The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

"What if ISIS resurges?" interviewer
"We will go back, we have really good cargo planes, we'll go back" t, showing his total lack of understanding military deployment and tactical staging.
I am sure you know more than President Trump about the welfare of the nation.
. . . and meanwhile back at the southern border refugee interment camps (read: cages) it seems the federal government (read: t admin) has admitted that the separation they caused between parents and children desperately seeking a better life may remain a permanent situation. But then again t has mentioned Andrew "Trail of Tears" Jackson as a great president. Now t has his "Trail of Tears" moment.
You seem to have continued comprehension issues, amongst others. t is an idiot and everyone, except other idiots, knows that.
Hey, I am sorry, it won't happen again, but when I look down at you and those baby blues I just lose all control, sorry, I promise to show more self control the next time.
. . . and meanwhile back at the southern border refugee interment camps (read: cages) it seems the federal government (read: t admin) has admitted that the separation they caused between parents and children desperately seeking a better life may remain a permanent situation. But then again t has mentioned Andrew "Trail of Tears" Jackson as a great president. Now t has his "Trail of Tears" moment.
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
More likely than not just more fake news though.
Speaking of idiots....
Of all the people to cast aspersions regarding "continued comprehension issues".....

Funny how you, yourself cast aspersions with no proof . . . I quote the proof right off the page as easy as it gets, why can't you? . . . oh yeah, cuz you just make stuff up that isn't true so you can't prove it. It must be horrible being you, just a miserable, grumpy wretch.
Trump’s ‘Great Memory’ Fails As He Repeatedly Forgets Names In New Supercut

Funny video of a man with no self-dignity. Words come out of his mouth, he makes a fool of himself and he doesn't care - he's a real fool's fool.
Nothing so called “funny” about that so called fake news video.

As a native son of Pleasure, Ca, I resent your insinuation our glorious President has a faulty memory. It’s you people with faulty memory.
Any haphazardly typed search for “creepy executive branch photo” will give you any number of shots of creepy joe in compromising positions. I don’t even have to check my result before posting.C5747E08-FB3A-4872-B00E-39788545A0BF.jpeg
It's not him I'm worried about.

Apparently compassion and genuine warmth confound you . . . you certainly will never see it from t or any of his family that's for sure. You can't buy and sell empathy so you , and t, have no use for it.

Sorry about his losses and choices of running mates....but..

Biden is one Creepy MF'r..

You are one cornfused old man Rodent .....that Crusty old man would NEVER get near any offspring
for any reason PERIOD....End of discussion.

QUOTE="Hüsker Dü, post: 245951, member: 1707"

. . . and meanwhile back at the southern border refugee interment camps (read: OBAMA cages)
Those " Cages " were instituted under your Golden Child's administration...

it seems the federal government (read: t admin) has admitted that the separation
they caused between parents and children desperately seeking a better life may
remain a permanent situation.
Are you describing the Child sex trafficking going on at the Southern Border....
Why yes you are and you did not even realize it because YOUR POLITICAL PARTY
is complicit with what is going on at the California Southern Border...

But then again t has mentioned Andrew "Trail of Tears" Jackson as a great president.
Now t has his "Trail of Tears" moment.
See ....this is what happens when you don't finish your schooling and let others
do the " Thinking and Reasoning " for you....
Rodent ...go back and read your History, then try another analogy.

Hint: Start with Socialism as a Premise, then connect it the Latin Americas....


Poor poor Rodent.....that nose of yours must hurt awfully bad.
Identity Politics and Class Warfare Define Julian Castro 2020 Campaign…

…Mother Co-Founded La Raza, Active in Chicano separatist movements

Perhaps it was fitting that in the moments that Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam first came under fire late last week for a yearbook photograph portraying two men in racially insensitive manners–one in blackface, the other donning Ku Klux Klan robes–former Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Julian Castro was the first 2020 Democrat hopeful to call on Northam to resign.


Resist we mutch!

Al Sharpton Accuses 'So Called' Super Bowl Fans of Racism

Al Sharpton Led His First Anti-Semitic Race-Riot In Crown ...
Al Sharpton Led His First Anti-Semitic Race-Riot In Crown Heights, Twenty-Three Years Ago Today. ... 8.19.2014 . News. Jeff Dunetz . Al Sharpton wasn't always an unrepentant MSNBC star, advisor to president Obama, and first-in-line to agitate a racial situation anywhere in the country. ... Sharpton was out of town on the first night of the riot ...

Posted: Feb 04, 2019 11:00 AM
an accusatory address to the NFL and its fans on MSNBC's "Gotcha" segment.

Sharpton used this time to call out football fans for being racist because they didn't approve of black players kneeling for the National Anthem. The protest, instigated by former 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick in 2016, was a demonstration against police violence against black Americans.

"If you're insistent that freedom of speech is inviolent [?] and then deride black athletes of sitting out of patriotism's ritual harkening back to, oh, 2009, then you are exactly what Kaepernick was protesting," the reverend said, looking straight into the camera.

Sharpton then went on to call out the NFL itself for getting minority entertainers for the halftime show to "reassure the so-called fans after Jay-Z, Rihanna, Cardi B and others reportedly said no." The "others" Sharpton referred to apparently included P!nk, whose name was included with the other aforementioned performers on a screen behind Sharpton. The choice of halftime entertainment has been a sticking point for Sharpton, who had previously chided rapper Travis Scott for accepting to perform with Maroon 5.

Northam's Former College Roommate Reveals Governor's Halloween Costume, But Misses One Thing
Matt Vespa
Sharpton concluded his lecture with a strange attempt to relate to the audience he had just thrashed. "So, enjoy tonight's action," he said. "Get the chips and the salsa ready along with that excuse for your boss in the morning. But remember, if America is ever going to tackle injustice, it cannot continue to punt just because it's convenient