The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

They are the kind of people we want in our country.
Don't you agree?

They are both over 70. They are past their contribution years. They will only cost the US money (which I'm fine with btw, but they are a net drain on resources.)

"Per capita lifetime expenditure is $316,600, a third higher for females ($361,200) than males ($268,700). Two-fifths of this difference owes to women's longer life expectancy. Nearly one-third of lifetime expenditures is incurred during middle age, and nearly half during the senior years. For survivors to age 85, more than one-third of their lifetime expenditures will accrue in their remaining years."
U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III has raked prosecutors from the special counsel’s office over the coals for the past week and a half. But on Thursday, he backed down, telling jurors to ignore one piece of criticism.

"I was critical of counsel for … allowing an expert to remain in the courtroom,” he said before testimony began. “You may put that aside… I may well have been wrong.”

On Wednesday, Ellis scolded prosecutors for calling an IRS expert who has sat through the trial in the gallery. Prosecutors filed a motion Thursday morning pointing out that the transcript backed up their understanding that Ellis had explicitly allowed the expert to do so.

“The Court’s sharp reprimand of government counsel in front of the jury on August 8 was therefore erroneous,” the prosecutors wrote. “And, while mistakes are a natural part of the trial process, the mistake here prejudiced the government by conveying to the jury that the government had acted improperly and had violated court rules or procedures. The exchange could very well lead the jury to reach two erroneous inferences: (a) that Mr. Welch’s testimony is not credible because he was improperly privy to the testimony of other witnesses, and (b) that the government sought to secure an unfair advantage by secreting its expert in the courtroom without permission…This prejudice should be cured.”

Ellis said Thursday that he had not actually read the transcript, which was attached to the government motion.

But, the judge said, “I was probably wrong.”​
The judge felt bad for making him cry.
I get that.
Hey, Congrats to Melania's folks getting their ball-and-chain migration citizenship today.

I've been to a couple of citizenship ceremonies. They are very moving. I'm glad Mel's folks got in before the door shut. I'm looking forward to their long career of merit and service to the US economy...

They are both over 70. They are past their contribution years. They will only cost the US money (which I'm fine with btw, but they are a net drain on resources.)

"Per capita lifetime expenditure is $316,600, a third higher for females ($361,200) than males ($268,700). Two-fifths of this difference owes to women's longer life expectancy. Nearly one-third of lifetime expenditures is incurred during middle age, and nearly half during the senior years. For survivors to age 85, more than one-third of their lifetime expenditures will accrue in their remaining years."
Their son in law is a billionaire.
How much welfare do you think they'll siphon off from your clan?
You people are like trained seals, but without the innate talent to balance a ball on your noses.
You just bark and clap.
Their son in law is a billionaire.
How much welfare do you think they'll siphon off from your clan?
You people are like trained seals, but without the innate talent to balance a ball on your noses.
You just bark and clap.

You don't think they'll buy medicare? Wanna bet? You think Trump will pay for private insurance for them? He doesn't even pay contractors. You know what private insurance without medicare costs for two 70 somethings? I do. Drumpf ain't paying it.

I bet they had ACA private exchange insurance for the 5 years they had their green card.

You can be a silly man sometimes.

Someday folks will understand Trump. He's all about... Trump. That's it.
You don't think they'll buy medicare? Wanna bet? You think Trump will pay for private insurance for them? He doesn't even pay contractors. You know what private insurance without medicare costs for two 70 somethings? I do. Drumpf ain't paying it.

I bet they had ACA private exchange insurance for the 5 years they had their green card.

You can be a silly man sometimes.

Someday folks will understand Trump. He's all about... Trump. That's it.
Buy medicare... Buy being the key word...Like paying for medicare...
Their son in law is a billionaire.
How much welfare do you think they'll siphon off from your clan?
You people are like trained seals, but without the innate talent to balance a ball on your noses.
You just bark and clap.

Their son is notorious for not paying for anything he can get others to buy. How much does the billionaire son-in-law pitch in to cover the costs of his weekly golfing vacations?
August 10, 2018
China yields to US oil market power
By Thomas Lifson
If the US is about to engage in a trade war with China, the Middle Kingdom has just signaled that it wants that conflict to be a limited war by exempting a major (and growing) US export to China, crude oil. The Wall Street Journal reported:

As China made good on its threat to impose 25% tariffs on $16 billion worth of U.S. imports, one big-ticket item originally on its hit list was conspicuously missing: crude oil.

Oil had been one of a slate of targets China listed in June for tariffs to counter those the Trump administration threatened on Chinese imports. The gambit jeopardized a budding relationship: Over the past two years China has become the biggest buyer of U.S. crude-oil exports, last year taking a fifth of the total.

But oil was off Wednesday’s final list.

The reason is quite simple: China desperately needs to import oil, and the US is the fastest-growing source of crude oil exports on world markets, including China.



Source: Wall Street Journal

That means that China can’t shun US oil, even if it wants to strike back at the US in order to maintain the structure of trade regulation and tariffs that enables it to run gigantic trade surpluses with the US. Moreover, the new sanctions on Iran mean that China won’t be able to replace US crude with Iranian sourced-oil.

President Trump, in other words, has accurately read the underlying power dynamics of the US-China trade relationship and understands China’s vulnerabilities.

Analysts and industry insiders said the change could signal that China is reassessing its bluster, given its slowing economy, the ease with which crude sellers can find new buyers—and, most of all, its climbing reliance on foreign oil. China depends on imports for 70% of its energy needs, and the International Energy Agency forecasts that will climb to 80% by 2040.

“China would be shooting itself in the foot if they tax [crude oil] imports,” Shane Oliver, an analyst at AMP Capital Markets, said. “China’s economy is heavily dependent on oil.” [Emphasis added]

Oil (and soybeans and other big US commodity exports) is traded on global markets, which means that a Chinese tariff on US commodities doesn’t destroy the market, it merely shifts supply or demand to other countries:

“The U.S.’s light crudes aren’t going to go away,” said Erik Norland, senior economist at CME Group. “If it’s not exported to China, it will be exported someplace else, and those could be other countries in this region or other parts of the world.”

The same is true for soybeans. If China buys Brazilian soybeans instead of US exports, the markets that Brazil formerly exported to will have to switch to US suppliers. Instead of the predictions of disaster for US farmers, the market price for soybeans in China is now rising, as Reuters notes:

China’s soybean and soymeal prices jumped on Wednesday, with beans posting their biggest daily gain in a decade, as data showing a drop in soybean imports stirred supply concerns as a bitter trade dispute between Washington and Beijing plays out.

Gee, do you think it’s possible that President Trump knows more about negotiating than the nervous nellies that scream about trade wars damaging America?

If the US is about to engage in a trade war with China, the Middle Kingdom has just signaled that it wants that conflict to be a limited war by exempting a major (and growing) US export to China, crude oil. The Wall Street Journal reported:

As China made good on its threat to impose 25% tariffs on $16 billion worth of U.S. imports, one big-ticket item originally on its hit list was conspicuously missing: crude oil.

Oil had been one of a slate of targets China listed in June for tariffs to counter those the Trump administration threatened on Chinese imports. The gambit jeopardized a budding relationship: Over the past two years China has become the biggest buyer of U.S. crude-oil exports, last year taking a fifth of the total.

But oil was off Wednesday’s final list.

The reason is quite simple: China desperately needs to import oil, and the US is the fastest-growing source of crude oil exports on world markets, including China.



Source: Wall Street Journal

That means that China can’t shun US oil, even if it wants to strike back at the US in order to maintain the structure of trade regulation and tariffs that enables it to run gigantic trade surpluses with the US. Moreover, the new sanctions on Iran mean that China won’t be able to replace US crude with Iranian sourced-oil.

President Trump, in other words, has accurately read the underlying power dynamics of the US-China trade relationship and understands China’s vulnerabilities.

Analysts and industry insiders said the change could signal that China is reassessing its bluster, given its slowing economy, the ease with which crude sellers can find new buyers—and, most of all, its climbing reliance on foreign oil. China depends on imports for 70% of its energy needs, and the International Energy Agency forecasts that will climb to 80% by 2040.

“China would be shooting itself in the foot if they tax [crude oil] imports,” Shane Oliver, an analyst at AMP Capital Markets, said. “China’s economy is heavily dependent on oil.” [Emphasis added]

Oil (and soybeans and other big US commodity exports) is traded on global markets, which means that a Chinese tariff on US commodities doesn’t destroy the market, it merely shifts supply or demand to other countries:

“The U.S.’s light crudes aren’t going to go away,” said Erik Norland, senior economist at CME Group. “If it’s not exported to China, it will be exported someplace else, and those could be other countries in this region or other parts of the world.”

The same is true for soybeans. If China buys Brazilian soybeans instead of US exports, the markets that Brazil formerly exported to will have to switch to US suppliers. Instead of the predictions of disaster for US farmers, the market price for soybeans in China is now rising, as Reuters notes:

China’s soybean and soymeal prices jumped on Wednesday, with beans posting their biggest daily gain in a decade, as data showing a drop in soybean imports stirred supply concerns as a bitter trade dispute between Washington and Beijing plays out.

Gee, do you think it’s possible that President Trump knows more about negotiating than the nervous nellies that scream about trade wars damaging America?

Read more:
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It looks like Laura Ingraham, suffering because so many advertisers dropped her show after her nasty attack on Parkland School survivor David Hogg, has figured out a way to lose more of them.
Their son is notorious for not paying for anything he can get others to buy. How much does the billionaire son-in-law pitch in to cover the costs of his weekly golfing vacations?
Not paying for anything he can get others to buy? Sounds like a Democrat.
President Trump was excoriated by countless critics, including members of his own administration, for blaming “both sides” for the deadly violence at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va., last August. Nearly a year later, some of those deeply affected by the events of that weekend haven’t forgiven him.

Susan Bro, whose daughter, Heather Heyer, was killed when a car plowed into a group of counterprotesters, says the White House tried to contact her three times on the day of Heyer’s funeral. That was Aug. 15, three days after her death and the same day Trump angrily defended his initial statement during a contentious press conference with reporters at Trump Tower.

“My phone was turned off that entire day,” Bro told Yahoo News in a recent interview. “By the time I turned it on, it was like 10:30, and then I sat down and watched the news and heard he said there were good people on both sides, and I said, ‘Screw that. I’m not talking to him.’”
You would know first hand, so you tell us Magoo...

I pay less than $200/month for basic Medicare A and B, and a little less than that for supplemental insurance to cover the copays and gaps in Medicare. In over 6 years, I have paid nothing else to doctors or hospitals. My wife won't be eligible for Medicare until next year, and her California subsidized insurance costs more than three times what I pay, with much less generous coverage.