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How is that unchecked muslim immigration going?


UK: Man Jailed After Raping 11-Year-Old Girl in Car


Nottinghamshire Police
1 Feb 2019167

Shamol Miah has been given a short prison sentence after he drove a “very young and vulnerable” girl to a secluded area in his car, and raped her
How is that unchecked muslim immigration going?


Paedophile Who Fled from British Authorities Found in Pakistan


Muhammed Semih Ugurlu/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images
1 Feb 201977

ISLAMABAD (AP) – Pakistani authorities and the British Embassy say police have arrested a British citizen who fled to Pakistan in 2016 during his trial in Britain. He was later sentenced to 19 years for raping a child.

Pakistan’s Federal Investigation Agency officials say the arrest was a joint operation by Pakistani officers and Britain’s National Crime Agency last Saturday in the town of Sangla in eastern Punjab province.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity as they were not authorized to talk to reporters.

The British Embassy identified the man as Choudhry Ikhalaq Hussain, a convicted paedophile. It said Britain had worked closely with Pakistan since 2017 “to secure his arrest and extradition.”

The case will now go to a Pakistani court, which is expected to approve the man’s extradition to Britain.
Looks like the animals are restless,
how is that unchecked muslim immigration going?


Austria: More Than Half of Suspects in Murders of Women in 2017 Were Foreigners


31 Jan 2019247

More than half of the suspects involved in murders where women were the victims have foreign backgrounds, according to Austrian Family Minister Juliane Bogner-Strauss.

Ms Bogner-Strauss said that in 2017 Austria had seen 203 suspects involved in the murders of women and of those, 126 were foreigners. Among the foreigners were 62 asylum seekers — over a quarter of all suspects, Kleine Zeitung
Like the overwhelming majority of drugs they were being brought through a legal port of entry (smart businessmen don't want their fragile product being subjected to the weather). What we need is more money for border inspection and screening. More points of entry manned with more border agents with more sophisticated means of screening vehicles and cargo (at the border and docks).

Ok miserable Rodent....

I declare the WHOLE southern border a point of entry....
I want the WHOLE point of entry manned with border agents, vehicles, buildings to
house the equipment and 30 ft high security obstacles in between each and every building.
I and EVERY AMERICAN CITIZEN want this for the security of each and every agent who
will staff the point of entry from McAllen Texas to San Diego California....

Now you miserable Rodent call your Pig Master Nancy Piglosi and get it done !
Whether or not your gold and jewelry and stock certificates that sit in a box are assets “depends on the net income.” That statement is the greatest asset, in humor value, we will ever see on this blog!
If their not generating income I’ll be happy to take them off your hands.