The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

He will never bet anything. I have tried. 1. He’s stupid and he would lose every bet. 2. He’s broke and can’t afford to bet.
It’s super frustrating because he has nothing to lose as he spouts 100% incorrect info to his fans like Joe and others.
Why would I bet on Sculpin. Okay, maybe the grapefruit. You Frienanciers crack me up. Your responses show a clear lack of understanding. E-mailing a company to ask about the definition or function of an asset is pretty juvenile. It just shows me that you guys struggle with the financials.
1. My mortgage payment is the same per month in 10 years, when my money is worth less. So the bank is getting less then and I am getting more. Understand? And my equity value over that time rises tremendously and my borrowed money was incredibly cheap. Understand? The bank hasn’t sold my mortgage. Understand?
Do you own any assets?
This is one of those ignorant responses that Fries U students use.
Candy from a baby.
Are you admitting you’re wrong and that’s why you won’t bet? Takes a big man to do that. I guess that means you’re not admitting it. You’re just chicken. Fun to be a chicken, isn’t it? I wouldn’t know, but you seem like you have fun.
Are you admitting you’re wrong and that’s why you won’t bet? Takes a big man to do that. I guess that means you’re not admitting it. You’re just chicken. Fun to be a chicken, isn’t it? I wouldn’t know, but you seem like you have fun.
Why would I admit I am wrong. Besides, your parents might get mad if I took your money. And the bet was for over priced beer that all you Frienanciers seem to like. Dilly, dilly.
Why would I admit I am wrong. Besides, your parents might get mad if I took your money. And the bet was for over priced beer that all you Frienanciers seem to like. Dilly, dilly.
Cluck away, chicken. You chickened out of yet another bet, to back up what you say on here. Every time. Ignatius!
Did you know that fine wine is an asset? Doesn’t earn a dime sitting there, so obviously you didn’t know. Nor will you bet on it. Because you’re chicken.
Assuming the fine wine just sits there. But what about the tax shelter of planting and producing said wine.
Assuming the fine wine just sits there. But what about the tax shelter of planting and producing said wine.
Poor thing. You do get confused, don’t you? Wine is an asset. Making wine is either a hobby, in which case it’s not a commercial endeavor and the wine, being homemade, is not much of an asset. Or it’s a business, in which case your business expenses can be deducted against your earnings from selling the wine. If it’s valuable wine, then again, the asset earns greater valuable over time (that’s how wine works, to a point, it becomes better as it ages, and it’s a more valuable asset).
Your comment about “tax shelter” is, as is your custom because you’re such an idiot, nonsense.
He will never bet anything. I have tried. 1. He’s stupid and he would lose every bet. 2. He’s broke and can’t afford to bet.
It’s super frustrating because he has nothing to lose as he spouts 100% incorrect info to his fans like Joe and others.
You seem to be emotionally involved.
I start with 300 acres of land but can only plant on 27 acres. But they're all estate grapes so I start small, maybe build a storage facility and a tasting room. Grow some avocados too! Hire a winemaker from the Guadalupe Valley to oversee operations. Takes 11 years to get to my first release of 5 different wines. That's eleven years of little to no sales. Plus it's costing me 25K a month to cool the pallets of wine. I decide I want to dig a wine cave in the hillside to cut that cooling cost out. Then the wife who is going to chef school says lets build a spa and Bed and Breakfast, and a small intimate ampitheater on the non planted land within the next 5 years. This venture greatly reduces the tax burden of the primary assets if the tax gouging democrats get their way. That way the over all return on assets increase or, worse case, stay positive due to the projected 57 trillion dollars to be spent on construction projects world wide over the next 30 years. Which is good for my cement business. I'm thinking this might be a good time for a toast to my World Class double gold Falanghina.
Poor thing. You do get confused, don’t you? Wine is an asset. Making wine is either a hobby, in which case it’s not a commercial endeavor and the wine, being homemade, is not much of an asset. Or it’s a business, in which case your business expenses can be deducted against your earnings from selling the wine. If it’s valuable wine, then again, the asset earns greater valuable over time (that’s how wine works, to a point, it becomes better as it ages, and it’s a more valuable asset).
Your comment about “tax shelter” is, as is your custom because you’re such an idiot, nonsense.
You Frienanciers crack me up. It's a lot more than wine sales. My discarded wine skins are smarter than a Fries U grad.
I start with 300 acres of land but can only plant on 27 acres. But they're all estate grapes so I start small, maybe build a storage facility and a tasting room. Grow some avocados too! Hire a winemaker from the Guadalupe Valley to oversee operations. Takes 11 years to get to my first release of 5 different wines. That's eleven years of little to no sales. Plus it's costing me 25K a month to cool the pallets of wine. I decide I want to dig a wine cave in the hillside to cut that cooling cost out. Then the wife who is going to chef school says lets build a spa and Bed and Breakfast, and a small intimate ampitheater on the non planted land within the next 5 years. This venture greatly reduces the tax burden of the primary assets if the tax gouging democrats get their way. That way the over all return on assets increase or, worse case, stay positive due to the projected 57 trillion dollars to be spent on construction projects world wide over the next 30 years. Which is good for my cement business. I'm thinking this might be a good time for a toast to my World Class double gold Falanghina.
All nonsense, as is everything you say. Poor thing. What’s the Wine Spectator ranking on that Falanghina? LOL.
You have an active fantasy life, I will grant you that.