The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Birds of a feather lie together.....

"I’ll leave the debate rating to the pundits, but here’s what I know: facts and history matter. Joe Biden has given us 3 years of solid leadership, steadying us after the pandemic, creating a record number of new jobs, making real progress solving the climate crisis, and launching a successful effort in reducing inflation, all while pulling us out of the quagmire Donald Trump left us in. That’s what’s really at stake in November." Bill Clinton
I'm still amazed at how libtards blame Trump for Covid. Biden did it Thursday night, too. If you're reading or listening to ANYONE that won't be critical of Biden and Trump, you can wipe your ass with their opinion. I don't care who it is. - Slobo
I'm still amazed at how libtards blame Trump for Covid. Biden did it Thursday night, too. If you're reading or listening to ANYONE that won't be critical of Biden and Trump, you can wipe your ass with their opinion. I don't care who it is. - Slobo
Everything is Trumps fault. Victimhood 101. Gavin 100% did insane mandates in our State with Joker Joe. Dude did not follow his own rules and we all saw it. Kicking people off the beach to get Vitamin D was total bull💩. Kicking me and my dd off a county soccer field was total bull💩 Without California being all in with Joe and Nancy during Divoc, no way our country goes to 💩 like it is right now. Add all the teachers they bought and the Doctors they bought; we were going to get what we voted for. Doctor WHO got triple bonus pay and my and so many other small businesses were destroyed. This is no joke and people in CA better wake up.
I used to joke about a Civil War 2 years ago. I don't joke about it anymore. It won't be a war, it'll be a divorce.
The Meme was about a new frontier of Patriots looking for Freedom from the British Empire. That was a war for freedom. The Civil War was a war to free slaves. The fact is, we are in some sort of civil war and a world war, it's just more informational then with bullets and weapons. I have no weapons. Mark my words: WE WILL NOT HAVE A CIVIL WAR or WW3. It's what the 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 want. Trust me on this bro.
Everything is Trumps fault. Victimhood 101. Gavin 100% did insane mandates in our State with Joker Joe. Dude did not follow his own rules and we all saw it. Kicking people off the beach to get Vitamin D was total bull💩. Kicking me and my dd off a county soccer field was total bull💩 Without California being all in with Joe and Nancy during Divoc, no way our country goes to 💩 like it is right now. Add all the teachers they bought and the Doctors they bought; we were going to get what we voted for. Doctor WHO got triple bonus pay and my and so many other small businesses were destroyed. This is no joke and people in CA better wake up.
When you shut everything down, when you tell everyone they're a victim, when you announce successful people are evil and don't do enough for the common man, then you immediately open the border to bring in millions of helpless people dependent on the government, you show a clear and present path to controlling the masses. Full on dictatorship.

And the libtards like to compare Trump to Hitler.
When you shut everything down, when you tell everyone they're a victim, when you announce successful people are evil and don't do enough for the common man, then you immediately open the border to bring in millions of helpless people dependent on the government, you show a clear and present path to controlling the masses. Full on dictatorship.

And the libtards like to compare Trump to Hitler.
Everything they accuse Trump of doing is what they do themselves. Classic projection and if you tell lies enough, they become the truth to them. When I called out the liars in youth soccer, they turned around and called me names like, "Club Hopper" "Medal Chaser" "Crazy father on medication" "College coaches don't like players leaving our club" "If you leave, your kid will be blacklisted" "If you leave, you won't be able to make the YNT" "If you leave, you won't be able to play in our league" "If you aren't fully vaccinated, you can't play college soccer or be invited to YNT Camp" "If you don't take the jabs, you're fired."
I wonder what they would be eating for dinner. She is speaking truth......

Ariana Grande Says Serial Killer Jeffrey Dahmer Would Be Her Dream Dinner Guest


Pop star Ariana Grande was slammed by the family of one of Jeffrey Dahmer’s victims for once saying that the late serial killer would be her dream guest if she could have dinner with anyone alive or dead. “It seems like she’s sick in her mind,” a victim’s mother said of the singer.

“Years ago, before the Dahmer series, I was in a Q&A with fans, young fans,” Grande recalled during a recent interview. “Someone said, ‘If you could have dinner with anyone living or dead, who would it be?’ And I was like, ‘Mom and dad, is it okay if I give the real answer?'”

“And they were like, ‘Sure, I guess. What’s the answer?’ And I was like, ‘Jeffrey Dahmer is pretty fascinating,'” the “We Can’t Be Friends” singer continued.

“I think I would have loved to have met him,” Grande said. “Maybe with a third party or someone involved, but I have questions.”
Ok you guys, must of you voted for this man and now you need to fix things.

Bombshell Report: Biden Only Fully Functional From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.


‘They lie about what’s happening at the border’: Border Patrol Union leaders reiterate they never endorsed Biden

“It shocked me when you hear this administration, to begin with, say the border was secure then ignore it for several years. But this one (lie) was a new one for me.”
“I couldn’t believe what I was hearing,” Del Cueto said, recounting his reaction to the president’s claims. “It shocked me when you hear this administration, to begin with, say the border was secure then ignore it for several years. But this one was a new one for me.”

Bill Maher (Owner of "Kid Love Productions") gets blunt with fellow Democrats on Biden: ‘He is going to lose, it’s so apparent’​

The liberal comedian compared the Trump-Biden debate to a 90-second knockout from Mike Tyson.​

"I have said before, I will vote for his head in a jar of blue liquid. After last night, time to get the jar," Maher quipped during the panel discussion Friday night.

After reiterating his months-long call to replace Biden on the Democratic ticket, he stressed it is now "absolutely apparent" and that it is the "only way" for Democrats to win the election.

"The flash poll after, Trump, they said, won 67 to 33," Maher said. "33, that number rings in my mind (Oh really, please do share Mr. Red Shoes). Because you know what that number is? (I do. It's Club 33 and we ain't in it. My adopted mom's first hubby was a member). That's the number you always see very close- 33, 34, 32 of the people who are just always with their party. I mean, this is Mrs. Goebbels in the bunker number… You see it on the right. They used to call them birthers, Tea Party, whatever MAGA nation, they never move. And now I feel like that's a third of the Democrats who are, like, they're gonna stick with this guy and they are going to regret it."


I follow Entheos on TS and I must say he's been right on everything. It's a trip you guys. I want babies born and you all know it. God wants all his children born, not killed up to 9 months just because. We MUST save all the children and stop cheating creation of life and then lying about it. It's murder!!! Follow your heart as I follow mine. Can we all at least agree 9 months to kill baby is not good?

Thats absurd? So a president pulls a JFK and allegedlly rapes a teen in the White House. He/she should absolutely not be immune from prosecution.
Or Biden could stab trump in the jugular vein and order the secret service to “stand back and stand by!”, “for the good of the country!”.
That sticks in the craw of the veterans I know.
Like Kerry and No Name? My brother fought in that evil war when he was 17. He told me he wished he would have listened to my mother and got deferred as well. The Military had other plans for Trump loser. You really are a low life loser!!!
“Trump doesn’t just cheat at golf,” Reilly wrote. “He throws it, boots it, and moves it. He lies about his lies. He fudges and foozles and fluffs. At Winged Foot, where Trump is a member, the caddies got so used to seeing him kick his ball back onto the fairway they came up with a nickname for him: ‘Pele.’ ”

“Trump doesn’t just cheat at golf,” Reilly wrote. “He throws it, boots it, and moves it. He lies about his lies. He fudges and foozles and fluffs. At Winged Foot, where Trump is a member, the caddies got so used to seeing him kick his ball back onto the fairway they came up with a nickname for him: ‘Pele.’ ”

Low life!!!