The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

In the words of the immoral Racist Joe, Iz you is...

Frienanciers get emotional when they have to call a professional to make their point and can’t point to a single real world example of a “successful” company that doesn’t produce a ROA.
Only a Frienancier would say It doesn’t matter how much I “can”sell them for. That kinda blows up the whole equity thing in your house and the value that you pass on to heirs. They’re assets and your “current” income needs are not the current need$ of the masses. Hence the fluctuating markets. Fries U!! What a deal.
"Cluck cluck," said the chicken. "Just don't make me bet on anything I say. I'm chicken!"
Cluck, Cluck said the Frienanciers. “We only bet with dumb guys who don’t know what they’re talking about....or does he? Maybe we should call a financial professional? Kek!! Fries U! What a deal?
Frienanciers get emotional when they have to call a professional to make their point and can’t point to a single real world example of a “successful” company that doesn’t produce a ROA.

Maybe by "cash flow" you meant "champagne flow..." Hmmm, oh I remember, these guys are "renting out" their art at 100k a pop. Some economics Jeanious tole me, otherwise this art and the boat couldn't be assets - remember!

You are persistently dumb, I'll give that.
Maybe by "cash flow" you meant "champagne flow..." Hmmm, oh I remember, these guys are "renting out" their art at 100k a pop. Some economics Jeanious tole me, otherwise this art and the boat couldn't be assets - remember!

You are persistently dumb, I'll give that.
“Cluck cluck,” said Iz the chicken. “I think rich people must rent out their valuable assets. But I wouldn’t bet on it! I’m chicken!”