The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Where is the union rube?

Unions and liberals, match made in heaven.

Embezzlement, Theft Charges Against Labor Kingpin May Cripple Dems’ 2020 Machine
February 1st, 2019

Democratic U.S. presidential nominee Hillary Clinton poses with supporters after speaking at the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), Local 357, union hall in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S., August 4, 2016. REUTERS/Steve Marcus

Pennsylvania Democrats are worried about the short-term future of their political machine after authorities charged a Philadelphia labor leader with numerous counts of embezzlement, bribery and theft, Politico reports.

John Dougherty, the business manager of Philadelphia’s branch of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), and six other labor officials were indicted on 116 charges related to lavish misuse of union funds and buying influence with corrupt politicians, Philadelphia’s The Inquirer and CBS Philly report. (RELATED: Union Power: Police Clerk Literally Had To Go To Court To Leave Her Union)
Conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh was in a particularly buoyant mood on Friday because, as he put it, "essentially what we’re watching is the Democrat Party commit suicide."

Daily Wire TV

"It’s kind of mesmerizing to watch, kind of exciting to watch, and the excitement tempered with some anticipation," Limbaugh said on his radio show Friday. "But essentially what we’re watching is the Democrat Party commit suicide. Now, I know it may not look like that to you because you might think the Democrat Party’s winning and dominating things, but I’m telling you, folks, they are committing suicide. And I’ll tell you who has made this happen, aside from me, and that would be D.J.T., Donald J. Trump."

While he assured his listeners that he would eventually get to their calls on "Open Line Friday," Limbaugh first laid out some recent developments backing his assertion that we're watching "the Democrat Party suicide" in real time. Among the key factors driving the Democrats to self-destruction is the consistently good economic news, Donald Trump in general, and their sharp left turn into crazy radicalism.

"Donald Trump is driving Democrats crazy," said Rush. "Now, that is not new or revolutionary. But we’ve talked in recent days about how the Democrats are no longer masking and hiding who they are. They’re just out front with it. I think one of the reasons for this is Trump. Trump, in the political spectrum of things here, Trump owns the right, obviously, but I think he also has made great inroads in carving out a dominate position in the center."

Enter former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz, a moderate liberal who's "gonna make a beeline for the center," but clearly has been taken aback by the response from the party he's so long supported. The reason: "he has no idea how radically insane liberal it is. And now he’s finding out. And he’s gobsmacked by it."

While the left mobs Schultz, "CNN can barely contain itself that Cory Booker has announced his intention to enter this fray," despite his "resume of failure." The reason they hate the hugely successful Schultz so much but love "failure" Booker: the Democrats' old class warfare and new intersectionality obsession, both of which are ultimately self-defeating. Throw in the Democrats' stunning embrace of extreme abortion bills and you've got a recipe for party implosion.

"And you couple this with what the Democrat Party is making known about their position on abortion and because Trump has co-opted a large swath of the American political center, he’s driving every Democrat who wants to unseat him so far to the left, I don’t care how far to the left you might think our general population is, they are nowhere near where the mainstream of the Democrat Party is. And you will see," said Limbaugh.

The abortion extremism is so egregious, suggested Rush, that the media is doing everything they can not to cover it, while Democrats pretend like they know nothing about it.

"The media is in no way being honest about what the Democrat agenda is," he said. "Do you know that the media’s not even covering this [Democratic Virginia Gov.] Ralph Northam business? And a bunch of people went out and asked other ranking Democrats what they think of Ralph Northam’s position on after-birth abortion in Virginia, and they’re all claiming they didn’t know. 'What?' they’re saying. 'I didn’t know about this.' Half of them are lying. The other half are telling the truth ’cause the media isn’t reporting this."
You just read that in the Daddy book? It's now really clear you simply don't understand what you're talking about.

Which is not surprising.

"Cash flow" is "not" the function of all assets. That's absurd. Many assets "function" is to provide future value, not current cash flow.

Dim. I guess you still think the rand in the safe deposit box is flowing some cash...
All assets cash flow in the future. Positive or negative. Whether they provide future value or not remains to be seen. Hence the Tech Wreck and Housing crisis. Good grief Frienance!
Uh... let's see. Hedge. Future value, intrinsic value, owning for competitive advantage, to name a few...

If you really think no successful company in the world owns assets that produce no income you're as dumb as the guys who thinks their house is on the bank's balance sheet... oh wait, that was you!

Their on the banks balance sheet alright. Long enough to be packaged in to an MBS and sold to investors who put that MBS on their balance under anything resembling accounts recievable. Ring a bell Frienance? You must have missed messy’s avoidance of the following:

Return On Assets =

Net Income / Average Total Assets

Please tell me which “successful” company is not producing a return on their assets? I can think of at least 500 companies that produce a positive ROA. Geeze Frienance!
Where is the union rube?

Unions and liberals, match made in heaven.

Embezzlement, Theft Charges Against Labor Kingpin May Cripple Dems’ 2020 Machine
February 1st, 2019

Democratic U.S. presidential nominee Hillary Clinton poses with supporters after speaking at the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), Local 357, union hall in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S., August 4, 2016. REUTERS/Steve Marcus

Pennsylvania Democrats are worried about the short-term future of their political machine after authorities charged a Philadelphia labor leader with numerous counts of embezzlement, bribery and theft, Politico reports.

John Dougherty, the business manager of Philadelphia’s branch of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), and six other labor officials were indicted on 116 charges related to lavish misuse of union funds and buying influence with corrupt politicians, Philadelphia’s The Inquirer and CBS Philly report. (RELATED: Union Power: Police Clerk Literally Had To Go To Court To Leave Her Union)
Conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh was in a particularly buoyant mood on Friday because, as he put it, "essentially what we’re watching is the Democrat Party commit suicide."

Daily Wire TV

"It’s kind of mesmerizing to watch, kind of exciting to watch, and the excitement tempered with some anticipation," Limbaugh said on his radio show Friday. "But essentially what we’re watching is the Democrat Party commit suicide. Now, I know it may not look like that to you because you might think the Democrat Party’s winning and dominating things, but I’m telling you, folks, they are committing suicide. And I’ll tell you who has made this happen, aside from me, and that would be D.J.T., Donald J. Trump."

While he assured his listeners that he would eventually get to their calls on "Open Line Friday," Limbaugh first laid out some recent developments backing his assertion that we're watching "the Democrat Party suicide" in real time. Among the key factors driving the Democrats to self-destruction is the consistently good economic news, Donald Trump in general, and their sharp left turn into crazy radicalism.

"Donald Trump is driving Democrats crazy," said Rush. "Now, that is not new or revolutionary. But we’ve talked in recent days about how the Democrats are no longer masking and hiding who they are. They’re just out front with it. I think one of the reasons for this is Trump. Trump, in the political spectrum of things here, Trump owns the right, obviously, but I think he also has made great inroads in carving out a dominate position in the center."

Enter former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz, a moderate liberal who's "gonna make a beeline for the center," but clearly has been taken aback by the response from the party he's so long supported. The reason: "he has no idea how radically insane liberal it is. And now he’s finding out. And he’s gobsmacked by it."

While the left mobs Schultz, "CNN can barely contain itself that Cory Booker has announced his intention to enter this fray," despite his "resume of failure." The reason they hate the hugely successful Schultz so much but love "failure" Booker: the Democrats' old class warfare and new intersectionality obsession, both of which are ultimately self-defeating. Throw in the Democrats' stunning embrace of extreme abortion bills and you've got a recipe for party implosion.

"And you couple this with what the Democrat Party is making known about their position on abortion and because Trump has co-opted a large swath of the American political center, he’s driving every Democrat who wants to unseat him so far to the left, I don’t care how far to the left you might think our general population is, they are nowhere near where the mainstream of the Democrat Party is. And you will see," said Limbaugh.

The abortion extremism is so egregious, suggested Rush, that the media is doing everything they can not to cover it, while Democrats pretend like they know nothing about it.

"The media is in no way being honest about what the Democrat agenda is," he said. "Do you know that the media’s not even covering this [Democratic Virginia Gov.] Ralph Northam business? And a bunch of people went out and asked other ranking Democrats what they think of Ralph Northam’s position on after-birth abortion in Virginia, and they’re all claiming they didn’t know. 'What?' they’re saying. 'I didn’t know about this.' Half of them are lying. The other half are telling the truth ’cause the media isn’t reporting this."
Then you have Frienance saying:

“If you really think no successful company in the world owns assets that produce no income you're as dumb as the guys who thinks their house is on the bank's balance sheet... oh wait, that was you!”

There are at least 500 truly successful companies that have produced an ROA every year for decades. The Fortune 500 ring your cracked bell Frienance?
Then you have Frienance saying:

“If you really think no successful company in the world owns assets that produce no income you're as dumb as the guys who thinks their house is on the bank's balance sheet... oh wait, that was you!”

There are at least 500 truly successful companies that have produced an ROA every year for decades. The Fortune 500 ring your cracked bell Frienance?
Guess who here doesn’t know the difference between investment capital and an asset. Hmmm...I wonder who that is?
Iz, depending on whether or not you’re presentable, I may let you hang around the office for a couple of days and I can put you through a little tutorial in business concepts such as operating capital, equity value, asset maintenance, investment, savings, etc.
And I don’t even work in finance. I just operate a little business. You’ve never done that, so I can give you an education.
Guess who here doesn’t know the difference between investment capital and an asset. Hmmm...I wonder who that is?
Iz, depending on whether or not you’re presentable, I may let you hang around the office for a couple of days and I can put you through a little tutorial in business concepts such as operating capital, equity value, asset maintenance, investment, savings, etc.
And I don’t even work in finance. I just operate a little business. You’ve never done that, so I can give you an education.

The Forbes 500 is based on the 500 US companies (or multinationals in some cases) with the highest revenue. Profit is not a requirement. GM stayed on the list right into bankruptcy.
The Forbes 500 is based on the 500 US companies (or multinationals in some cases) with the highest revenue. Profit is not a requirement. GM stayed on the list right into bankruptcy.
He’s very confused. But he’s read about “ROA”!
He’s a big, smart, funny guy on this blog.
The rest of the world...not so much.
Guess who here doesn’t know the difference between investment capital and an asset. Hmmm...I wonder who that is?
Iz, depending on whether or not you’re presentable, I may let you hang around the office for a couple of days and I can put you through a little tutorial in business concepts such as operating capital, equity value, asset maintenance, investment, savings, etc.
And I don’t even work in finance. I just operate a little business. You’ve never done that, so I can give you an education.
Why do you invest in capital?
The Forbes 500 is based on the 500 US companies (or multinationals in some cases) with the highest revenue. Profit is not a requirement. GM stayed on the list right into bankruptcy.
Show me. Lol! Frienance was focusing on assets. Must have been the Obama bailout.
Conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh was in a particularly buoyant mood on Friday because, as he put it, "essentially what we’re watching is the Democrat Party commit suicide."

Daily Wire TV

"It’s kind of mesmerizing to watch, kind of exciting to watch, and the excitement tempered with some anticipation," Limbaugh said on his radio show Friday. "But essentially what we’re watching is the Democrat Party commit suicide. Now, I know it may not look like that to you because you might think the Democrat Party’s winning and dominating things, but I’m telling you, folks, they are committing suicide. And I’ll tell you who has made this happen, aside from me, and that would be D.J.T., Donald J. Trump."

While he assured his listeners that he would eventually get to their calls on "Open Line Friday," Limbaugh first laid out some recent developments backing his assertion that we're watching "the Democrat Party suicide" in real time. Among the key factors driving the Democrats to self-destruction is the consistently good economic news, Donald Trump in general, and their sharp left turn into crazy radicalism.

"Donald Trump is driving Democrats crazy," said Rush. "Now, that is not new or revolutionary. But we’ve talked in recent days about how the Democrats are no longer masking and hiding who they are. They’re just out front with it. I think one of the reasons for this is Trump. Trump, in the political spectrum of things here, Trump owns the right, obviously, but I think he also has made great inroads in carving out a dominate position in the center."

Enter former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz, a moderate liberal who's "gonna make a beeline for the center," but clearly has been taken aback by the response from the party he's so long supported. The reason: "he has no idea how radically insane liberal it is. And now he’s finding out. And he’s gobsmacked by it."

While the left mobs Schultz, "CNN can barely contain itself that Cory Booker has announced his intention to enter this fray," despite his "resume of failure." The reason they hate the hugely successful Schultz so much but love "failure" Booker: the Democrats' old class warfare and new intersectionality obsession, both of which are ultimately self-defeating. Throw in the Democrats' stunning embrace of extreme abortion bills and you've got a recipe for party implosion.

"And you couple this with what the Democrat Party is making known about their position on abortion and because Trump has co-opted a large swath of the American political center, he’s driving every Democrat who wants to unseat him so far to the left, I don’t care how far to the left you might think our general population is, they are nowhere near where the mainstream of the Democrat Party is. And you will see," said Limbaugh.

The abortion extremism is so egregious, suggested Rush, that the media is doing everything they can not to cover it, while Democrats pretend like they know nothing about it.

"The media is in no way being honest about what the Democrat agenda is," he said. "Do you know that the media’s not even covering this [Democratic Virginia Gov.] Ralph Northam business? And a bunch of people went out and asked other ranking Democrats what they think of Ralph Northam’s position on after-birth abortion in Virginia, and they’re all claiming they didn’t know. 'What?' they’re saying. 'I didn’t know about this.' Half of them are lying. The other half are telling the truth ’cause the media isn’t reporting this."
He does play to his audience . . . funny coincidence, irony possibly, I listened to part of that show on the road.
Come to the office. Sit and keep your mouth shut and learn. I won’t charge you.
Again, dizzy was that kid that claimed all kinds of crazy things about his dad being in the FBI and was also an astronaut . . . and he is still doing it. Aka in non-PC terms he's a liar, with his head in the clouds.