The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Even some of the worst offenders are still better than the government, plus the government is more susceptible to fraud.

Workers Comp fraud is a $1 to $3 BILLION problem in California.

This is why wealthy people prefer to pay directly to charitable organizations then pay taxes to the government. They actually know where the money is going. Just FYI, corporations have much stricter limits on charitable contributions and therefore they don't receive much of a tax benefit. Corporations are a very small player in overall charitable giving, only 6% of total giving. I know that doesn't fit your narrative, but that's reality.

Keep in mind that even with individual charitable giving someone is paying a $1 to only save 50 cents in taxes, in most cases. So the dollar benefit is double that to the community as compared to paying taxes (before government fraud, overhead and incompetence).
“Narrative”? What’s their tax rate? Personally and the corporation. Shuffling the deck is nothing new. The world is controlled/owned by a handful of people. There will never be a worker’s utopia but there’s plenty of evidence that the utopia for the ruling class is in full bloom. Remember the golden rule!
"They work hard, no doubt, but they are paid above minimum wage—$9 an hour, as well as a piece-rate of $1.85 a box, which can translate, depending on the weekly order from shippers and how quickly they slash through the lettuce fields, to as much as an extra $60 a day."

The demotards are the ones telling us the illegal aliens are coming here for a better life. They're the ones saying illegal aliens, already here, are being treated like slaves in the fields. I grew up in the San Joaquin Valley. I saw it myself. The movie "McFarland" is real. So how do you stop employers from paying slave wages in slave conditions? Well, logically, you find the ones doing citizenship the right way, who know what to do in the fields, make them citizens, provide a real wage, have them pay taxes and have benefits like everyone else.

But that doesn't really work if you keep letting non English speaking illegals into our country, does it? They can't speak the language, they're uneducated, they haven't a pot to piss in and nobody will be required to protect them because... well, they aren't supposed to be here in the first place. But you know what they can do? Lie on a voter ballot by saying they're citizens when they aren't, vote for the party they know provides the freebies and looks the other way while saying it's "racist" to ask them for ID.
do you read things? put children back to work? you are so ridiculous it hurts. Are you one of those that thinks trumpy is behind 2025?
The only people who think Trump has any ideology or ideas of his own have never truly listened to him. Aka his devoted followers. He’s a salesman, a closer for his small family business. He’s not the idea guy . . . unless you give a sharpie or a nuclear bomb. He convinces people to trust him, hence the term ‘confidence man’.
The demotards are the ones telling us the illegal aliens are coming here for a better life. They're the ones saying illegal aliens, already here, are being treated like slaves in the fields. I grew up in the San Joaquin Valley. I saw it myself. The movie "McFarland" is real. So how do you stop employers from paying slave wages in slave conditions? Well, logically, you find the ones doing citizenship the right way, who know what to do in the fields, make them citizens, provide a real wage, have them pay taxes and have benefits like everyone else.

But that doesn't really work if you keep letting non English speaking illegals into our country, does it? They can't speak the language, they're uneducated, they haven't a pot to piss in and nobody will be required to protect them because... well, they aren't supposed to be here in the first place. But you know what they can do? Lie on a voter ballot by saying they're citizens when they aren't, vote for the party they know provides the freebies and looks the other way while saying it's "racist" to ask them for ID.
Is that all? I did not know that. Neither does the California Secretary of State.

What You Will Need​

To register online you will need

  • Your California driver license or California identification card number,
  • The last four digits of your social security number and
  • Your date of birth.
Your information will be provided to the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to retrieve a copy of your DMV signature.

If you do not have a California driver license or California identification card, you can still use this form to apply to register to vote. However, you will need to take additional steps to complete your voter registration.

Is that all? I did not know that. Neither does the California Secretary of State.

What You Will Need​

To register online you will need

  • Your California driver license or California identification card number,
  • The last four digits of your social security number and
  • Your date of birth.
Your information will be provided to the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to retrieve a copy of your DMV signature.

If you do not have a California driver license or California identification card, you can still use this form to apply to register to vote. However, you will need to take additional steps to complete your voter registration.

Well, Secretary Shirley is from Arkansas. Maybe that's the problem?

Did you see this part? It's at the bottom.

"If you do not have a California driver license or California identification card, you can still use this form to apply to register to vote. However, you will need to take additional steps to complete your voter registration."

And I'm guessing you aren't aware the libtards are giving a driver's license to illegal aliens. Are you admitting that? Because it's fucking exhausting proving you wrong, over and over again, with the same shit.

For example, undocumented California residents can now get a California driver's license because of AB 60, or the Safe and Responsible Drivers Act. This law was passed in 2013 to reduce traffic accidents. These licenses are also known as AB 60 licenses.
What’s their tax rate?
Impossible to say. Too many variables. Corporations are subject to far more taxes than individuals (like payroll taxes) and it depends on industry, debt/equity structure etc. The key fact to understand is that Corporation profits are taxed twice on the same profit. Once when it is earned and again when its paid to its owners. Imagine if you received a paycheck and had to pay taxes on that and then taxed again when you paid your mortgage, paid tuition etc. (yes, true in the case of sales tax).

I'm not defending corporations, look how many people that work for Amazon require public assistance. I think that borders on exploitation.
Totally random thought. There's actually such thing as a High School Rifle/Shooting Club? Could you imagine that in California? People would lose their minds.
Totally random thought. There's actually such thing as a High School Rifle/Shooting Club? Could you imagine that in California? People would lose their minds.
I had a fishing and hunting class at Emerald jr high in El Cajon, Ca. We learned how to make fly fishing flies, lures, casting techniques, cleaning fish, clamming, we loaded shot and learned proper cleaning, care and handling of firearms. That was a different era (early 70’s) back when auto manuals had gapping instructions. Now they say don’t drink the battery fluid.
I had a fishing and hunting class at Emerald jr high in El Cajon, Ca. We learned how to make fly fishing flies, lures, casting techniques, cleaning fish, clamming, we loaded shot and learned proper cleaning, care and handling of firearms. That was a different era (early 70’s) back when auto manuals had gapping instructions. Now they say don’t drink the battery fluid.
Ha, I went to Emerald, or should I say survived Emerald. All we had was wood and metal shop. That's awesome they had the fishing and hunting stuff. Emerald has been converted to some random charter high school.

Valhalla had a great auto shop program. It hasn't operated for years but the principal has talked about bringing it back.
Ha, I went to Emerald, or should I say survived Emerald. All we had was wood and metal shop. That's awesome they had the fishing and hunting stuff. Emerald has been converted to some random charter high school.

Valhalla had a great auto shop program. It hasn't operated for years but the principal has talked about bringing it back.
I also took Oceanography. I was ‘79 Valhalla. Hit tile in the Olympic size pool it was drained for maintenance.
I also took Oceanography. I was ‘79 Valhalla. Hit tile in the Olympic size pool it was drained for maintenance.
'84. Lived many places since, and now back in the old neighborhood. Hard to fathom I have a kid that graduated from there and a kid still there.

'79, was "Freedom with Responsibility" still a thing? It would be priceless of if you had a picture hitting tile? How was the transition, seems sketch?
'84. Lived many places since, and now back in the old neighborhood. Hard to fathom I have a kid that graduated from there and a kid still there.

'79, was "Freedom with Responsibility" still a thing? It would be priceless of if you had a picture hitting tile? How was the transition, seems sketch?
Huge smooth transition. We never took pictures back then as just about everything we did was illegal. I grew up off Dehesa up from singing hills. It’s so different out there now, I couldn’t imagine. No one is left in the old neighborhood. It’s a strange feeling being a stranger in a place you know so well.