’t scratch too deeply, gets over on people. This guy basically is in a cubicle but talks about fancy stuff...doesn’t take long to know he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. It’s all cut n paste from weird shit he reads.
And now, the President of Fries U OAC.

FEBRUARY 4, 2019
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s wet dream
By Taylor Day
In the land of make-believe where Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez lives, she believes that enacting a 70% tax rate on America’s wealthiest would help offset the phenomenal cost of her Green New Deal which she claims will turn the country into an oasis with no more carbon emissions. In reality, the congressional freshman has no idea how the simplest mathematics work.

There are 540 billionaires that live in America. The combined wealth among them amounts to $2.4 trillion. Even if she were able to fulfill her fantasy and assemble a Stasi-force that could seize all of their assets and leave the bourgeois Americans destitute, she wouldn’t have enough money to run the government for eight months.

America doesn’t have a problem with the wealthy “not paying their fair share” as proponents of her wild tax proposal claim. The top 10% of U.S. taxpayers pay over 70% of all federal taxes. And those at the very top, the “1%” account for the largest share of individual paid taxes, more than the bottom 90% combined. They are already paying their fair share… and then some.

Maybe supporters of the Green New Deal could recognize that the U.S. has a spending problem. Sandy O’s proposal is to spend more than $700bn a year on lowering carbon emissions and renewable energy sources. She’s hoping to offset this by taxing billionaires to death and cutting the defense spending in half. Basically, she is willing to compromise the safety and security of every citizen to see her utopian desires made real.

She’s not just risking American lives, either. Cutting defense spending also cuts America’s reach around the world. For example, when the U.S. issues sanctions on other countries, they are punishments for gross behaviors by a sovereign nation, like humanitarian violations or beginning wars without provocation.

They are only effective because the U.S. has the world’s greatest military capable of enforcing them. Halving our military defense budget would mean that these other countries would be more likely to consider risking the repercussions of ignoring American sanctions because for the first time, they might be able to match U.S. military spending.

This balancing of world powers would have devastating effects at home and with American allies. A huge chunk of DoD spending goes toward new technology development which keeps the United States always ahead of threats from enemies and the enemies of our global partners. If they don’t feel secure, they may seek different defense alliances, further weakening America both militarily and economically.
This is all crazy talk, you know that, right? Take a look back at when the US had 70% tax rates and who was taxed “to death.” And you know that income has very little to do with the wealth of a billionaire, so paying that tax is relatively negligible.

We’ve always had a “spending problem.” Republicans make it worse, Democrats make it better. Republicans spend the same amount and never want to pay for it. It’s usually war-related. And yes, the entitlement state has grown.
Republicans spout this BS like the quest for climate-saving renewable energy spending is going to bankrupt us and make us weak, which is a hysterical lie.
And any idiot who says “Venezuela” when talking about the good ol’ USA is a hysterical liar.

I’m from LA so I meet phonies like Iz every week. Takes a well-honed antenna and just a couple of questions to find out they are blowhards and phonies who have nothing. But they have just enough of a rap that, if you don’t scratch too deeply, gets over on people. This guy basically is in a cubicle but talks about fancy stuff...doesn’t take long to know he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. It’s all cut n paste from weird shit he reads.
Was your well-honed antenna broken in the lead up to 11-2016?
This is all crazy talk, you know that, right? Take a look back at when the US had 70% tax rates and who was taxed “to death.” And you know that income has very little to do with the wealth of a billionaire, so paying that tax is relatively negligible.

We’ve always had a “spending problem.” Republicans make it worse, Democrats make it better. Republicans spend the same amount and never want to pay for it. It’s usually war-related. And yes, the entitlement state has grown.
Republicans spout this BS like the quest for climate-saving renewable energy spending is going to bankrupt us and make us weak, which is a hysterical lie.
And any idiot who says “Venezuela” when talking about the good ol’ USA is a hysterical liar.
You only need to listen to your potential leaders.
Was your well-honed antenna broken in the lead up to 11-2016?
Nope, but it was obvious that I, like the great majority of all of us her in So Cal and the majority of voters in the country, were stuck with HRC and it didn’t take antenna to tell us about Trump.
Trump is not a phony who pretends he’s something he’s not. He’s just a total asshole straight up.
One thing I finally figured out is how little he really cares about experience or advisers in the system. He goes straight to his fans with twitter and from Ann coulter and mark levin and rush Limbaugh and Fox, etc., so he’s avoiding the DC “trap” that way and it’s very effective for him.

YouTube Looking to Remove the Dislike Button After Social Justice Ads Get Disliked Into Oblivion
Brandon Morse
I don’t understand the headline. Isn’t social justice pro-America? Declaration of Independence is a social justice document. So is the Constitution.

Yes, but mostly for white male Protestant property owners, with compromises designed to include slave owners.
Funny cause my mom was asking how that idiot Iz did an ROA on his own assets, including his house, gold in his safe deposit box, art on his yacht and his coin collection and I told her not to be silly, Iz doesn't own that stuff, he can't even afford his health insurance payments...

Oh wait, we forgot health insurance is "illegal" and "doesn't exist." Kek.

Now, why don't you do an ROA on your "assets" for us - but if you were ever lucky enough to buy a house would you ledger it under your assets or under the banks?

Enquiring minds want to know... kek.
I would let the bank do their own books.

ROA: 13%

Net Income = 28k
Total average assets: 210k (not including home. It's a liability on my balance sheet and an expense on the income statement)

Does Fries U teach insurance? Or do you need to call your financial professional?

Tell your mom that I work for your uncle, who is obviously the smarter of the two, and I share the cost of health care with him as a part of my compensation package for our Caterpillar leasing business.

We are thinking about supporting Howard Schultz in 2020 so the Democrats will have someone other than the Russians to blame for their incompetent leadership.

I’m from LA so I meet phonies like Iz every week. Takes a well-honed antenna and just a couple of questions to find out they are blowhards and phonies who have nothing. But they have just enough of a rap that, if you don’t scratch too deeply, gets over on people. This guy basically is in a cubicle but talks about fancy stuff...doesn’t take long to know he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. It’s all cut n paste from weird shit he reads.
Reminds me of your explanation of collateralized debt. Some of my weirdest readings. I Love to cut and paste your cluelessness. The diff between my "fancy talk" and your fancy talk is I actually know what I'm talking about. You have yet to speak or understand basic financial stats. That's why you're too chicken to bet without consulting a financial professional. Those professionals love people like you. Cluck, cluck