The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Yeah, I voted against Trump twice, but not this time. When I saw the Twitter files, I realized the various letter organizations were rotten to the core, doing the uniparty’s bidding to maintain narrative control with the MSM the propaganda arm of it all. As you state above, Biden’s presidency has been a colossal failure from the average citizens perspective - not to mention his obvious connection to overseas bank accounts that collect deposits from foreign countries. In terms of the charges they used for Trump, I can’t imagine they wouldn’t have tried him for the insurrection if they thought there was any chance of conviction. The results of this trial neither surprise me, nor move me. It’s consistent with everything I’ve learned.
You know who else isn't voting for Trump? Trump, he can't vote as a convicted felon. :D
False. You, like many partisans, try to put Trump voters in the MAGA box, which is very small, but loud minority. A lot of Republicans have condemned January 6th and very, very few have heralded it. Others just haven't moved their calendars past January 6. Your type of hyperbole doesn't help the situation.

I condemn his Jan 6 actions and have never voted for Trump, but people are going to vote in their own self interests. The whole thing is a sad state of affairs, but in terms of policies Biden and his ilk have been an unmitigated disaster. You can't say with a straight face that any of these issues are better under Biden: Crime, immigration, economy, freedom of speech, international relations. Yeah, Trump is a divisive, ethically challenged asshole, but he's leading in the polls, which gives you an indication of just how bad Biden is. I'd like to see both candidates replaced at their conventions.

Two wrongs don't make a right, but the left is the one that has weaponized the legal system, so yeah payback may be a bitch.
2024 Current State of the Union: US Crime, Police, and Prisons
Crime & Justice In 2022, the violent crime rate fell for the second consecutive year, down to 380.7 per 100,000 people. The property crime rate increased for the first time since 2001, up 6.7% to 1,954.4 per 100,000 people. For the first time in two decades, larceny-theft crime rates increased (up 7.4%) in 2022.
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Crime & Justice In 2022, the violent crime rate fell for the second consecutive year, down to 380.7 per 100,000 people. The property crime rate increased for the first time since 2001, up 6.7% to 1,954.4 per 100,000 people. For the first time in two decades, larceny-theft crime rates increased (up 7.4%) in 2022.
You know of course a number of large cities do not report stats to the gov regarding crime anymore.
No, that's what Americans see as absurdity over losing to Cankles Clinton and being 100 times better than Biden. Butthurt, made up nonsense.

You libtards weaponized politics to threaten American democracy and that won't be forgotten on November 5th.
What was that you said about butthurt, made up nonsense?
What was that you said about butthurt, made up nonsense?
You're butthurt. Libtards are butthurt. They never got over laughing about Trump never being President and then shitting the bed when he beat Cankles. Furthermore, you're STILL butthurt that he did a better job for us than Pedo Joe. Yes, YOU and your LIBTARD friends. How do I know you're a libtard? Because you NEVER hold Biden accountable for doing the same shit Trump did. Ever. Trump lies? Biden has done nothing BUT lie the last 3.5 years. Lied 100 times about his credentials. Lied 100 times about his upbringing. Lied 100 times about the border. It never ends. But only Trump's lies are an issue for you. Only Trump taking confidential documents bothers you. Not that Biden stole them, ILLEGALLY, when he was a senator. Or that he "cooperated" with officials by making them go back half a dozen times to collect them. I mention that and you minions walk right past those posts. You're a butthurt hypocrite.

Speaking of lies, ain't it great the Potato Pedophile took time from his busy vacation to talk about the Trump case he "had nothing to do with"? Well, he took time to read the script prepared for him. You would THINK he's got more important things to do... but that 36% approval rating ain't gonna fix itself, CornPop!

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Actually, that's guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, and guilty.
It is a banana republic type conviction.

It is blatantly political.

When we see this done in other countries we ALL shake our head.

Now it turns out you like you bananas when you do it to a political opponent.

Even watching legal experts on the left wondering what the charges were.

It was and is a travesty.

As just one of many examples the judge didn't let the former head of the FEC testify that what Trump did wasn't something they go after. Judge wouldn't allow a guy that ran the department to testify to that.

And the list of shady stuff is much longer.

If someone is cheering this on is because they like political lawfare. They like banana republic style tactics.

These types of shenanigans hurts the country. It breaks the norms
You're butthurt. Libtards are butthurt. They never got over laughing about Trump never being President and then shitting the bed when he beat Cankles. Furthermore, you're STILL butthurt that he did a better job for us than Pedo Joe. Yes, YOU and your LIBTARD friends. How do I know you're a libtard? Because you NEVER hold Biden accountable for doing the same shit Trump did. Ever. Trump lies? Biden has done nothing BUT lie the last 3.5 years. Lied 100 times about his credentials. Lied 100 times about his upbringing. Lied 100 times about the border. It never ends. But only Trump's lies are an issue for you. Only Trump taking confidential documents bothers you. Not that Biden stole them, ILLEGALLY, when he was a senator. Or that he "cooperated" with officials by making them go back half a dozen times to collect them. I mention that and you minions walk right past those posts. You're a butthurt hypocrite.

Speaking of lies, ain't it great the Potato Pedophile took time from his busy vacation to talk about the Trump case he "had nothing to do with"? Well, he took time to read the script prepared for him. You would THINK he's got more important things to do... but that 36% approval rating ain't gonna fix itself, CornPop!

It is a banana republic type conviction.

It is blatantly political.

When we see this done in other countries we ALL shake our head.

Now it turns out you like you bananas when you do it to a political opponent.

Even watching legal experts on the left wondering what the charges were.

It was and is a travesty.

As just one of many examples the judge didn't let the former head of the FEC testify that what Trump did wasn't something they go after. Judge wouldn't allow a guy that ran the department to testify to that.

And the list of shady stuff is much longer.

If someone is cheering this on is because they like political lawfare. They like banana republic style tactics.

These types of shenanigans hurts the country. It breaks the norms
I sort of agree with you in one sense. I think the Washington/J6 case should have been tried first. However, it looks like SCOTUS has figured out how to sweep that under the rug, at least until we get a new rug.
Here is the thing...and it is an important one.

I strongly dislike Hillary and Biden.

That said if Republicans were doing the same highly partisan lawfare that Trump is experiencing at the hands of the Dems...I couldn't support it. It isn't what we do...or should I say we used to not do it. The Dems have crossed the Rubicon.

They have broken norms and the response by the Republicans (because they will start to play this game now) will make us worse off.

Starting in 2016 the left said Trump couldn't be trusted because he would toss the norms out. The reality since then with the dossier and impeachments and now lawfare shows it is the left that is breaking the norms.

The problem once you toss the norms aside at some point the other party will play by the new rules.

And as a result we move closer to the banana style politics in other countries we usually condemn.

If we were looking at another country and watching what was/is done to their leading the Dems are doing to Trump we all would say wow.. sketchy.

But espola and husker and about half the country today think st
You know who else doesn't like the guilty, guilty, guilty, etc.? Putin and his TV puppets.

Funny. I remember Putin waiting until Trump was gone to invade Ukraine on the diaper dandy's watch.

What say you? q.e.d.? Cuckoo? Maybe log in as CisKer and post another meme?
Does he have to wear one while awaiting sentencing? Seems prudent to this observer --

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When you can't beat 'em... make up a bunch of shit and find 12 people to do your bidding like the good little sheep they are.

All that's left now is to see how many votes this gives Trump. He's already raised nearly $40M in 15 hours... 1/3 of that being 1st time donors.
My 529 is thankful that the market is up, but it pales in comparison to inflation.
I think one of my biggest disappointments relates to friends who are dem that support this partisan lawfare.

I understand that they are not voting R or conservative, and that is fine. That is why we have political parties. What bothers me is their support of the corruption of the system to "get" an opponent they don't like. And at they same time they do that, they claim T is the one coloring outside the lines.

And I think to myself wow I wouldn't want them on my jury.

But then again that is how people have done things historically. They do what they can to stay in power or keep someone from power. Screw ethics. Whatever it takes I guess.

This sets a bad trend for the US now that the partisan lawfare Pandoras box has been opened
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Crime & Justice In 2022, the violent crime rate fell for the second consecutive year, down to 380.7 per 100,000 people. The property crime rate increased for the first time since 2001, up 6.7% to 1,954.4 per 100,000 people. For the first time in two decades, larceny-theft crime rates increased (up 7.4%) in 2022.
Violent crime dropped 2%. Not surprised a putz like you is hanging your hat on that bullshit. Also no surprise you left that part out.