The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

I'm wondering too if it was by design. Newsome will kill Trump based on tonight.
What crack are you smoking watty? Seriously? You think Gavin would kill Trump in a debate? You and Slo are off but to each his own. I'm going to bed very soon. That was a complete disaster and not because of trump. The one part where Joe said Trup molest people and had sex with hooker was insane.
My God... that was everything the rest of us knew it would be. Even the CNN panel wants JoeTato's head. Or was it by design?

P.S. - Trump was lousy, too. Not AS lousy but lousy. We may all be in trouble.
Oh, and about that “conspiracy theory” that Biden isn’t actually in charge …

There’s also Vivek’s “conspiracy theory” that they would replace Biden. Newsome would be so “on brand”. As much as Dems are the identity politics party, they just can’t quit white men 😂
CNN is devastated after the debate.
"I think there's a lot of people who are going to want to see him consider taking a different course now. There is time for this party to figure out a different way forward if he will allow us to do that. Um. But that was not what we needed from Joe Biden. it's personally painful for a lot of people. It's not just panic, it's pain. From what we saw tonight."
Oh, and about that “conspiracy theory” that Biden isn’t actually in charge …

There’s also Vivek’s “conspiracy theory” that they would replace Biden. Newsome would be so “on brand”. As much as Dems are the identity politics party, they just can’t quit white men 😂
Gavin was on hand as well for tonight's big lousy debate. Michele is rumored to be very upset with the Bidens. Obama/Newsome or Newsome/Obama is my guess. My buddy told me he's ashamed that he voted for this liar and fool in 2020. The media has brainwashed so many people in our country. It's insane.
CNN is devastated after the debate.
"I think there's a lot of people who are going to want to see him consider taking a different course now. There is time for this party to figure out a different way forward if he will allow us to do that. Um. But that was not what we needed from Joe Biden. it's personally painful for a lot of people. It's not just panic, it's pain. From what we saw tonight."
Pain? Do they mean the pain of reality?
CNN is devastated after the debate.
"I think there's a lot of people who are going to want to see him consider taking a different course now. There is time for this party to figure out a different way forward if he will allow us to do that. Um. But that was not what we needed from Joe Biden. it's personally painful for a lot of people. It's not just panic, it's pain. From what we saw tonight."
I'm not a conspiracy guy, but I find CNN's 180 on Biden suspicious. His performance tonight wasn't unprecedented for him. CNN has always dismissed or explained away Biden's cognitive issues and his frozen, far away stare. Either they've gotten a huge dose of truth serum, or they know he can't win and are greasing the skids for a new candidate.
I'm not a conspiracy guy, but I find CNN's 180 on Biden suspicious. His performance tonight wasn't unprecedented for him. CNN has always dismissed or explained away Biden's cognitive issues and his frozen, far away stare. Either they've gotten a huge dose of truth serum, or they know he can't win and are greasing the skids for a new candidate.
It was all a set up for the change of batter. They are greasing more than the skids. I told you this was coming. You and others like you hate Trump so much you will vote for just about anyone else, including this fraud in 2020. I'm not mad at you or hate you or anything like that. I know we all have different backgrounds, different race, different life situations and I get that. I do joke around and talk smack with satire, but this is no joke anymore. It's bad. I give Trump an A for obeying the rules of CNN. The debate format was lousy and stupid. Trump was not high on drugs and does not have dementia and did what he had to do in a very hostile environment. I would like you to reconsider your D+ for Trump. Go back and watch and give him at least some credit for not going off the rails. This is a very sad day for our country, and I say elder abuse.
"Who is that 4 Star General Biden claims that Trump called Vets losers????? General John F Kelly??? I want the entire media to finally nail this rumor down. I always suspected it was General Kelly. Time to make Kelly talk." Anon from TS
Oh, and about that “conspiracy theory” that Biden isn’t actually in charge …

There’s also Vivek’s “conspiracy theory” that they would replace Biden. Newsome would be so “on brand”. As much as Dems are the identity politics party, they just can’t quit white men 😂
That's the best part for me. We've got a huge number of Academy Award winners at CNN and MSNBC for their portrayal of "news" people, who do this all day/every day, acting surprised. Tom Arnold just called me and said he thought his efforts in "TRUE LIES" were shit compared to this.
I just want to make sure I've got this... Beaker Joe Scarborough and his whore 3rd wife, Mika, are fact checkers, right? F... you if you continue using the word "cogent" and have no idea what it means.

Gavin was on hand as well for tonight's big lousy debate. Michele is rumored to be very upset with the Bidens. Obama/Newsome or Newsome/Obama is my guess. My buddy told me he's ashamed that he voted for this liar and fool in 2020. The media has brainwashed so many people in our country. It's insane.
Big Mike and her penis dress don't want the job. They've been grooming Gavin Gruesome for this a very long time. I believe they knew Biden would shit the bed. Hell, we ALL knew he'd shit the bed. The libtards here are hiding again, though. Dems needed this to happen but now there's a big problem. Joe needs a hall pass for the transgressions of him and his worthless son. Does he trust Gavin to bring home the trophy and save him? He probably has to agree to step aside. Same way they pushed Bernie Magoo and Mayor McBooty in 2020.

I'm not a conspiracy guy, but I find CNN's 180 on Biden suspicious. His performance tonight wasn't unprecedented for him. CNN has always dismissed or explained away Biden's cognitive issues and his frozen, far away stare. Either they've gotten a huge dose of truth serum, or they know he can't win and are greasing the skids for a new candidate.
I'm not a conspiracy guy, but I find CNN's 180 on Biden suspicious. His performance tonight wasn't unprecedented for him. CNN has always dismissed or explained away Biden's cognitive issues and his frozen, far away stare. Either they've gotten a huge dose of truth serum, or they know he can't win and are greasing the skids for a new candidate.
They claim Biden has a cold? WTH? Give him a throat lozenge and a shot, then let’s go!
America is in a tough spot. Both parties are to blame. What a pitiful display that was, on both sides.
Like I told you and Dumber a million times, don't look left or right. You and Dumber and others hate Trump so much because he is destroying the two tier and two-party cheating system. Just admit it, Trump won the lousy debate. That was hard to watch from the Clinton News Network. If you turn your attention to helping all the children you say are runaways, you will start to see the light.

The debate was staged losers for one reason. The one reason is to throw Pedo Joe overboard and blame everything on Joker Joe. You can't blame Trump for all your pain. Panic & Pain in DC.
