The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Ok. You said: We are on for this bet:

I will bet you 100 cases of Sculpin or your favorite Trappist brew that if we email any major American business accounting firm and ask if assets must produce "cash flow" to be considered an asset they will firmly and unequivocally say "no." We on? Or are you the coward?

Awesome. I'll email a few accountants first thing Monday. I'm working up a major league thirst! Mmmmmmm..... (and yeah, the flavored Sculpin sucks. It's like a wine spritzer. But the IPA is a nice local summer brew. I like Telegraph Road better, but you can't get 100 cases easily. I'm fine to take a nice Belgian as well. I'm pretty much Homer Simpson on this one: Mmmm. Beer! As long as it's not mass-produced gold water.)
Funny, I didn’t hear Iz confirm that he’s accepting the bet, limited to whether or not accountants will firmly and unequivocally answer “no” to the question of whether something has to be income-producing to be considered an “asset.” Of course they will. Of course he’s afraid to bet.
He has neither conviction, nor resources! But he does have an active fantasy life where he spouts big words and concepts he doesn’t understand.
Ok. You said: We are on for this bet:

I will bet you 100 cases of Sculpin or your favorite Trappist brew that if we email any major American business accounting firm and ask if assets must produce "cash flow" to be considered an asset they will firmly and unequivocally say "no." We on? Or are you the coward?

Awesome. I'll email a few accountants first thing Monday. I'm working up a major league thirst! Mmmmmmm..... (and yeah, the flavored Sculpin sucks. It's like a wine spritzer. But the IPA is a nice local summer brew. I like Telegraph Road better, but you can't get 100 cases easily. I'm fine to take a nice Belgian as well. I'm pretty much Homer Simpson on this one: Mmmm. Beer! As long as it's not mass-produced gold water.)

Here is what you said:

You just read that in the Daddy book? It's now really clear you simply don't understand what you're talking about.

Which is not surprising.

"Cash flow" is "not" the function of all assets. That's absurd. Many assets "function" is to provide future value, not current cash flow.

Dim. I guess you still think the rand in the safe deposit box is flowing some cash...
It’s actually really clear that Fries U is not teaching their students about how to read the financials. The function of assets is to cash flow whether now or in the future. Using equity to provide cash flow shouldn’t be new to a veteran like yourself, Frienance.

Asset Future value or equity can change. Hence the tech wreck and the housing crisis. Assets can also negative cash flow or you can use the equity in assets to provide a return on the equity of that asset. Just like Your AAPL bonds question. But go ahead and call your imaginary accounting firm.

I dare anyone to try and watch this withhout laughing out loud.



Here is what you said:

It’s actually really clear that Fries U is not teaching their students about how to read the financials. The function of assets is to cash flow whether now or in the future. Using equity to provide cash flow shouldn’t be new to a veteran like yourself, Frienance.

Asset Future value or equity can change. Hence the tech wreck and the housing crisis. Assets can also negative cash flow or you can use the equity in assets to provide a return on the equity of that asset. Just like Your AAPL bonds question. But go ahead and call your imaginary accounting firm.
You try so hard.
‘Don’t @ me, racist’: This might not have been the day to tweet that all Republicans are racists, period

Posted at 8:09 pm on February 02, 2019 by Brett T.

Don’t get us wrong — there isn’t a day goes by where we don’t see countless tweets going by calling Republicans racists and worse. But it takes a special kind of timing — the same day even Democrats are calling for a Democrat governor to resign over appearing in a yearbook photo either in blackface or a Klan costume (and admittedly donning blackface for a dance contest) — to flatly declare that all Republicans are racists and sh***y people.

Stephanie Wittels Wachs is an author with a book to sell, but it sounds like she doesn’t want her sales spoiled with Republican money, so do her a favor and don’t insult her by buying her book and expecting her to accept cash from a racist.

Stephanie Wittels Wachs


If you still support the Republican Party, you actively (or passively) support hate, intolerance and racism. Period. End of story. There is no gray area. You are a shitty person. Don’t @ me, racist.
Here is what you said:

It’s actually really clear that Fries U is not teaching their students about how to read the financials. The function of assets is to cash flow whether now or in the future. Using equity to provide cash flow shouldn’t be new to a veteran like yourself, Frienance.

Asset Future value or equity can change. Hence the tech wreck and the housing crisis. Assets can also negative cash flow or you can use the equity in assets to provide a return on the equity of that asset. Just like Your AAPL bonds question. But go ahead and call your imaginary accounting firm.

"In the future..." Kek. NOW you come round when the rubber is about to hit the road.

You're a liar and con. But you're amusing.

Now, care to explain how my gold bars provide "income" without me selling them or borrowing against them? Oh yes, now you'll add "future" to the equation...

I know why you defend Trump - you're a dishonest con too. Kek.