The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

QUOTE="Hüsker Dü, post: 245360, member: 1707"

"lazy "
Boy are you Lazy Rodent !

" and incompetent "
Your incompetence is astounding and evident with each new post.

and a "lunatic" display your Progressively Progressive lunacy with each new post too.

Poor poor Rodent .....poops on his front lawn, steps in it and then blames the neighbor.
Another day .....
Another Deal !
If, and that's a big if, they do build the facility, which is doubtful, it will not be because of the tangerine man, unless of course he promised far more than it's worth, like always. T doesn't make deals, he gives things away for nothing . . . like the shutdown.
If, and that's a big if, they do build the facility, which is doubtful, it will not be because of the tangerine man, unless of course he promised far more than it's worth, like always. T doesn't make deals, he gives things away for nothing . . . like the shutdown.

Geeeez Lueeeeze...Rodent !

Don't you " Joes " benefit from the Iron Work ....I'm sure that
has gotta be a Union job.

You're always the bitter man....Put some sugar in your Lemonade.
Geeeez Lueeeeze...Rodent !

Don't you " Joes " benefit from the Iron Work ....I'm sure that
has gotta be a Union job.

You're always the bitter man....Put some sugar in your Lemonade.
The work that is going on to repair/replace the border fence (bankrolled and approved during the Obama administration) has been non-union with different companies getting contracts for different sections.
The work that is going on to repair/replace the border fence (bankrolled and approved during the Obama administration) has been non-union with different companies getting contracts for different sections.

Did you get lost ....and on a Forum none the less.

Hmmmmm.....let's see....

I responded to the below post:

Post # 13429
Hüsker Dü said:
" If, and that's a big if, they do build the facility, which is doubtful, it will not be because of the tangerine man, unless of course he promised far more than it's worth, like always. T doesn't make deals, he gives things away for nothing . . . like the shutdown. "

I do understand that you're having a rough day......just try and keep your lies in order would ya !
If t wants to pull out of the nuclear deal with Russia Putin must have told him to do so . . . what else they talk about when we can't listen we'll find out in the future.
Don't care either way.

It hardly seems possible, but the Foxconn deal has gotten even worse. Yet again.

New documents released by the Wisconsin Department of Administration, and reported by Milwaukee’s BizTimes, show the administration of Gov. Scott Walker signed a deal with Foxconn that would allow the company to pay up to 93 percent of its workers just $30,000 a year, or slightly less than $15 an hour. For a family of four, that’s a low enough salary to be eligible for federal food assistance, and is anything but a family-supporting job.

At issue was the company’s promise to pay workers at Foxconn an average wage of $53,875, which the state was requiring in order for the company to get the massive, multi-billion state subsidy — the largest ever given in America to a foreign company — the Walker administration was promising. The story by reporter Arthur Thomas, who continues to scoop the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel in covering Foxconn, reveals the Walker administration originally proposed to count only wages under $100,000 in computing the average wage while Foxconn’s negotiators wanted no “artificial cap” on the average wage. “Foxconn expects all wages to be considered for the average annual wage calculation,” attorneys for the company wrote.
Again Cash flow is the function of an asset. And markets do fluctuate on assets. Fries U grads struggle with financials because they struggle with the books. Without assets balance sheets don’t exist, neither markets, Frienance.

You just read that in the Daddy book? It's now really clear you simply don't understand what you're talking about.

Which is not surprising.

"Cash flow" is "not" the function of all assets. That's absurd. Many assets "function" is to provide future value, not current cash flow.

Dim. I guess you still think the rand in the safe deposit box is flowing some cash...
No income?!! So why own it?

Uh... let's see. Hedge. Future value, intrinsic value, owning for competitive advantage, to name a few...

If you really think no successful company in the world owns assets that produce no income you're as dumb as the guys who thinks their house is on the bank's balance sheet... oh wait, that was you!

If, and that's a big if, they do build the facility, which is doubtful, it will not be because of the tangerine man, unless of course he promised far more than it's worth, like always. T doesn't make deals, he gives things away for nothing . . . like the shutdown.
BTW, that shutdown really hurt and disabled our country.
What happened to the soup lines this last weekend?