The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Federal Judge Orders FBI to Preserve Government Documents in James Comey's Personal Email
OMG - FINALLY an arrest in upstate New York. FINALLY we get to see C... Collins? COLLINS in handcuffs. WTF!

What. About. Killary??!! The Deep State is KILLING our Griftconomy!!!!

Oh well, at least Manafort is coming off well. And Gates too. Upstanding fellas. Proud of those proud boys.
OMG - FINALLY an arrest in upstate New York. FINALLY we get to see C... Collins? COLLINS in handcuffs. WTF!

What. About. Killary??!! The Deep State is KILLING our Griftconomy!!!!

Oh well, at least Manafort is coming off well. And Gates too. Upstanding fellas. Proud of those proud boys.
Have you been paying attention to the manafort trial?
Doesn't sound like it.
OMG - FINALLY an arrest in upstate New York. FINALLY we get to see C... Collins? COLLINS in handcuffs. WTF!

What. About. Killary??!! The Deep State is KILLING our Griftconomy!!!!

Oh well, at least Manafort is coming off well. And Gates too. Upstanding fellas. Proud of those proud boys.

Rep Collins just plead ignorance due to Russian Collusion on his home computer .........