The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Blue Hate Wave: Celebs Trash Ohio Voters After Democrat Loss
‘This Is an Embarrassment’

Hollywood-backed Democratic candidates didn’t fare as well as politically engaged celebrities had hoped in Tuesday’s elections, which sparked Russian meddling conspiracy theorizing and celebs bashing Green Party voters in Ohio.
This must be an SNL skit....
Poor Paulie... only made 65 million over 4 years, kept 16 mill off books and still broke.

Man's got to learn to hustle!

Poor, poor Paulie. How was he to know you're supposed to FBAR? Poor Poor Paulie...

Goodnight Paulie Gonnaget10years...
See ya in 2027...

I'll give Collins credit for the lamest insider trading act I've ever seen. He's the Carter Page of security fraud. Kek!
Poor Paulie... only made 65 million over 4 years, kept 16 mill off books and still broke.

Man's got to learn to hustle!

Poor, poor Paulie. How was he to know you're supposed to FBAR? Poor Poor Paulie...

Goodnight Paulie Gonnaget10years...
See ya in 2027...

I'll give Collins credit for the lamest insider trading act I've ever seen. He's the Carter Page of security fraud. Kek!
Did the judge make mueller's boy toy cry again today?
Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at 8.03.41 PM.png Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at 8.03.37 PM.png Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at 8.03.26 PM.png

Good night Paulie Forgottodeclare60milliontotheIRS...

Here's some good-night reading... (for those of you chumps too poor for pacer...)

So now's the time for all brave boys and proud boys to show their cards.
Make your prediction.

Fries sez: Guilty on 14 counts.
1 to 2 years per count - minus time served.
12 - 16 years.

How plead you, me hearties?
On a more serious note I do hope everyone and their loved ones is safely out of any fire zones. It is raging near some of my friends homes.

Be safe.
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Good night Paulie Forgottodeclare60milliontotheIRS...

Here's some good-night reading... (for those of you chumps too poor for pacer...)

So now's the time for all brave boys and proud boys to show their cards.
Make your prediction.

Fries sez: Guilty on 14 counts.
1 to 2 years per count - minus time served.
12 - 16 years.

How plead you, me hearties?
So, he isn't going to flip, rat out trump on Russian collusion?
Isn't that what you people predicted?

Just a show trial at this point.
"Show trial"?

You Ok? You Dick.

show tri·al
SHō ˈtrī(ə)l/
noun: show trial; plural noun: show trials
  1. a judicial trial held in public with the intention of influencing or satisfying public opinion, rather than of ensuring justice.
Did the judge make mueller's boy toy cry again today?

U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III has raked prosecutors from the special counsel’s office over the coals for the past week and a half. But on Thursday, he backed down, telling jurors to ignore one piece of criticism.

"I was critical of counsel for … allowing an expert to remain in the courtroom,” he said before testimony began. “You may put that aside… I may well have been wrong.”

On Wednesday, Ellis scolded prosecutors for calling an IRS expert who has sat through the trial in the gallery. Prosecutors filed a motion Thursday morning pointing out that the transcript backed up their understanding that Ellis had explicitly allowed the expert to do so.

“The Court’s sharp reprimand of government counsel in front of the jury on August 8 was therefore erroneous,” the prosecutors wrote. “And, while mistakes are a natural part of the trial process, the mistake here prejudiced the government by conveying to the jury that the government had acted improperly and had violated court rules or procedures. The exchange could very well lead the jury to reach two erroneous inferences: (a) that Mr. Welch’s testimony is not credible because he was improperly privy to the testimony of other witnesses, and (b) that the government sought to secure an unfair advantage by secreting its expert in the courtroom without permission…This prejudice should be cured.”

Ellis said Thursday that he had not actually read the transcript, which was attached to the government motion.

But, the judge said, “I was probably wrong.”​
U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III has raked prosecutors from the special counsel’s office over the coals for the past week and a half. But on Thursday, he backed down, telling jurors to ignore one piece of criticism.

"I was critical of counsel for … allowing an expert to remain in the courtroom,” he said before testimony began. “You may put that aside… I may well have been wrong.”

On Wednesday, Ellis scolded prosecutors for calling an IRS expert who has sat through the trial in the gallery. Prosecutors filed a motion Thursday morning pointing out that the transcript backed up their understanding that Ellis had explicitly allowed the expert to do so.

“The Court’s sharp reprimand of government counsel in front of the jury on August 8 was therefore erroneous,” the prosecutors wrote. “And, while mistakes are a natural part of the trial process, the mistake here prejudiced the government by conveying to the jury that the government had acted improperly and had violated court rules or procedures. The exchange could very well lead the jury to reach two erroneous inferences: (a) that Mr. Welch’s testimony is not credible because he was improperly privy to the testimony of other witnesses, and (b) that the government sought to secure an unfair advantage by secreting its expert in the courtroom without permission…This prejudice should be cured.”

Ellis said Thursday that he had not actually read the transcript, which was attached to the government motion.

But, the judge said, “I was probably wrong.”​
Fake News.
All you brave fellas talk tough, but nobody has the cahones to make a simple prediction on an anonymous message board? Kek.

You can move the goalposts till they are past the terraces and in the parking lot, but Paulie Ostrich is still spending his nights in jail, and I'm a bet a case of frosty cold Chimay red that he's gonna spend a few nights there in 2020 and beyond too...

Pour pore Paulie...
All you brave fellas talk tough, but nobody has the cahones to make a simple prediction on an anonymous message board? Kek.

You can move the goalposts till they are past the terraces and in the parking lot, but Paulie Ostrich is still spending his nights in jail, and I'm a bet a case of frosty cold Chimay red that he's gonna spend a few nights there in 2020 and beyond too...

Pour pore Paulie...
I am sure you are right, but do you think we would be here if he hadn't worked for Trump?
I really don't care what happens to him or gates, just a bit of a chicken shit show trial and if they don't come up with anything on Trump, Mueller should have his pussy sewn shut.
I am sure you are right, but do you think we would be here if he hadn't worked for Trump?
I really don't care what happens to him or gates, just a bit of a chicken shit show trial and if they don't come up with anything on Trump, Mueller should have his pussy sewn shut.

Show trial? So those millions in unpaid taxes are just made up to impress the rubes?