The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

What do you mean they will have a chance again?
"It’s ugly: abolish overtime pay laws, outlaw public sector unions entirely, get rid of health and safety protections, eliminate the federal minimum wage by letting states set their own, make it harder to receive unemployment, put children back to work like in the 1920s."

I understand both positions. It without unions we easily slip back into, child labor, triangle shirt factory fires, black lung, “acceptable death averages”, 70-80 hour workweeks, erosion of safety standards, etc. but you signing the checks don’t care.
What are you babbling about, fool?
Actually they aren’t. Kids cleaning slaughterhouses ring a bell?

Jesus Christ... the shit never ends with your dumb ass. Is that Trump's fault, too? Please bring up the "wage theft" portion of the article that talks about illegals working, who can't protect themselves because they don't speak the language, so I can remind a dipshit like you that's why we want illegal border crossings stopped. Illegal aliens working 12 hours shifts picking lettuce, for $5 a day, is bad... remember left tard?

We know you need their votes but you're talking out of both sides of your ass.
"It’s ugly: abolish overtime pay laws, outlaw public sector unions entirely, get rid of health and safety protections, eliminate the federal minimum wage by letting states set their own, make it harder to receive unemployment, put children back to work like in the 1920s."

Do you prefer Project 1619 (aka "everything is racist") like other Democrats?
I just test-fired the charcoal burner today. Among the suggested menu items for later --

My biggest concern is that the fancy wooden toothpicks will burn away before the bacon has taken a set.
Aren't you worried about leaving chemtrails over the Sun City community you live in?

Have you tried paper toothpicks to save the environment? That worked so well with straws, Fudd.
Partially true, but so what. Charitable organizations are far more effective at providing services and aid then our bloated government, and do it far more cost-effectively than Uncle Sam. Are there corrupt charities? 100%, BLM a is prime example. If you ever consider donating money to anything other than your union, I'd recommend checking out Charity Navigator before donating, and if you want to dig even deeper take a look at their Form 990 which is publicly available.
Government services are more broadly distributed. And yes many charities spend far more on “administrative fees” than actual services.
And yes many charities spend far more on “administrative fees” than actual services.
Even some of the worst offenders are still better than the government, plus the government is more susceptible to fraud.

Workers Comp fraud is a $1 to $3 BILLION problem in California.

This is why wealthy people prefer to pay directly to charitable organizations then pay taxes to the government. They actually know where the money is going. Just FYI, corporations have much stricter limits on charitable contributions and therefore they don't receive much of a tax benefit. Corporations are a very small player in overall charitable giving, only 6% of total giving. I know that doesn't fit your narrative, but that's reality.

Keep in mind that even with individual charitable giving someone is paying a $1 to only save 50 cents in taxes, in most cases. So the dollar benefit is double that to the community as compared to paying taxes (before government fraud, overhead and incompetence).

Jesus Christ... the shit never ends with your dumb ass. Is that Trump's fault, too? Please bring up the "wage theft" portion of the article that talks about illegals working, who can't protect themselves because they don't speak the language, so I can remind a dipshit like you that's why we want illegal border crossings stopped. Illegal aliens working 12 hours shifts picking lettuce, for $5 a day, is bad... remember left tard?

We know you need their votes but you're talking out of both sides of your ass.
"They work hard, no doubt, but they are paid above minimum wage—$9 an hour, as well as a piece-rate of $1.85 a box, which can translate, depending on the weekly order from shippers and how quickly they slash through the lettuce fields, to as much as an extra $60 a day."

Do you prefer Project 1619 (aka "everything is racist") like other Democrats?
"everything is racist"? Show me (or at least show the Democrats here) --

"everything is racist"? Show me (or at least show the Democrats here) --

Straight from the authors mouth:

"The project argues that slavery is a foundational American institution," she says. "It is one of the oldest American institutions, and that the legacy of the first 250 years of slavery still, of course, permeates throughout society in a variety of ways."
"It’s ugly: abolish overtime pay laws, outlaw public sector unions entirely, get rid of health and safety protections, eliminate the federal minimum wage by letting states set their own, make it harder to receive unemployment, put children back to work like in the 1920s."

do you read things? put children back to work? you are so ridiculous it hurts. Are you one of those that thinks trumpy is behind 2025?
Straight from the authors mouth:

"The project argues that slavery is a foundational American institution," she says. "It is one of the oldest American institutions, and that the legacy of the first 250 years of slavery still, of course, permeates throughout society in a variety of ways."
So "a variety of ways" encompasses "everything"?