The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

You're funny. Dumb, cute and funny.

But you do not understand the definition of asset. But that's ok. You're going to be a Rich Dad! The book says so!! Right on the jacket.
Your uncle is shaking his head. Says you never knew much about Cash Flow.
Just saw I paid an annual fee for my safe deposit box again this year. Guess the gold, stock certs and gems in there are liabilities!

Oh my! What I rube I've been.
Depends on the net income. Some days your gold is up, some down. Same with your stock certs and value of your gems. But your simulation might be too complex for a Fries U grad.
Depends on the net income. Some days your gold is up, some down. Same with your stock certs and value of your gems. But your simulation might be too complex for a Fries U grad.

Uh... if my gold stays in the box my net income... stay with me here... is $0.00 - $120 for the box pro-rated... so if I still HAVE the gold, the NET INCOME is slightly less than $0.00 (so, I guess my gold is not an asset. Oh woah is me... the shiny little rand will be so sad...

Stay with me here. If gold prices are "up" or "down" or "flat" - IF I DON'T SELL THE GOLD THERE IS NO INCOME!

There you go. Fries U. 101, free of charge. Market fluctuation means nothing to your income UNLESS YOU SELL... (ignoring dividends for the stocks, of course.) Kind of like... stay with me here... art. You're welcome.
Your uncle is shaking his head. Says you never knew much about Cash Flow.

My uncle is right here laughing at you with me. He just said: That Iz fella is dumb as dirt. And that's probably not fair to the dirt.

Let's say it again for the folks in the cheap seats: Cash flow is not the definition of an asset. Income produced by something is not the definition of an asset. Levels of market fluctuation do not alter whether something is or isn't an asset (unless it goes to 0 value, which is a different issue/problem.)

Whether you buy insurance for it or not, art is an asset.
The bank does not list your house on their balance sheet as an asset.

Fies U 101B. Free of charge.
Uh... if my gold stays in the box my net income... stay with me here... is $0.00 - $120 for the box pro-rated... so if I still HAVE the gold, the NET INCOME is slightly less than $0.00 (so, I guess my gold is not an asset. Oh woah is me... the shiny little rand will be so sad...

Stay with me here. If gold prices are "up" or "down" or "flat" - IF I DON'T SELL THE GOLD THERE IS NO INCOME!

There you go. Fries U. 101, free of charge. Market fluctuation means nothing to your income UNLESS YOU SELL... (ignoring dividends for the stocks, of course.) Kind of like... stay with me here... art. You're welcome.
Diz is on a fixed government income, he has liquidity issues, amongst others.
Depends on the net income. Some days your gold is up, some down. Same with your stock certs and value of your gems. But your simulation might be too complex for a Fries U grad.
Whether or not your gold and jewelry and stock certificates that sit in a box are assets “depends on the net income.” That statement is the greatest asset, in humor value, we will ever see on this blog!
Uh... if my gold stays in the box my net income... stay with me here... is $0.00 - $120 for the box pro-rated... so if I still HAVE the gold, the NET INCOME is slightly less than $0.00 (so, I guess my gold is not an asset. Oh woah is me... the shiny little rand will be so sad...

Stay with me here. If gold prices are "up" or "down" or "flat" - IF I DON'T SELL THE GOLD THERE IS NO INCOME!

There you go. Fries U. 101, free of charge. Market fluctuation means nothing to your income UNLESS YOU SELL... (ignoring dividends for the stocks, of course.) Kind of like... stay with me here... art. You're welcome.
No income?!! So why own it?
Cash flow is not the definition of an asset. Your book is stupid, as are you. If you own a stock, and the price goes down, it is no longer an asset?

Sure. Tell that to your Fries U professor. You're really dim.
Cash flow is not the definition of an asset. It is the function of an asset. Hence the Return on Assets equation. Duh!
My uncle is right here laughing at you with me. He just said: That Iz fella is dumb as dirt. And that's probably not fair to the dirt.

Let's say it again for the folks in the cheap seats: Cash flow is not the definition of an asset. Income produced by something is not the definition of an asset. Levels of market fluctuation do not alter whether something is or isn't an asset (unless it goes to 0 value, which is a different issue/problem.)

Whether you buy insurance for it or not, art is an asset.
The bank does not list your house on their balance sheet as an asset.

Fies U 101B. Free of charge.
Again Cash flow is the function of an asset. And markets do fluctuate on assets. Fries U grads struggle with financials because they struggle with the books. Without assets balance sheets don’t exist, neither markets, Frienance.