The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

I do know some people who are in the tax bracket that benefits from the “trump tax cuts” (aka long held republican wish list tax cuts), they are Republicans, not maga, so I can understand that vote. The others I see as casualties of a nonstop pr/propaganda machine. The rich get richer either way and the poor remain that way, BUT! They believe!
Small businesses benefit the most from conservative policies. So many small business owners can't stand Trump but vote for him because it gives them the best opportunity to succeeds. Unions are unneeded antiques that only drive up costs and promote mediocrity, particularly in California. If you signed the front of the checks you'd understand that.
Small businesses benefit the most from conservative policies. So many small business owners can't stand Trump but vote for him because it gives them the best opportunity to succeeds. Unions are unneeded antiques that only drive up costs and promote mediocrity, particularly in California. If you signed the front of the checks you'd understand that.
I understand both positions. It without unions we easily slip back into, child labor, triangle shirt factory fires, black lung, “acceptable death averages”, 70-80 hour workweeks, erosion of safety standards, etc. but you signing the checks don’t care.
I understand both positions. It without unions we easily slip back into, child labor, triangle shirt factory fires, black lung, “acceptable death averages”, 70-80 hour workweeks, erosion of safety standards, etc. but you signing the checks don’t care.
I would argue that thats why we have OSHA and Cal OSHA
Please illustrate your point or do you only do ad hominem?
I did. You continue spewing leftie talking points.
I understand both positions. It without unions we easily slip back into, child labor, triangle shirt factory fires, black lung, “acceptable death averages”, 70-80 hour workweeks, erosion of safety standards, etc. but you signing the checks don’t care.
Very archaic way of thinking. Progress has been made since the industrial revolution.
I would argue that thats why we have OSHA and Cal OSHA
People fought and were murdered by corporation thugs, often wearing police uniforms, to secure the work conditions workers now enjoy. Those efforts were fought, often brutally, everyday and are still being fought. Divide and conquer is what corporations want. You’ll never convince me otherwise. Unions built the middle class and the middle class made America great. Labor produces revenue not the other way around.
People fought and were murdered by corporation thugs, often wearing police uniforms, to secure the work conditions workers now enjoy. Those efforts were fought, often brutally, everyday and are still being fought. Divide and conquer is what corporations want. You’ll never convince me otherwise. Unions built the middle class and the middle class made America great. Labor produces revenue not the other way around.Ir
Ironic considering that the Teamsters had a long history of collusion with organized crime, corruption and violence. Like sweatshops and unsafe working conditions, those are mostly things of the past, well except for the corruption part.
Ironic considering that the Teamsters had a long history of collusion with organized crime, corruption and violence. Like sweatshops and unsafe working conditions, those are mostly things of the past, well except for the corruption part.
Actually they aren’t. Kids cleaning slaughterhouses ring a bell?
Holy shit, what kind of industry to you work in? The worst part of our employees' day is the traffic to and from work, and on occasion a psycho customer.
Labor history is a bloody one. Corporations fought collective bargaining with force for decades. And they will again given a chance.
Small businesses benefit the most from conservative policies. So many small business owners can't stand Trump but vote for him because it gives them the best opportunity to succeeds. Unions are unneeded antiques that only drive up costs and promote mediocrity, particularly in California. If you signed the front of the checks you'd understand that.
How many is so many?
Actually they aren’t. Kids cleaning slaughterhouses ring a bell?
Let's not forget all the human trafficking, does that ring a bell loser? Messy worked for the Union as well. You sound like an asshole to work with. Jealous losers who hate small business owners. Small business has been destroyed in California unless you obeyed the tyrants.
Labor history is a bloody one. Corporations fought collective bargaining with force for decades. And they will again given a chance.
Yes and so is politics. Your boy crooked Joe said it was a "mistake" to put a call out and bullseye on President trump a few days before he was shot. It's a little too late for saying sorry.
Given a chance, corporate interests will once again take away at workers rights. Philanthropic efforts are for tax purposes. think given the Labor history of this country that there is an opportunity for Unions to be eradicated? And trump is going to usher in this new era of labor eradication? This is what you worry about?
Philanthropic efforts are for tax purposes.
Partially true, but so what. Charitable organizations are far more effective at providing services and aid then our bloated government, and do it far more cost-effectively than Uncle Sam. Are there corrupt charities? 100%, BLM a is prime example. If you ever consider donating money to anything other than your union, I'd recommend checking out Charity Navigator before donating, and if you want to dig even deeper take a look at their Form 990 which is publicly available.
Ironic considering that the Teamsters had a long history of collusion with organized crime, corruption and violence. Like sweatshops and unsafe working conditions, those are mostly things of the past, well except for the corruption part.
I just test-fired the charcoal burner today. Among the suggested menu items for later --

My biggest concern is that the fancy wooden toothpicks will burn away before the bacon has taken a set.