The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

The real issue is what to do with Trump. The libtards needed to see Trump's game after being out of the sport for many years and it's not good, either. As we speak, they're greasing up Gavin even more than he already is and I think that was the plan 2-years ago. Now they can show The 'Tato all the bad video and press he earned last night. Will he relinquish for Gavin if he promises some pardons? The ladies love dirtbag Newsom. That might be a concern had I not watched DeSantis bend the coiffed c*nt over during their debate, but Trump got a C- at best last night. And we still don't know who his VP is.

Gavin is having a bad stretch himself. The prerecorded State Of The (crumbling) State was embarrassing. He's got nothing good to talk about.
The real issue is what to do with Trump. The libtards needed to see Trump's game after being out of the sport for many years and it's not good, either. As we speak, they're greasing up Gavin even more than he already is and I think that was the plan 2-years ago. Now they can show The 'Tato all the bad video and press he earned last night. Will he relinquish for Gavin if he promises some pardons? The ladies love dirtbag Newsom. That might be a concern had I not watched DeSantis bend the coiffed c*nt over during their debate, but Trump got a C- at best last night. And we still don't know who his VP is.

Gavin is having a bad stretch himself. The prerecorded State Of The (crumbling) State was embarrassing. He's got nothing good to talk about.
Gavin has too much baggage -- in some respects any attack on t can be rebutted with "What about Newsom?"

The clearest hope for America given the available choices is Michelle plus a carefully vetted white male.
Gavin has too much baggage -- in some respects any attack on t can be rebutted with "What about Newsom?"

The clearest hope for America given the available choices is Michelle plus a carefully vetted white male.
I'd actually agree with you if Gavin's baggage seemed to matter to dems. The rest of the country hasn't been blessed with his snail trail glazing yet and I'm sure the DNC is chomping at the bit.

Michelle doesn't want the job and I don't think Bathhouse Barry will allow them to force it on her. They've dedicated 8+ years of their lives.
I'd actually agree with you if Gavin's baggage seemed to matter to dems. The rest of the country hasn't been blessed with his snail trail glazing yet and I'm sure the DNC is chomping at the bit.

Michelle doesn't want the job and I don't think Bathhouse Barry will allow them to force it on her. They've dedicated 8+ years of their lives.
I think Whitmer would be a better candidate than Newsom, and would tick the first female pres box into the bargain.

I don't see how the Dems get both Biden & Harris to step aside though - clearly they should.
I think Whitmer would be a better candidate than Newsom, and would tick the first female pres box into the bargain.

I don't see how the Dems get both Biden & Harris to step aside though - clearly they should.
Biden's situation should be obvious even to him. Harris could be invited to be Secretary of State, which in many respects is more powerful (is that the right word?) than VP.
America is in a tough spot. Both parties are to blame. What a pitiful display that was, on both sides.
It's naive to blame America's "tough spot" on the leaders of the parties. This is a democracy. We elect the leaders. There's so much money and power at stake and, as Americans, we do little oversight. The wasted money by NGOs is stupifying. The amount of money congressmen can make trading with information on laws they create is ridiculous. The willingness of people to allow censorship to protect the government narrative is anti-democratic and we will continue to reap the "rewards" of our abdication of our children's education to cultural Marxists. I know it's cute to point out deficiencies and say, "Joe Biden did that", or "Donald Trump did that". That's a cope. Yes, we have poor leaders at the top but it's because we have poor values at the bottom - merit is illusory, fiscal accountability and equal protection under the law is passe, symptoms of mental illness are promoted as a virtue, and open drug use and mental illness in our cities is what the left defines as "compassion". We'll continue to produce leaders that look like these as long as these are the values that define us.
Gavin has too much baggage -- in some respects any attack on t can be rebutted with "What about Newsom?"

The clearest hope for America given the available choices is Michelle plus a carefully vetted white male.
Can you find me a pic of Michelle online with a baby bump? Trust me espola, Michelle has more baggage then all of them combined. No satire either. My prediction with be Gavin and Michelle or Michelle and Gavin. Gavin is related to Nancy.
I think Whitmer would be a better candidate than Newsom, and would tick the first female pres box into the bargain.

I don't see how the Dems get both Biden & Harris to step aside though - clearly they should.
It's naive to blame America's "tough spot" on the leaders of the parties. This is a democracy. We elect the leaders. There's so much money and power at stake and, as Americans, we do little oversight. The wasted money by NGOs is stupifying. The amount of money congressmen can make trading with information on laws they create is ridiculous. The willingness of people to allow censorship to protect the government narrative is anti-democratic and we will continue to reap the "rewards" of our abdication of our children's education to cultural Marxists. I know it's cute to point out deficiencies and say, "Joe Biden did that", or "Donald Trump did that". That's a cope. Yes, we have poor leaders at the top but it's because we have poor values at the bottom - merit is illusory, fiscal accountability and equal protection under the law is passe, symptoms of mental illness are promoted as a virtue, and open drug use and mental illness in our cities is what the left defines as "compassion". We'll continue to produce leaders that look like these as long as these are the values that define us.
Pay For Play on both sides is what has destroyed our country. Think about the old days. Folks had jobs and then served their country for a couple years part time. Now we got Joker Joe, Nancy, Mitch and all the rest making millions on inside stock deals and kickbacks. AOC worked at a bar and now is worth millions. I am praying for our great country.
Both Parties have failed if these are our choices, as neither of these clowns are true leaders. Im interested to see what the extreme right will bring in the next 4 years.
As long as that clown leaves office peacefully after his term I can endure 4 years of his BS.

I really think a civil war is possible if he works to slowly make that happen. Hitler has a play book on that, and we seen glimpses of what his followers are willing to do. I usually vote Republican, and Trump is not he is just using the ticket.

I want my Republican party back and the only ones left are Mit and Liz that I can see.
It's naive to blame America's "tough spot" on the leaders of the parties. This is a democracy. We elect the leaders. There's so much money and power at stake and, as Americans, we do little oversight. The wasted money by NGOs is stupifying. The amount of money congressmen can make trading with information on laws they create is ridiculous. The willingness of people to allow censorship to protect the government narrative is anti-democratic and we will continue to reap the "rewards" of our abdication of our children's education to cultural Marxists. I know it's cute to point out deficiencies and say, "Joe Biden did that", or "Donald Trump did that". That's a cope. Yes, we have poor leaders at the top but it's because we have poor values at the bottom - merit is illusory, fiscal accountability and equal protection under the law is passe, symptoms of mental illness are promoted as a virtue, and open drug use and mental illness in our cities is what the left defines as "compassion". We'll continue to produce leaders that look like these as long as these are the values that define us.
Our politics is all about the money, with those having the most, having the most impact. The SCOTUS decision that corps are people and the unfettered $ allowed, and now the latest SCOTUS decision that a payment after the event isn't a bribe, is just unbelievable .. but then when SCOTUS members are happy to accept various things from "friends" who may also have dealings before them, well ... that's the highest court in the land FFS.

The system is kind of f'd though, you have congressional approval ratings at 20% and yet due to the two party system, gerrymandering etc. reelection rates are around 95% - so there's zero incentive for pols to change.
Both Parties have failed if these are our choices, as neither of these clowns are true leaders. Im interested to see what the extreme right will bring in the next 4 years.
As long as that clown leaves office peacefully after his term I can endure 4 years of his BS.

I really think a civil war is possible if he works to slowly make that happen. Hitler has a play book on that, and we seen glimpses of what his followers are willing to do. I usually vote Republican, and Trump is not he is just using the ticket.

I want my Republican party back and the only ones left are Mit and Liz that I can see.
Hi Dom. Thanks for sharing your point of view. Both parties have failed us 100%. However, don't blame Trump. He was the only that could show us all how bad it really is. We needed a disrupter. You will NEVER get the old R back because they got infiltrated, as did the left. The cheaters, liars and killers want a civil war so bad. They also want WW3. I promise you if you vote for the chump Trump 4 more years, the rats will be dealt with. Mitt and Liz are liar's dude. I'm shocked you can't see that.
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Gavin is to liberal for America in my view. First Biden has to leave office.
Joe was asked to step down today and said, "no." They will have to do the 25th on this old and angry man who took showers with his dd. His son has a laptop from hell. Everyone was told by the media in 2020 and 51 known liars that is false information and that Joe is a good man and dad. We should all be asking why the media lied. Also, why is the media in bed with the Government? Why is Paul Ryan at Fox? What we saw last night was very disturbing. Those who hate trump at least will admit he won. He was a calm, collective and very confident. I give him an A just for that. @watfly did you go back and watch like I asked so T can get a better grade?
Pay For Play on both sides is what has destroyed our country. Think about the old days. Folks had jobs and then served their country for a couple years part time. Now we got Joker Joe, Nancy, Mitch and all the rest making millions on inside stock deals and kickbacks. AOC worked at a bar and now is worth millions. I am praying for our great country.
