The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread


Feds ID more than 100 Salvadoran criminals nabbed at border in ongoing migrant wave
Negro denotes "black" in Spanish and Portuguese,
derived from the Latin word niger,
meaning black,
which itself is probably from a Proto-Indo-European
root *nekw-, "to be dark", akin to *nokw-, "night".
"It's not rape if you enjoy it..."
I'm not at all ashamed of myself.
If I was a Covington chaperone, I would be ashamed of myself.
And if one of those was my kids, there would have been a very different letter.
If I was one of those kids, I would be ashamed of myself.
Those kids knew there were cameras pointed at them - in many cases it was their own cameras.
I condemn any and all threats toward them or their family and don't agree with doxing, especially kids.
But they attended a public event, that was expected to be covered by news - as it was.
They engaged in behavior that assured they would get attention - behavior that was certain to get them attention - as it did.
They, themselves, brought on the attention.
It would be absurd to think you could do something like that in front of the Lincoln Memorial, with cameras all around you, and stay anonymous. That is just rank stupidity and is not even a serious argument from you.
It takes some courage to admit you were not only wrong, but actually participated in spreading smears that were thrown against the wall by rabid, hate filled, sub-humans.
Not a lot of courage, but a little.

I dont see any here.
It takes some courage to admit you were not only wrong, but actually participated in spreading smears that were thrown against the wall by rabid, hate filled, sub-humans.
Not a lot of courage, but a little.

I dont see any here.
What you see is a bunch of kool aid drinking parrot heads, simply repeating what the media hoped had happened.
It takes some courage to admit you were not only wrong, but actually participated in spreading smears that were thrown against the wall by rabid, hate filled, sub-humans.
Not a lot of courage, but a little.

I dont see any here.
Fries has lost his mind, I think he/she is one of those crazy trannies I keep talking about.
It takes some courage to admit you were not only wrong, but actually participated in spreading smears that were thrown against the wall by rabid, hate filled, sub-humans.
Not a lot of courage, but a little.

I dont see any here.

Sorry bud, but you've been played.
I've watched the videos.
That kid went to a public rally and stood there with a camera in his face. He didn't care if was "doxxed." He could have walked away.
The kids doing the tomahawk chop? They knew there was a camera there. They could have walked away.
The kid yelling "it's not rape if you enjoy it." He knew there was a camera there. He could have just not yelled disgusting, offensive crap.
We throw kids that age in jail as adults all the time. But here the little snowflakes are too delicate for the publicity they went out and encouraged.

If they were the CP5 Trump would take a full page ad out to say they should get the death penalty... but since they're only little white boys.. shrug.

Oh well, in 15 years a few of them will be this guy...
Fries has lost his mind, I think he/she is one of those crazy trannies I keep talking about.

Is that "talking" you been doing with those crazy trannies Racist Sterno Joe? Is it Eddie Murphy "talking" or Danny Bonaducci "talking."

Why are you so fixated on transexuals Racist Sterno Joe? Most of the transexuals I know are very nice people, but your particular fixation is interesting.