The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

"Twilight Zone moment last night: a mentally incompetent puppet candidate lecturing the American people about threats against democracy during a debate designed to expose how mentally unfit he is so that a cabal of Democrat insiders can handpick their new puppet candidate." Devin Nunes
Kudos to you for watching CNN, its been years since I've had that displeasure. Whitmer was on the original VP list for Biden and checks most boxes for a Dem.

The saddest part of that "debate" last night was that a half decent candidate for either R or D would have wiped the floor of Trump or Biden. It beggars belief that for the 3rd cycle in a row, we have two horrible choices.
I did rinse and bleach my eyes but think the debate hosts did a fair job. "Ith tho exthiting to thee Jake Tapper athk quethtionth like that"!

Indeed. Trump's age has caught up with him, too. We already know he won't drop no matter what.
Neither candidate knows the USMNT plays Uruguay in a must win on Monday. It would be smart if Trump showed up for that game.

Are any of you aware of this important game?

Lexi Lalas for President?
I'm still trying to figure out why "Dr" Machnik gets invited to these games to always confuse rules for us. By the time JP goes to him, Joe wakes up and starts figuring out what he wants to say, JP is like, "thanks doctor but we don't have this kind of time."

I went to his 'keeper camp 100 years ago and he was a goofball back then. Now he's just goofy and old.
Biden could have taken the opportunity in one of the response periods where he was to be the last to speak to say something on the lines of "Why would anyone listen to a proven liar, a cowardly draft-dodger, and convicted felon who faces even more serious charges once his hand-picked judges have run out of reasons to delay the trials?"
- Biden is a proven liar and plagiarizer.
- Biden is a cowardly draft dodger.
- Biden would be in prison 2-years from now but he likely won't live long enough to convict.
- The libtards have handpicked all their DAs and judges.

You seriously don't see how your posts are mostly hypocritical if not... moronic?
Biden could have taken the opportunity in one of the response periods where he was to be the last to speak to say something on the lines of "Why would anyone listen to a proven liar, a cowardly draft-dodger, and convicted felon who faces even more serious charges once his hand-picked judges have run out of reasons to delay the trials?"
He could have and he may even have ... but nobody understood or he just couldn't get that long a sentence out in a coherent way. I realize he had to overcome a severe stutter, which is no small thing, but seriously, he should never have gone for a second term, and he should drop now.
Biden could have taken the opportunity in one of the response periods where he was to be the last to speak to say something on the lines of "Why would anyone listen to a proven liar, a cowardly draft-dodger, and convicted felon who faces even more serious charges once his hand-picked judges have run out of reasons to delay the trials?"
How many deferments did President Biden get again?
- Biden is a proven liar and plagiarizer.
- Biden is a cowardly draft dodger.
- Biden would be in prison 2-years from now but he likely won't live long enough to convict.
- The libtards have handpicked all their DAs and judges.

You seriously don't see how your posts are mostly hypocritical if not... moronic?
Espola, just like Magoo, is blind. He only sees what he wants to see....
I'm still trying to figure out why "Dr" Machnik gets invited to these games to always confuse rules for us. By the time JP goes to him, Joe wakes up and starts figuring out what he wants to say, JP is like, "thanks doctor but we don't have this kind of time."

I went to his 'keeper camp 100 years ago and he was a goofball back then. Now he's just goofy and old.
"In 1973, Machnik earned a Ph.D from the University of Utah in the field of Recreation/Leisure Studies."

No comment.
Monday, July 1st will be a big SCOTUS day. Does the President of the United States have full criminal immunity when he's being the President? Thoughts on how the ruling will go?

"The same main stream media deep state conspirators that told you there was no invasion at the border, told you hunters laptop was russian disinfo, told you Trump team was putting out ‘cheap fakes’ of Bidens mental failures, and all said Biden better with the forever wars…are the same ones now calling for Biden to be replaced. Never ever believe them to do anything other than advance their swamp monster agenda." Kash
Birds of a feather lie together.....

"I’ll leave the debate rating to the pundits, but here’s what I know: facts and history matter. Joe Biden has given us 3 years of solid leadership, steadying us after the pandemic, creating a record number of new jobs, making real progress solving the climate crisis, and launching a successful effort in reducing inflation, all while pulling us out of the quagmire Donald Trump left us in. That’s what’s really at stake in November." Bill Clinton
Monday, July 1st will be a big SCOTUS day. Does the President of the United States have full criminal immunity when he's being the President? Thoughts on how the ruling will go?

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Well his attorney representing him before the SC conceded that Trump doesn't have full immunity. The SC will say he has immunity for anything he does in carrying out his responsibilities at President, they won't grant him full immunity.
Well his attorney representing him before the SC conceded that Trump doesn't have full immunity. The SC will say he has immunity for anything he does in carrying out his responsibilities at President, they won't grant him full immunity.
That's what I think. Good answer.