The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

You sure get angry when confronted by reality . . . better go back to your safe space in the nutterville bubble, what an effing snowflake you have turned out to be.
HA. That is just a term of endearment for e-reader.
You can't possibly really think I am snowflake.
You big Dummy.
HA. That is just a term of endearment for e-reader.
You can't possibly really think I am snowflake.
You big Dummy.
You constantly whine and act overly aggrieved, by everything from women and children seeking a better life away from murderous gangs to people who simply want to live their life as they see fit without bothering others.
Ignoramus. Not only can't t stop the investigation, he is trying to do it because Putin wants him to. Who's more powerful there?
Again... you know this how? The same way you know that Russia spies on every foreigner? Still waiting for that proof...

You are the ignoramus.
You constantly whine and act overly aggrieved, by everything from women and children seeking a better life away from murderous gangs to people who simply want to live their life as they see fit without bothering others.
Just pointing out the why our society is going down the tubes from liberal utopia dreams.