The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Gee, I feel so special. I just got a personalized text message from DJT Jr, asking me to sign a petition to DROP ALL CHARGES.

I wonder how that's going.
Gee, I feel so special. I just got a personalized text message from DJT Jr, asking me to sign a petition to DROP ALL CHARGES.

I wonder how that's going.
I’m not seeing how it really matters, besides he can’t vote, own a gun and have a hard time getting hired . . .
And what policies has Biden implemented to reduce inflation? And don't try and claim the Inflation Reduction Act since its nothing of the sort and Biden even admitted it was a green energy bill.
But some economic wizards on this form would lead with the Inflation Reduction Act....I'm now realizing that many on here who ridicule "maga" for supposed blindly listening/following trumpy are even less emotionally intelligent than those they ridicule. It's gone from cute to sad.
You can’t fathom global occurrences I see. Just a clue, that means worldwide.
you can't fathom the fact that a president can certainly impact inflation, especially domestically. Being a policy bonehead, JB allowed his party to influence him to champion the Inflation reduction act. Which has in fact helped to drive inflation and definitely hit the G spot for the climate weenies . Open up your google machine and check in. natural gas tax, stoopid bus and garbage truck EPA programs...there are others that taxpayer dollars are being siphoned off and everyone's expense.

JB would certainly get a pass, and rightfully so, on global conditions that impact inflation. but he's too stoopid to really understand policy...even more important, he's a stooge for the extremist in his party, which isn't good for the average American. Gawd your are silly.

Should I just type out your response for you?
Yes, but, as usual, the MSM is a bit slow and/or corrupt.

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While I get that theory, I don't think it's legally correct. There technically is no federal conviction because of the sleight of hand pulled by Bragg and the judge. He hasn't even been charged with any of the federal crimes alleged in the NY case. That's not to say I wouldn't make Vivek's argument, it seems only fair given the claims of the NY case.
Gawd your are silly.

Should I just type out your response for you?
If you can type out a really dumb response, filled with deflection, and a bunch or rambling, I say go for it.
But I kinda like reading the train-wreck responses from HD. His are originally stupid. You'll have to put some thought
into being dumb, which seems to come natural to him.