The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

This really pisses me off.
I did not want to come in here and step on you people's neck any more but leave these kids alone.
Its just bullshit. -kek.
Trying to reason with some of these folks is like reasoning with three year olds...
You know what pisses me off?

All you self-righteous hypocrites who literally watch a bunch of kids be racist, sexist little jerk-offs and excuse them left and right, then, when a kid like Travon gets SHOT TO DEATH you bring up... "he smoked weed..." "He's no angel..." "Why was he wearing a hoodie..."

To all you two-faced, faux-Christian, racist clowns - you just expose yourselves at every turn.
Speaking of self righteous...fuck off Fries you pompous judgmental faux intellect...
The plumber is an apologist maximus. He isn't a racist, but will go full blown Kelly Anne Conway and bend over backwards to defend them and claim those that oppose them are the real threat. The plumbers ideal of "American Freedom" is the freedom to hate all you want . . . unless you are one of those that hate his kinda haters.
Busy erasing all doubt...
Uh... "we don't know what the kid who yelled "It's not rape if you enjoy it" while there are a bunch of high school girls around "was replying to.." If you need to know the context of that comment, well...

Ok, Dad. You go with that one.

You've never watched a Skins game? Sure... you go with that one.

I'm well aware of what the school colors are. At one point I went to a school where black was one of the colors. Yet, miraculously, no one in that school ever painted their entire face and chest black with white outlines of eyes and mouths... hmmm.

But yet, all those kids somehow didn't know they were on 5, 6, 7 cameras? And magically thought they were going to be free from public scrutiny, at a public demonstration, in front of the Lincoln Memorial...

And you all wonder why the GOP in CA is dead...
You know what pisses me off?

All you self-righteous hypocrites who literally watch a bunch of kids be racist, sexist little jerk-offs and excuse them left and right, then, when a kid like Travon gets SHOT TO DEATH you bring up... "he smoked weed..." "He's no angel..." "Why was he wearing a hoodie..."

To all you two-faced, faux-Christian, racist clowns - you just expose yourselves at every turn.
The plumber is an apologist maximus. He isn't a racist, but will go full blown Kelly Anne Conway and bend over backwards to defend them and claim those that oppose them are the real threat. The plumbers ideal of "American Freedom" is the freedom to hate all you want . . . unless you are one of those that hate his kinda haters.
I see plenty of hate here.
None of it coming from the kids you people slander.
You make me sick.
This blog is fun because we get to see the American remnants on here. They are so angry that they can’t keep up and, whereas in other geographic areas they have diners and such to congregate in, here in so cal they can only do it here.
This blog is fun because we get to see the American remnants on here. They are so angry that they can’t keep up and, whereas in other geographic areas they have diners and such to congregate in, here in so cal they can only do it here.
Why would you put a link up to something that has nothing to do with any of the kids that were slandered, as an excuse to slander them?
Its sick.
Fries did, and the rest of you fell in line.
Show me where. I agree with Fries that these were not the nice Christian boys you claim. They were a bunch of teenagers wearing MAGA hats next to an “indigenous people’s rally.” I’ve already said that Phillips guy was a clown, but Fries is right that the new methodology of you people is to always blame the minorities. “Good people on all sides” my ass.
Show me where. I agree with Fries that these were not the nice Christian boys you claim. They were a bunch of teenagers wearing MAGA hats next to an “indigenous people’s rally.” I’ve already said that Phillips guy was a clown, but Fries is right that the new methodology of you people is to always blame the minorities. “Good people on all sides” my ass.
The teens were waiting for a bus you fucking moron.
There was no "indigenous people's rally", it was a right to life rally.
The usual nutjobs were there protesting. IE "recon ranger" and the "Black Israelites", and You people got suckered into their warped circus reality.
I cant believe Im arguing with such mental, and moral midgets.
All of that is on me.
The teens were waiting for a bus you fucking moron.
There was no "indigenous people's rally", it was a right to life rally.
The usual nutjobs were there protesting. IE "recon ranger" and the "Black Israelites", and You people got suckered into their warped circus reality.
I cant believe Im arguing with such mental, and moral midgets.
All of that is on me.
Your Fearless Leader. #MAGA. It’s working, isn’t it?!
Show me where. I agree with Fries that these were not the nice Christian boys you claim. They were a bunch of teenagers wearing MAGA hats next to an “indigenous people’s rally.” I’ve already said that Phillips guy was a clown, but Fries is right that the new methodology of you people is to always blame the minorities. “Good people on all sides” my ass.
If the moccasin fits.
Uh... "we don't know what the kid who yelled "It's not rape if you enjoy it" while there are a bunch of high school girls around "was replying to.." If you need to know the context of that comment, well...

Ok, Dad. You go with that one.

You've never watched a Skins game? Sure... you go with that one.

I'm well aware of what the school colors are. At one point I went to a school where black was one of the colors. Yet, miraculously, no one in that school ever painted their entire face and chest black with white outlines of eyes and mouths... hmmm.

But yet, all those kids somehow didn't know they were on 5, 6, 7 cameras? And magically thought they were going to be free from public scrutiny, at a public demonstration, in front of the Lincoln Memorial...

And you all wonder why the GOP in CA is dead...
You watched the entire video?