The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

I live in Pueblo, and I love how the community enforces the laws of nature. Cops here are never called because there are no cops in the area, only in the big cities. 1 murder in 10 years. The Elders of the Pueblo deal with most of the criminals or lets' just say bad behavior that is not to the Pueblos liking. For example, if you steal someone's chicken because your starving, they will have empathy, feed you a free meal and then your warned by community leaders to stop stealing or else. If you do it again, you will be asked to leave or you will disappear. Violent robbery, you will be forced to leave, or you will be dealt with. Rape a girl and you will disappear for good and never to be seen again. No bail or jail here, just a tough talk of tough love and big warnings to leave. If you're up to no good, this is no place for you. The area around SDSU is full of crime and most are allowed to do the crime without doing the time. Theft is a big one in the area around the college.
In spite of your claim of only 1 murder in 10 years, the events you describe should raise suspicions of murder.
You misjudge me. I have only had a couple of minor negative interactions with cops. In all those negative events, I just went with the flow and took what they were handing out for various reasons. That's consistent with my Zenish philosophy. In most of my interactions, I just took the ticket I deserved or drove away with no citation after a short explanatory discussion.
I don't doubt that you're respectful to cops in your personal interactions, I never made the claim that you weren't.

I'm pissed though that you have gotten out of tickets. I've never not been cited when pulled over for a traffic violation. I must not be as charming as you, even though I try to be really polite. Good news is I haven't been pulled over in 20+ years. (I probably just jinxed myself.)
I don't doubt that you're respectful to cops in your personal interactions, I never made the claim that you weren't.

I'm pissed though that you have gotten out of tickets. I've never not been cited when pulled over for a traffic violation. I must not be as charming as you, even though I try to be really polite. Good news is I haven't been pulled over in 20+ years. (I probably just jinxed myself.)
100%. I have never talked my way out of ticket. I even challenged a motorcycle cop for pulling me over for saying I was on my phone. I was polite and said, "no I was not on my phone." He then said I didn't use my blinker on my left turn. Many cops have sales quotas to meet, and I was picked that day. I signed my ticket out of respect and told the cop I would see him in court. He smiled and walked away. Was he a jerk? Yes. Did I win with the judge? No. I told the judge I used my blinker, but I was not pulled over for that judge. I talked way too much, was frustrated with how the judge was judging me with her stairs. His word over mine and he won. I paid my fine and went home a loser that day.
I don't doubt that you're respectful to cops in your personal interactions, I never made the claim that you weren't.

I'm pissed though that you have gotten out of tickets. I've never not been cited when pulled over for a traffic violation. I must not be as charming as you, even though I try to be really polite. Good news is I haven't been pulled over in 20+ years. (I probably just jinxed myself.)
I got pulled over once for expired tags, but I had the paperwork in my glove compartment that the registration was current but I had not yet received the stickers. Now I do my renewals at the Auto Club, which is authorized to issue the stickers on the spot.

I got pulled over once for a red-light violation, turning left on red. I pointed out to the officer that I went through that intersection every day so I knew the light sequence and I could tell by the glow backscatter (misty evening) that the opposite side was already showing red, and there was no traffic over there anyway. The left arrow turned green before I got out of the intersection, so that helped also.

I ran out of gas once because I failed to fill up at the gas station next door to the bar/restaurant where I had spent several hours with work buddies at a Friday afternoon happy hour session. The CHP officers (two cruisers) who pulled up behind me on the side of the road walked around my pickup looking for recent damage, as they were hunting for a hit-and-run perpetrator. After they were satisfied that it was not me, they were nice enough to call the Auto Club for me (no cellphones in those days, so I had asked them where the nearest pay phone was). They never asked me if I had been drinking.

I have been through traffic school three times. the last session turned into a long tutorial about how to avoid a DUI ticket (other than not drinking, of course).
I got pulled over once for a red-light violation, turning left on red. I pointed out to the officer that I went through that intersection every day so I knew the light sequence and I could tell by the glow backscatter (misty evening) that the opposite side was already showing red, and there was no traffic over there anyway. The left arrow turned green before I got out of the intersection, so that helped also.
Who did you get pulled over by, Barney Fife?
I do think we need a more effective system for pro-actively identifying and disciplining cops. Of course, it won't help change the opinion of the Espola's that apply one part to a whole.
Going to be tough to do. It's a brotherhood. Fraternal. They walk around for 10 hours a day and wear a bullseye on their chests. Plus, they rely on each other to stay alive. I nearly went that direction out of college and did multiple ride alongs, took the exam and interviewed, etc. There's too many guys going law enforcement for the wrong reasons. Dad was a cop. Couldn't get into the fire academy. Benefits. Retirement. Chip on their shoulders. Adrenaline junkies. Ex military. I think a lot of these guys have character flaws and now, when you make it incredibly undesirable to do the job for what you're paid, you get to hire out of desperation and DEI. I just saw today the police chief in Fresno was forced to resign because he was nailing the wife of a subordinate. That's a character flaw. That's Gavin Newsom. No morals. Most cops I know, to this day, only hang out with other cops. Plenty of bad marriages, alcohol problems, etc. Same with fire fighters. I don't know what the answer is but I do believe in giving them support until they're unworthy. Then the hand needs to come down hard and heavy.
Yeah. Very clear. Instead of just saying, "no, nothing like that, officer, I support you guys", he danced around it because they both knew he'd done it. I see these losers all the time. So do you... on videos. Look at these loser protesters screaming in the faces of cops because, even though they know the cop would beat the living shit out of them, they're hoping for a payout. Stop playing dumb. Even you aren't that oblivious to reality in 2024.

I'm not an authority on police practices. I know that the 1% of bad police moments you spend your free time hunting for in no way compares to the heroic work they do or the 99% of incidents where nothing bad or inappropriate happens.

But you're looking for attention, aren't you?
Mind-reading is an interesting skill. Have you thought of going on stage with your act?
So it takes mind reading now to listen to someone's exact words?

You're getting lazy again. Take a little more time selecting the comments you hide from.
The video starts after the alleged act. I don't know what you are basing your conclusion on other than reading the driver's mind.
I got pulled over once for expired tags, but I had the paperwork in my glove compartment that the registration was current but I had not yet received the stickers. Now I do my renewals at the Auto Club, which is authorized to issue the stickers on the spot.

I got pulled over once for a red-light violation, turning left on red. I pointed out to the officer that I went through that intersection every day so I knew the light sequence and I could tell by the glow backscatter (misty evening) that the opposite side was already showing red, and there was no traffic over there anyway. The left arrow turned green before I got out of the intersection, so that helped also.

I ran out of gas once because I failed to fill up at the gas station next door to the bar/restaurant where I had spent several hours with work buddies at a Friday afternoon happy hour session. The CHP officers (two cruisers) who pulled up behind me on the side of the road walked around my pickup looking for recent damage, as they were hunting for a hit-and-run perpetrator. After they were satisfied that it was not me, they were nice enough to call the Auto Club for me (no cellphones in those days, so I had asked them where the nearest pay phone was). They never asked me if I had been drinking.

I have been through traffic school three times. the last session turned into a long tutorial about how to avoid a DUI ticket (other than not drinking, of course).

So you basically admitted to getting behind the wheel after drinking for hours and putting countless innocent lives in danger. What a POS.
You're too stupid to NOT post crap like this.
The video starts after the alleged act. I don't know what you are basing your conclusion on other than reading the driver's mind.
How much meth are you smoking? I see you're up in the middle of the night again, being a "grown up." Clown.

You post a video, there's nothing but full video and dialogue in the video YOU posted, and you're sitting here saying I must be reading the driver's mind? Look, Kreskin, not all of us have your special powers, but I was able to deduce that your "victim" in no way addressed the officer as anything other than a little bitch who flipped off authority with one hand while the other was in his pants wondering if mommy would be proud. Then when the cop called him on it, he mumbled and stumbled through the entire event. All of us have seen guys do that. That's where the term, "fuck around and find out" originated.
So you basically admitted to getting behind the wheel after drinking for hours and putting countless innocent lives in danger. What a POS.
You're too stupid to NOT post crap like this.
I didn't say I was impaired. The two CHP officers did not think I was impaired by alcohol or anything else, and they were talking with me closely enough that we shook hands at the end of the encounter. You basically accused me of a crime despite having no evidence to support it.
Looks like @Slobodan was right about you being in here around 230am. You must set your alarm clock.
"Must get up at 2am to start posting mindless drivel on soccer forum"
My body says "Get out of warm bed and go pee" whenever it feels like it. Then my body said "You need midnight snack," which this morning was coffee and raspberry danish, followed by leftover vegetable beef soup and lemonade.

Earlier, while watching the Don and Mud show on MLBTV, I had eaten less than half of the bowl of the soup when my son stuck his head into my room warning me not to eat, because he had been to the grocery store and returned with 2 steaks, 4 baking potatoes, a container of sour cream, a packet of chives, and a frozen bowl of lobster bisque. He had been inspired by my telling him of a phantom order from the local Roth's Chris restaurant, consisting of an appetizer of seared ahi slices. a bowl of lobster bisque, a "petit filet" with shrimp, and side orders of a baked potato (butter, sour cream, chives, and bacon bits) and creamed spinach ($129, plus tax and whatever other charges are expected on a Ruth's Chris takeout order -- does one tip in that situation? how much? to whom?). He was not inspired enough to get some ahi slices to sear or any creamed spinach, and the lobster bisque is still frozen. By the time I got up to ask what I could do to help, he had the steaks going in the sous vide cooker and the potatoes wrapped in foil baking away in the toaster oven. My contribution was to overcook a couple of bacon slices to be crumbled into bits.
I didn't say I was impaired. The two CHP officers did not think I was impaired by alcohol or anything else, and they were talking with me closely enough that we shook hands at the end of the encounter. You basically accused me of a crime despite having no evidence to support it.
Image that a nutter grasping for straws.