The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Sorry bud, but you've been played.
I've watched the videos.
That kid went to a public rally and stood there with a camera in his face. He didn't care if was "doxxed." He could have walked away.
The kids doing the tomahawk chop? They knew there was a camera there. They could have walked away.
The kid yelling "it's not rape if you enjoy it." He knew there was a camera there. He could have just not yelled disgusting, offensive crap.
We throw kids that age in jail as adults all the time. But here the little snowflakes are too delicate for the publicity they went out and encouraged.

If they were the CP5 Trump would take a full page ad out to say they should get the death penalty... but since they're only little white boys.. shrug.

Oh well, in 15 years a few of them will be this guy...
Wrong again and still wont apologize.
The kid you showed who shouted something about "rape isnt rape" is a very short clip and there is literally no way to tell anything about what he was replying to.
Is it a stupid comment?, probably.
The only thing we know for sure is that he is not a student at Covington HS.

"tomahawk chop" ?!! Is that the thing you want to hang your guillotine on?

You posted a link where those kids painted themselves black.
Did you bother to find out what the school colors are or why?

You're not doing anything here but making an ass of yourself.
Just stop.
Is that "talking" you been doing with those crazy trannies Racist Sterno Joe? Is it Eddie Murphy "talking" or Danny Bonaducci "talking."

Why are you so fixated on transexuals Racist Sterno Joe? Most of the transexuals I know are very nice people, but your particular fixation is interesting.
How can we not ask these questions. He’s incredibly obsessed with stories about transgenders and pedophiles...I think it was Shakespeare who said “the lady doth protest too much.” If the sensible pump fits, wear it!
Wrong again and still wont apologize.
The kid you showed who shouted something about "rape isnt rape" is a very short clip and there is literally no way to tell anything about what he was replying to.
Is it a stupid comment?, probably.
The only thing we know for sure is that he is not a student at Covington HS.

"tomahawk chop" ?!! Is that the thing you want to hang your guillotine on?

You posted a link where those kids painted themselves black.
Did you bother to find out what the school colors are or why?

You're not doing anything here but making an ass of yourself.
Just stop.

Uh... "we don't know what the kid who yelled "It's not rape if you enjoy it" while there are a bunch of high school girls around "was replying to.." If you need to know the context of that comment, well...

Ok, Dad. You go with that one.

You've never watched a Skins game? Sure... you go with that one.

I'm well aware of what the school colors are. At one point I went to a school where black was one of the colors. Yet, miraculously, no one in that school ever painted their entire face and chest black with white outlines of eyes and mouths... hmmm.

But yet, all those kids somehow didn't know they were on 5, 6, 7 cameras? And magically thought they were going to be free from public scrutiny, at a public demonstration, in front of the Lincoln Memorial...

And you all wonder why the GOP in CA is dead...
This really pisses me off.
I did not want to come in here and step on you people's neck any more but leave these kids alone.
Its just bullshit. -kek.

You know what pisses me off?

All you self-righteous hypocrites who literally watch a bunch of kids be racist, sexist little jerk-offs and excuse them left and right, then, when a kid like Travon gets SHOT TO DEATH you bring up... "he smoked weed..." "He's no angel..." "Why was he wearing a hoodie..."

To all you two-faced, faux-Christian, racist clowns - you just expose yourselves at every turn.
Wrong again and still wont apologize.
The kid you showed who shouted something about "rape isnt rape" is a very short clip and there is literally no way to tell anything about what he was replying to.
Is it a stupid comment?, probably.
The only thing we know for sure is that he is not a student at Covington HS.

"tomahawk chop" ?!! Is that the thing you want to hang your guillotine on?

You posted a link where those kids painted themselves black.
Did you bother to find out what the school colors are or why?

You're not doing anything here but making an ass of yourself.
Just stop.

Maybe you can help me out here - I've been racking my brain trying to think of a situation where I would approve of one of my sons making the "rape" comment. I can't think of any. You don't have sons, right? But maybe you could provide us with a situation where you would approve of a young man saying that to one of your daughters?
Uh... "we don't know what the kid who yelled "It's not rape if you enjoy it" while there are a bunch of high school girls around "was replying to.." If you need to know the context of that comment, well...

Ok, Dad. You go with that one.

You've never watched a Skins game? Sure... you go with that one.

I'm well aware of what the school colors are. At one point I went to a school where black was one of the colors. Yet, miraculously, no one in that school ever painted their entire face and chest black with white outlines of eyes and mouths... hmmm.

But yet, all those kids somehow didn't know they were on 5, 6, 7 cameras? And magically thought they were going to be free from public scrutiny, at a public demonstration, in front of the Lincoln Memorial...

And you all wonder why the GOP in CA is dead...
The plumber is an apologist maximus. He isn't a racist, but will go full blown Kelly Anne Conway and bend over backwards to defend them and claim those that oppose them are the real threat. The plumbers ideal of "American Freedom" is the freedom to hate all you want . . . unless you are one of those that hate his kinda haters.
Sorry bud, but you've been played.
I've watched the videos.
That kid went to a public rally and stood there with a camera in his face. He didn't care if was "doxxed." He could have walked away.
The kids doing the tomahawk chop? They knew there was a camera there. They could have walked away.
The kid yelling "it's not rape if you enjoy it." He knew there was a camera there. He could have just not yelled disgusting, offensive crap.
We throw kids that age in jail as adults all the time. But here the little snowflakes are too delicate for the publicity they went out and encouraged.

If they were the CP5 Trump would take a full page ad out to say they should get the death penalty... but since they're only little white boys.. shrug.

Oh well, in 15 years a few of them will be this guy...
Fries U. What a deal!
You know what pisses me off?

All you self-righteous hypocrites who literally watch a bunch of kids be racist, sexist little jerk-offs and excuse them left and right, then, when a kid like Travon gets SHOT TO DEATH you bring up... "he smoked weed..." "He's no angel..." "Why was he wearing a hoodie..."

To all you two-faced, faux-Christian, racist clowns - you just expose yourselves at every turn.
You missed the beginning of the party Alice.
Maybe you can help me out here - I've been racking my brain trying to think of a situation where I would approve of one of my sons making the "rape" comment. I can't think of any. You don't have sons, right? But maybe you could provide us with a situation where you would approve of a young man saying that to one of your daughters?
Is that "talking" you been doing with those crazy trannies Racist Sterno Joe? Is it Eddie Murphy "talking" or Danny Bonaducci "talking."

Why are you so fixated on transexuals Racist Sterno Joe? Most of the transexuals I know are very nice people, but your particular fixation is interesting.
There you go complimenting yourself again.
This video was saved shortly before being deleted from facebook. It may have possibly been the first backup so the world could see the entire circumstances that lead to a media frenzy over a tiny clip. I hope it helped the kids to be exonerated from the crazy accusations. Here is the tweet where I posted it as it was processing. FYI: To debunk some rumors - due to the new youtube rules this video has not had a single ad played on it. The channel just got 1k subs as of 230pm pacific time Jan 22 and could take a month for youtube to say yes or no. However, it would have been nice because it has about 139638.8 hours of viewing time. that is equivalent to 15 years 339 days. :) The channel was monetized years ago but lost it when the rules changed.
Wrong again and still wont apologize.
The kid you showed who shouted something about "rape isnt rape" is a very short clip and there is literally no way to tell anything about what he was replying to.
Is it a stupid comment?, probably.
The only thing we know for sure is that he is not a student at Covington HS.

"tomahawk chop" ?!! Is that the thing you want to hang your guillotine on?

You posted a link where those kids painted themselves black.
Did you bother to find out what the school colors are or why?

You're not doing anything here but making an ass of yourself.
Just stop.
Too late