The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Here is the thing...and it is an important one.

I strongly dislike Hillary and Biden.

That said if Republicans were doing the same highly partisan lawfare that Trump is experiencing at the hands of the Dems...I couldn't support it. It isn't what we do...or should I say we used to not do it. The Dems have crossed the Rubicon.

They have broken norms and the response by the Republicans (because they will start to play this game now) will make us worse off.

Starting in 2016 the left said Trump couldn't be trusted because he would toss the norms out. The reality since then with the dossier and impeachments and now lawfare shows it is the left that is breaking the norms.

The problem once you toss the norms aside at some point the other party will play by the new rules.

And as a result we move closer to the banana style politics in other countries we usually condemn.

If we were looking at another country and watching what was/is done to their leading the Dems are doing to Trump we all would say wow.. sketchy.

But espola and husker and about half the country today think st
You see things through a very narrow partisan viewpoint, that and you believe what Trump tells you to believe. You probably actually think Trump has policy ideas.
You see things through a very narrow partisan viewpoint, that and you believe what Trump tells you to believe. You probably actually think Trump has policy ideas.
Close our borders and stop trying to buy votes from illegal aliens that don't have a pot to piss in and rely on the EBT cards Biden is giving them using the tax dollars of hard working Americans.

That's the ONLY policy a voter needs to hear. Case closed.
Close our borders and stop trying to buy votes from illegal aliens that don't have a pot to piss in and rely on the EBT cards Biden is giving them using the tax dollars of hard working Americans.

That's the ONLY policy a voter needs to hear. Case closed.
"Illegal aliens" don't vote.
You see things through a very narrow partisan viewpoint, that and you believe what Trump tells you to believe. You probably actually think Trump has policy ideas.
You are so damn funny (and a bit selfish TBH). Replace trumpy with jb in your still can't see past your nose. Let's call trumpy something else, then compare those 4 years vs the last 4. Are you still coming to the same conclusions? You are like an idiom billboard - cut off your nose to spite your face. hilarious. But I get it, you are good, don't really give a crap about the rest of the country, you just have an imaginary axe to grind with a made up villian by an activist body politic who gets off on telling you what to do and what to believe. Talk about brainwashing. I'd ask you about your definition of a woman but you'd likely claim to NOT understanding basic biology and refer me to a biologist.

I'll be over here, having an umbrella drink waiting for you to blame the orange menace on the downfall of american society, insurrections, and other made up shite. You stick with your crew, handing out chocolate at the border and systematically funding anti semitism. It's so sad and get what you vote for I guess - you should know best based on your geography.
"Illegal aliens" don't vote.
Wanna bet? Libtards have already tried to pass legislation to give them voting rights. Do you have google? Let me guess... you think, in California, they don't give a driver's license to illegal aliens and let them drive around without insurance, right?

... and why else would libtards try to say it's "racist" to require I.D. to vote? Pretty hard to stop it from happening when you don't have to prove who you are. But you knew that already, didn't you?
You see things through a very narrow partisan viewpoint, that and you believe what Trump tells you to believe. You probably actually think Trump has policy ideas.
You're lack of self-awareness is mind boggling.

None of us like Trump and we can acknowledge his considerable shortcomings. However, your incapable of deviating from a strict leftist narrative even if their shortcomings hit you in the face.
Wanna bet? Libtards have already tried to pass legislation to give them voting rights. Do you have google? Let me guess... you think, in California, they don't give a driver's license to illegal aliens and let them drive around without insurance, right?

... and why else would libtards try to say it's "racist" to require I.D. to vote? Pretty hard to stop it from happening when you don't have to prove who you are. But you knew that already, didn't you?
Show me where I said that.
Reality says an egocentric, nationalistic view isn’t the real story . . . but hey you are what you eat (consume).
Nothing egocentric about investing money earned through honest work with the hope of a return because of the success of American companies.

Egocentric is borrowing money for a questionable degree, not honoring the repayment of the loan and then expecting the government to forgive the loan. (and have the taxpayers foot the bill)

I eat what I kill, not what the government gives me. Its called accountability.
Nothing egocentric about investing money earned through honest work with the hope of a return because of the success of American companies.

Egocentric is borrowing money for a questionable degree, not honoring the repayment of the loan and then expecting the government to forgive the loan. (and have the taxpayers foot the bill)

I eat what I kill, not what the government gives me. Its called accountability.
Great, that doesn’t change the facts of inflation. I do understand you trying to deflect away from the rhetoric being served at your table.
You know of course a number of large cities do not report stats to the gov regarding crime anymore.

Most of those large cities are Democrat-led cities. They've let crime run rampant. They don't want others to see what a failed state they've become due to their soft-on-crime policies. Criminals do as they please. They know if they get arrested on some petty crime that they'll be out before the end of the arresting officer's shift. And even more serious crimes such as rape are not considered a felony in some places.
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Crime & Justice In 2022, the violent crime rate fell for the second consecutive year, down to 380.7 per 100,000 people. The property crime rate increased for the first time since 2001, up 6.7% to 1,954.4 per 100,000 people. For the first time in two decades, larceny-theft crime rates increased (up 7.4%) in 2022.

I think if you asked all the people that use Metro transit services in LA County if they thought violent crime is down, they'd tell you otherwise. A few can't even answer since they are now DEAD by the hands of some crackhead lunatic tweaker who won't see any real prison time. Just regular everyday citizens forced to use public transit to get to their job. Dead now because of more failed policies in Democrat-led cities/counties.
Great, that doesn’t change the facts of inflation. I do understand you trying to deflect away from the rhetoric being served at your table.
explain inflation to we got there, what's being done, how well it's going and the current impact on the average American. And don't lead off with you've done well for yourself. many on here have done well for themselves. not the point.
explain inflation to we got there, what's being done, how well it's going and the current impact on the average American. And don't lead off with you've done well for yourself. many on here have done well for themselves. not the point.
And what policies has Biden implemented to reduce inflation? And don't try and claim the Inflation Reduction Act since its nothing of the sort and Biden even admitted it was a green energy bill.
And what policies has Biden implemented to reduce inflation? And don't try and claim the Inflation Reduction Act since it’s nothing of the sort and Biden even admitted it was a green energy bill.
You can’t fathom global occurrences I see. Just a clue, that means worldwide.