The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Verified account @realDonaldTrump 2h2 hours ago

This is an illegally brought Rigged Witch Hunt run by people who are totally corrupt and/or conflicted. It was started and paid for by Crooked Hillary and the Democrats. Phony Dossier, FISA disgrace and so many lying and dishonest people already fired. 17 Angry Dems? Stay tuned!
Verified account @realDonaldTrump 2h2 hours ago

This is an illegally brought Rigged Witch Hunt run by people who are totally corrupt and/or conflicted. It was started and paid for by Crooked Hillary and the Democrats. Phony Dossier, FISA disgrace and so many lying and dishonest people already fired. 17 Angry Dems? Stay tuned!


"Space Force all the way!"
All you brave fellas talk tough, but nobody has the cahones to make a simple prediction on an anonymous message board? Kek.

You can move the goalposts till they are past the terraces and in the parking lot, but Paulie Ostrich is still spending his nights in jail, and I'm a bet a case of frosty cold Chimay red that he's gonna spend a few nights there in 2020 and beyond too...

Pour pore Paulie...

Who gives a shit...well I guess you do...obsessed much?
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Good night Paulie Forgottodeclare60milliontotheIRS...

Here's some good-night reading... (for those of you chumps too poor for pacer...)

So now's the time for all brave boys and proud boys to show their cards.
Make your prediction.

Fries sez: Guilty on 14 counts.
1 to 2 years per count - minus time served.
12 - 16 years.

How plead you, me hearties?

I'll bet you watched every second of " Alien " Autopsy didn't you.....

That is the WORST compilation of Government evidence I have
EVER seen....
That is just chicken shit scraps to try and make a case....

Ellis won't toss the case, he will let Mueller and his Dumb as a Rock Thugs
step on their collective dicks even more.....

When the stacked jury comes back with a verdict of guilty, he will admonish
the Mueller Goon squad and let Manafort out on time served...

The DC trial is the REAL crooked one, you'll really get your panties all wet
pencildickfries over that one....." Hopefully " the Judge has an epiphany and
tosses that one....

Oh....just a heads up PDF, you're gunna have to register ALL of your
taped up bicycle locks from here on out....
All you brave fellas talk tough, but nobody has the cahones to make a simple prediction on an anonymous message board? Kek.

You can move the goalposts till they are past the terraces and in the parking lot, but Paulie Ostrich is still spending his nights in jail, and I'm a bet a case of frosty cold Chimay red that he's gonna spend a few nights there in 2020 and beyond too...

Pour pore Paulie...
The goalposts?
The goal posts were finding someone guilty of "colluding" with Russia and conspiring to effect the outcome of the last election.
That won't happen here Fries...moved goal posts indeed...
Aw Lion. I haven't seen you here in a while. Nice to hear that kitty cat whine...

And don't forget, when Paulie Nobail gets done with the Rocket Docket, he's got the away leg coming up!

Poor Paulie. Who among us hasn't hid 60 million in Russian mob money in Cyprus banks cause their candidate got run out of Kiev? Kek...
Hey, Congrats to Melania's folks getting their ball-and-chain migration citizenship today.

I've been to a couple of citizenship ceremonies. They are very moving. I'm glad Mel's folks got in before the door shut. I'm looking forward to their long career of merit and service to the US economy...
Hey, Congrats to Melania's folks getting their ball-and-chain migration citizenship today.

I've been to a couple of citizenship ceremonies. They are very moving. I'm glad Mel's folks got in before the door shut. I'm looking forward to their long career of merit and service to the US economy...

Chain migration that began with a shaky visa.
Hey, Congrats to Melania's folks getting their ball-and-chain migration citizenship today.

I've been to a couple of citizenship ceremonies. They are very moving. I'm glad Mel's folks got in before the door shut. I'm looking forward to their long career of merit and service to the US economy...
How did that work out?