The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

I don’t understand the headline. Isn’t social justice pro-America? Declaration of Independence is a social justice document. So is the Constitution.
That is exactly why Trump beat Hillary's ass in 2016.
You people just don't get it.
Trump 2020.
Reminds me of your explanation of collateralized debt. Some of my weirdest readings. I Love to cut and paste your cluelessness. The diff between my "fancy talk" and your fancy talk is I actually know what I'm talking about. You have yet to speak or understand basic financial stats. That's why you're too chicken to bet without consulting a financial professional. Those professionals love people like you. Cluck, cluck
You know less than nothing, you’re clearly a broke-ass phony. Whenever we seek independent verification of your nonsense, you chicken out. Nobody wonders are in a fantasy land of your own creation, dreaming of high finance and secondary mortgage markets. We have shown you up by your fear of betting on every occasion. Whether it’s the question of if I’m “simulating” or the question of what is an asset, you chicken out. Phony.

You are used to speaking to idiots who think a simple conversation about a lien on a house or a UCC secured interest on a loan makes it some fancy “collateralized debt,” which is just a fancy way of referring to a secured loan. It’s how people by cars, phony, and if they don’t make the payment on the asset, it gets repossessed. You act like that is some great discovery of yours.

You’re a chicken shit and a phony and you’ve been exposed.
You know less than nothing, you’re clearly a broke-ass phony. Whenever we seek independent verification of your nonsense, you chicken out. Nobody wonders are in a fantasy land of your own creation, dreaming of high finance and secondary mortgage markets. We have shown you up by your fear of betting on every occasion. Whether it’s the question of if I’m “simulating” or the question of what is an asset, you chicken out. Phony.

You are used to speaking to idiots who think a simple conversation about a lien on a house or a UCC secured interest on a loan makes it some fancy “collateralized debt,” which is just a fancy way of referring to a secured loan. It’s how people by cars, phony, and if they don’t make the payment on the asset, it gets repossessed. You act like that is some great discovery of yours.

You’re a chicken shit and a phony and you’ve been exposed.
I knew it.
That is exactly why Trump beat Hillary's ass in 2016.
You people just don't get it.
Trump 2020.
Maybe my 2 favorite things that show just how out of touch this administration is with real people are: 1. the Vice President won't be alone in a room with a woman, and 2. The Sec. of Agriculture, self-proclaimed billionaire Wilbur Ross, told the Federal employees who weren't getting paid to "get a loan."
You know less than nothing, you’re clearly a broke-ass phony. Whenever we seek independent verification of your nonsense, you chicken out. Nobody wonders are in a fantasy land of your own creation, dreaming of high finance and secondary mortgage markets. We have shown you up by your fear of betting on every occasion. Whether it’s the question of if I’m “simulating” or the question of what is an asset, you chicken out. Phony.

You are used to speaking to idiots who think a simple conversation about a lien on a house or a UCC secured interest on a loan makes it some fancy “collateralized debt,” which is just a fancy way of referring to a secured loan. It’s how people by cars, phony, and if they don’t make the payment on the asset, it gets repossessed. You act like that is some great discovery of yours.

You’re a chicken shit and a phony and you’ve been exposed.

A. You're upset that the Rams lost and there is a MAGA hat in New England's Locker.
B. You're upset that YOU have been exposed as the New/Old idiot of the Forum.
C. You're anger and hatred will subside after you start your new Semester.
D. Don't forget to spend some time researching Scientific facts regarding the false premise
surrounding your adopted Religion " Climate Change/Global Warming.....

Ta ta............
He’ll be fine.
It's not him I'm worried about.

Apparently compassion and genuine warmth confound you . . . you certainly will never see it from t or any of his family that's for sure. You can't buy and sell empathy so you , and t, have no use for it.
I know, right? There’s nothing wrong with anything in those photos.
"What if ISIS resurges?" interviewer
"We will go back, we have really good cargo planes, we'll go back" t, showing his total lack of understanding military deployment and tactical staging.