The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

That's just a t-style leadin. You honestly don't recognize it?
You recognize this story? I noticed you glossed over it.

It has already been exposed as a hoax. I noticed you glossed over that.
Really? By whom... "Glamour" or one of your unemployed, radical libtard bloggers?
Have you informed your friends at MSNB(S) that it's a hoax? As of yesterday, they hadn't heard. It "appears" to be a prank isn't debunked.
What's more libtarded... Joe Biden or libtard hero, Fentanyl Floyd, having a brother named "Philonise"? I wonder if it's pronounced "Felon is". Look at the 'Tato out mingling with the black folks he thinks are white if they don't vote for him. The good news is Philo bought himself a sweet jacket with some of that riot lottery money.

What's more libtarded... Joe Biden or libtard hero, Fentanyl Floyd, having a brother named "Philonise"? I wonder if it's pronounced "Felon is". Look at the 'Tato out mingling with the black folks he thinks are white if they don't vote for him. The good news is Philo bought himself a sweet jacket with some of that riot lottery money.

I'm not a doctor, but I watched my Dad suffer from Parkinson's. Biden has the exact same symptoms as my Dad did. The freezing, the facial masking, periods of confusion and the shuffling gait. All tell-tale signs of Parkinson's. (Contrary to popular belief, Parkinson's doesn't always involve tremors and shaking). Now it could all just be old age with Biden, but watching him gives me serious flashbacks of my Dad.
Really? By whom... "Glamour" or one of your unemployed, radical libtard bloggers?
Have you informed your friends at MSNB(S) that it's a hoax? As of yesterday, they hadn't heard. It "appears" to be a prank isn't debunked.
Many people have told me it's a hoax. Here's one --

"As it turns out, the account belonged to an pro-MAGA internet troll. The troll admitted the now-deleted post was a low quality attempt to get an extreme reaction ."
Ha ha! You beat me to it! People waiting in line in 110 degree heat to listen to that incoherent, incompetent fool blather away for a couple hours of nonsensical gibberish.
You better be careful, you could end up in an internment camp with Rachel Maddow if Trump wins the election.

I'm not a doctor, but I watched my Dad suffer from Parkinson's. Biden has the exact same symptoms as my Dad did. The freezing, the facial masking, periods of confusion and the shuffling gait. All tell-tale signs of Parkinson's. (Contrary to popular belief, Parkinson's doesn't always involve tremors and shaking). Now it could all just be old age with Biden, but watching him gives me serious flashbacks of my Dad.
Yep. And the reality is they're both too old for committing to another 4-years, but the dems don't have the guts to pull the plug on the 'Tato and I'm fine with that. This country can't handle another term of this idiot. And imagine Heels Up Harris getting the keys to the cabinet.

The problem for libs is they don't have a replacement. Gavin is a douche. Big Mike Obama doesn't want it. Cankles won't risk a 3rd strike. Suddenly Klingon Fetterman looks like the most sane. THIS guy.

Well then, you should continue to push it as fact. Or are you just too much of a coward to back up your position?
Listen, when you grow a set and actually answer some of the questions that have been posed to you and your "position", you can call me a coward. Until then, you're a chihuahua in a Rottweiler kennel, Fudd. Don't embarrass yourself.

And what "position" are you referring to?
What did the laptop have of any importance on it? We already knew the dude is an addict.
That is cute.

When it came out you parroted the line it was Russian disinformation.

Now that it is proven true you claim hey we all know he is an addict... conveniently leaving out mention of all the biz deals involving Joe. You know...the ones Joe denies but involve millions of dollars from foreign entities.

But yeah it is only about drug use.