The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

This is a funny meme and I don't think all liberals should go to jail, FYI Dom. For those watching, because I post a meme does not mean I support the meme. It's called satire and some our funny as hell. I love you guys. Off to a party with my Mayan family. God Bless you all. I'll be back espola:cool:

I wonder what they would be eating for dinner. She is speaking truth......

Ariana Grande Says Serial Killer Jeffrey Dahmer Would Be Her Dream Dinner Guest

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Pop star Ariana Grande was slammed by the family of one of Jeffrey Dahmer’s victims for once saying that the late serial killer would be her dream guest if she could have dinner with anyone alive or dead. “It seems like she’s sick in her mind,” a victim’s mother said of the singer.

“Years ago, before the Dahmer series, I was in a Q&A with fans, young fans,” Grande recalled during a recent interview. “Someone said, ‘If you could have dinner with anyone living or dead, who would it be?’ And I was like, ‘Mom and dad, is it okay if I give the real answer?'”

“And they were like, ‘Sure, I guess. What’s the answer?’ And I was like, ‘Jeffrey Dahmer is pretty fascinating,'” the “We Can’t Be Friends” singer continued.

“I think I would have loved to have met him,” Grande said. “Maybe with a third party or someone involved, but I have questions.”
She's stupid enough to not realize he'd be eating her dead body for dinner.
“Trump doesn’t just cheat at golf,” Reilly wrote. “He throws it, boots it, and moves it. He lies about his lies. He fudges and foozles and fluffs. At Winged Foot, where Trump is a member, the caddies got so used to seeing him kick his ball back onto the fairway they came up with a nickname for him: ‘Pele.’ ”

So you don't take your meds over the weekends, either?
What does espola's Doc think of Biden and if she should step down after Thursday's nightmare to remember for the Dims. Yes, the light is very Dim for the Dims. Remember the 5th of November and get out and vote for your favorite candidate.


Dr. Fauci says Biden’s bid for second term is ‘an individual choice,’ recalls ‘positive’ experience with presiden. Fauci says Biden 'right on point on things,' but didn't share what points on Thursdays were right. Fauci, who helped lead (the country by lying to us all) the nation’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, said one must look at each person as an individual and evaluate "how they feel, what they feel they can do." Feelings, nothing but feelings. "He asks probing questions. He's right on point on things," Fauci said of Biden, without going into detail on specific instances. "So my personal experience has been quite positive with him." Ya, because he followed all your bull💩 rules you loser and soon to be convicted felon.​

All President needs full immunity while doing their job without asshats like espola looking over their shoulder. The real Q. What is the Presidents work schedule. We know Joe only works from 10am-4pm. California passed a law that made employers pay their employees when they're on call. A friend of mine worked as a property manager and had to be on call for emergencies one week out of the month. She would get calls every night about a plumbing leak at one of their many condos they worked for in HOA. I think SCOTUS will rule that each President has full immunity while in official role.

What does Nancy say about Corn Pop.

Nancy Pelosi says Biden was caught off guard by Trump's 'lies.'​

"The fact is, the reaction to the lies of Donald Trump is something that… people are focusing on, and to have a debate where you have to spend half your time negating what he said because he knows nothing about the truth," she added. "On one side of the screen you have integrity and on one side you have dishonesty."
BREAKING Crush News: There are UNCONFIRMED reports from Bill O’Reilly after Biden’s meeting with family and advisors that state “The decision has been made that the President will quit the campaign.”

This is a HUGE DEAL. We could see Kamala as acting President for a period this year.

Clearly there is a BIG PANIC for the Democrats as the REALITY of Biden’s DISASTROUS debate performance on Thursday night sets in. His cognitive decline is VERY DETRIMENTAL.

There aren’t many options left for them Dims:eek:

1. Biden steps down, we get Kamala as President for a period & the “heir apparent” likely Newsom will be thrust forward as the nominee. Voter fraud will be kicked into HIGH gear, knowing how unliked he is.

2. They sentence @realDonaldTrump to at least a couple years behind bars in July.

3. Biden stays as President, continues to stumble & fail getting MUCH WORSE towards November where Trump can beat the hell out of him from jail or not. Fraud will be MUCH harder with Biden.

We are in for a WILD RIDE!


The Philadelphia Inquirer calls on Donald Trump to drop out after debate performance for getting graded a D+ from Watty and others. Despite acknowledging President Biden's 'disaster' performance, the Inquirer argued it was Trump who should step down, not Joker Joe.​

"There Here....."

As the Looking Glass Project becomes more and more in the news, just know that the Good Guy has checkmate, and the Bad Guy knows it. Anyone who plays chess knows when they see they will be checkmated in 6 moves. They could quit or hope the Good Guy makes a mistake. God is the good guy and the devil lost. I hated playing chess because I had no patients in that game but I 100% respect those who can play chess.

FOX NEWS: All U.S. military bases in Europe have been put on heightened alert status due to a potential terrorist attack

We are sitting ducks. A house divided cannot defend itself. Please don't be idiots like Dumb & Dumber. Friends don't place your fear & hate on one man and blame this on Trump. Also, I have changed my grade to A+ for President Trump.
I have changed my choice for VP for Trump. I think we actually might need someone who's a real Doctor and cares about life. Trump/Carson 2024! Also, I need a break. espola and Du Du, you can come in now and counter my takes and meme's today.
Dr. Ben Carson: “Sir, the left-wing media is going to come at you with everything they have because the other side is so frightened that their nest will be disturbed. Please keep telling the people what the left is going to do so that it will be expected. We are 1000% behind you.” T
"Crazy Nancy Pelosi, who the other day was exposed by her daughter, a filmmaker, as being fully responsible for the lack of security on January 6th is, in my opinion, more cognitively impaired than Crooked Joe Biden. I just watched her do an interview, and she was way “off.” Additionally, she is suffering from TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME, sometimes referred to as TDS, and her case is terminal! She is a sick “puppy,” and always has been!!!" DJT