The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

I was thinking the same with how you contradict yourself when discussing money....even in simulation. Kinda Trumpian.
You keep using the term “simulation” for some reason. You know I’m telling the truth because I’ve offered to prove up all that I say, subject to your paying me when I prove it, and you have declined every time.
Stay poor and dumb and scared, baby boy.
Does anybody know why Trump didn’t demand the money for the wall back when he had both houses of Congress? Why didn’t he try to keep his campaign promise? Obviously the Dems weren’t going to give it to him.
Does anybody know why Trump didn’t demand the money for the wall back when he had both houses of Congress? Why didn’t he try to keep his campaign promise? Obviously the Dems weren’t going to give it to him.

Wasn't he still in the "Mexico is paying for it" mode then?
Arent you the same guy who was crying about some nazi cyber stalker coming after your family?
These kids were doxxed by thousands of psychos before they got off the bus back in Covington.
You should be ashamed of yourself.

"It's not rape if you enjoy it..."
I'm not at all ashamed of myself.
If I was a Covington chaperone, I would be ashamed of myself.
And if one of those was my kids, there would have been a very different letter.
If I was one of those kids, I would be ashamed of myself.
Those kids knew there were cameras pointed at them - in many cases it was their own cameras.
I condemn any and all threats toward them or their family and don't agree with doxing, especially kids.
But they attended a public event, that was expected to be covered by news - as it was.
They engaged in behavior that assured they would get attention - behavior that was certain to get them attention - as it did.
They, themselves, brought on the attention.
It would be absurd to think you could do something like that in front of the Lincoln Memorial, with cameras all around you, and stay anonymous. That is just rank stupidity and is not even a serious argument from you.
I am shocked that a guy who bankrupts a good half-dozen business, stiffed dozens of subs, had his U closed as a fraud, has his charity closed as a fraud, has now shut down the government over a stupid campaign lie that Mexico would pay for some "wall" that we have to eminent domain thousands of acres of private property for.

Simply shocked.
I am shocked that a guy who bankrupts a good half-dozen business, stiffed dozens of subs, had his U closed as a fraud, has his charity closed as a fraud, has now shut down the government over a stupid campaign lie that Mexico would pay for some "wall" that we have to eminent domain thousands of acres of private property for.

Simply shocked.
As shocked as you were in November 2016?
"It's not rape if you enjoy it..."
I'm not at all ashamed of myself.
If I was a Covington chaperone, I would be ashamed of myself.
And if one of those was my kids, there would have been a very different letter.
If I was one of those kids, I would be ashamed of myself.
Those kids knew there were cameras pointed at them - in many cases it was their own cameras.
I condemn any and all threats toward them or their family and don't agree with doxing, especially kids.
But they attended a public event, that was expected to be covered by news - as it was.
They engaged in behavior that assured they would get attention - behavior that was certain to get them attention - as it did.
They, themselves, brought on the attention.
It would be absurd to think you could do something like that in front of the Lincoln Memorial, with cameras all around you, and stay anonymous. That is just rank stupidity and is not even a serious argument from you.
download (34).jpeg
Let me know if you have heard this one before,

Jobless Claims Hit Lowest Level in 49 Years

Hats – Trump Make America Great Again Committee

Tell em Sheriff Joe sent you.
You keep using the term “simulation” for some reason. You know I’m telling the truth because I’ve offered to prove up all that I say, subject to your paying me when I prove it, and you have declined every time.
Stay poor and dumb and scared, baby boy.
Ah yes. Your collateralized debt, thought of as an asset. Kek!