The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

My body says "Get out of warm bed and go pee" whenever it feels like it. Then my body said "You need midnight snack," which this morning was coffee and raspberry danish, followed by leftover vegetable beef soup and lemonade.

Earlier, while watching the Don and Mud show on MLBTV, I had eaten less than half of the bowl of the soup when my son stuck his head into my room warning me not to eat, because he had been to the grocery store and returned with 2 steaks, 4 baking potatoes, a container of sour cream, a packet of chives, and a frozen bowl of lobster bisque. He had been inspired by my telling him of a phantom order from the local Roth's Chris restaurant, consisting of an appetizer of seared ahi slices. a bowl of lobster bisque, a "petit filet" with shrimp, and side orders of a baked potato (butter, sour cream, chives, and bacon bits) and creamed spinach ($129, plus tax and whatever other charges are expected on a Ruth's Chris takeout order -- does one tip in that situation? how much? to whom?). He was not inspired enough to get some ahi slices to sear or any creamed spinach, and the lobster bisque is still frozen. By the time I got up to ask what I could do to help, he had the steaks going in the sous vide cooker and the potatoes wrapped in foil baking away in the toaster oven. My contribution was to overcook a couple of bacon slices to be crumbled into bits.
I guess these empty nut cases can’t understand free living beyond the constraints of societal norms. They come off as cubicle monkeys, paper pushing their way to an angry retirement.
The cop should have been disciplined for overstepping his power, but giving the guy $175k is ridiculous. This guy deliberately provoked the cop and then acts like a whiny bitch when he's arrested. Unfortunately, the cop gave the guy the reaction he baited the cop into. In this case, both parties are at fault. Cops deal with assholes everyday and are human. They're not supposed to follow Emily Post's rules of etiquette...that would get them killed.

Pretty simple, don't provoke a cop and always follow a cop's instructions. If their is an issue bring it up with the Judge. It's why we have due process. A cop is just an administrator and doesn't decide guilt or innocence.

Just FYI, FIRE which posted the middle finger video, is a very good organization that vigorously defends free speech and civil rights on a bi-partisan basis (as opposed to the ACLU which has become hyper partisan).
Partisan like this?

I do think we need a more effective system for pro-actively identifying and disciplining cops. Of course, it won't help change the opinion of the Espola's that apply one part to a whole.
The only "wholes" I have criticized are those police departments (or other police-like entities) that have been found to be systematically involved in civil rights violations as a matter of training, policy, or practice. For further explanation, see Section 1983 or Monell Claim.
There are so many explanations other than him passing out. It was a phone interview, you have no clue what was happening on the other end of the phone. When he heard the question for a 2nd time seconds later he answered immediately and cognitively, so I doubt he "passed out".

Let's see what happens tonight. It could go either way with both candidates. I wouldn't wager on any outcome.
There are so many explanations other than him passing out. It was a phone interview, you have no clue what was happening on the other end of the phone. When he heard the question for a 2nd time seconds later he answered immediately and cognitively, so I doubt he "passed out".

Let's see what happens tonight. It could go either way with both candidates. I wouldn't wager on any outcome.
Uh huh, but it’s still funny. Especially lewandowski’s softball treatment towards the elderly lost 😡 pissed off pumpkin.
There are so many explanations other than him passing out. It was a phone interview, you have no clue what was happening on the other end of the phone. When he heard the question for a 2nd time seconds later he answered immediately and cognitively, so I doubt he "passed out".

Let's see what happens tonight. It could go either way with both candidates. I wouldn't wager on any outcome.
More fence talk watty. Make a call bro. Trump wins on the road in a blowout is my prediction. Is the diary fair game tonight, Watty? Laptop from Hell?

What’s any of this got to do with trump passing out during an interview?

Wow... I had to watch a dozen videos to find out what you were shitting the bed about. The good news is that hitting youtube afforded me the opportunity to watch the Pedo Potato in Chief say he wants to "cut the malarkey" and then asked me for money. Every single time.

So you're pretending Trump fainted when a phone interview could have just as easily been an audio issue? I guess you morons are really concerned how, yeah? I mean, you might be safer voting for the dipshit promising to build a railroad across an ocean.