The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Except Pedo Joe and his crackhead son. This is 100% my last night. My liberal friends, filled with poison jabs are so happy. Enjoy the show everyone. Join my Rumble channel to talk with me live, on air. What a day

Its not over for Trump, he still has a chance. He has that underdog effect going for him, that is what draws people in. I called Jan 6th years before it happened right here on this forum, and I predict worse if he gets into office. I usually vote republican, and am glad to see a few stand up to him.
None of us like Trump as a person. I don't know how anyone can like Biden as a person. It's down to those 2. One did a pretty good job and one has been an abject failure and I've yet to see anyone dispute that with facts. Our justice system just got used to weaponize a political opponent. If you vote for Biden because you hate Trump as a person, you need to look in the mirror. If you support personal/political agendas over lady justice in a blindfold, you need 2 mirrors. The democrats spend all day talking about Trump being a threat to democracy.

He can't pardon anyone from New York State crimes.
He didn't commit a crime. NDAs aren't illegal and nobody is ever prosecuted for overstating property values.

This is a witch hunt to keep him off the ballot and you know it. You won't admit it, but you know it. Nor have you ever, even one time, admitted Biden committed crimes against this country and should be held accountable.
He didn't commit a crime. NDAs aren't illegal and nobody is ever prosecuted for overstating property values.

This is a witch hunt to keep him off the ballot and you know it. You won't admit it, but you know it. Nor have you ever, even one time, admitted Biden committed crimes against this country and should be held accountable.
Good thing NY is now safe from false bookkeeping entries. I'm sure the women that have been sucker punched by men feel much better.
None of us like Trump as a person. I don't know how anyone can like Biden as a person. It's down to those 2. One did a pretty good job and one has been an abject failure and I've yet to see anyone dispute that with facts. Our justice system just got used to weaponize a political opponent. If you vote for Biden because you hate Trump as a person, you need to look in the mirror. If you support personal/political agendas over lady justice in a blindfold, you need 2 mirrors. The democrats spend all day talking about Trump being a threat to democracy.

Jan 6th was a blatant handball in the box, and the other team shrugged it off like it never happened. If he gets in this time he will have total control of the ref and will be using his hand like Maradona with no repercussions :)
Jan 6th was a blatant handball in the box, and the other team shrugged it off like it never happened. If he gets in this time he will have total control of the ref and will be using his hand like Maradona with no repercussions :)
Trump wasn't at the "insurrection" on January 6th and wasn't charged with insurrection. None of the language he used was any worse or antagonistic than verbiage used by Heels Up Harris or Maxine Waters. I guess they get a pass?

If Trump gets in office this time, the odds and records suggest life for Americans will be better than they have the last 3.5 years. Shameful that democrats are so butthurt over Hillary losing, and Trump doing a better job than the Potato Pedophile in charge, they're willing to sacrifice us.
Jan 6th was a blatant handball in the box, and the other team shrugged it off like it never happened. If he gets in this time he will have total control of the ref and will be using his hand like Maradona with no repercussions :)
False. You, like many partisans, try to put Trump voters in the MAGA box, which is very small, but loud minority. A lot of Republicans have condemned January 6th and very, very few have heralded it. Others just haven't moved their calendars past January 6. Your type of hyperbole doesn't help the situation.

I condemn his Jan 6 actions and have never voted for Trump, but people are going to vote in their own self interests. The whole thing is a sad state of affairs, but in terms of policies Biden and his ilk have been an unmitigated disaster. You can't say with a straight face that any of these issues are better under Biden: Crime, immigration, economy, freedom of speech, international relations. Yeah, Trump is a divisive, ethically challenged asshole, but he's leading in the polls, which gives you an indication of just how bad Biden is. I'd like to see both candidates replaced at their conventions.

Two wrongs don't make a right, but the left is the one that has weaponized the legal system, so yeah payback may be a bitch.
False. You, like many partisans, try to put Trump voters in the MAGA box, which is very small, but loud minority. A lot of Republicans have condemned January 6th and very, very few have heralded it. Others just haven't moved their calendars past January 6. Your type of hyperbole doesn't help the situation.

I condemn his Jan 6 actions and have never voted for Trump, but people are going to vote in their own self interests. The whole thing is a sad state of affairs, but in terms of policies Biden and his ilk have been an unmitigated disaster. You can't say with a straight face that any of these issues are better under Biden: Crime, immigration, economy, freedom of speech, international relations. Yeah, Trump is a divisive, ethically challenged asshole, but he's leading in the polls, which gives you an indication of just how bad Biden is. I'd like to see both candidates replaced at their conventions.

Two wrongs don't make a right, but the left is the one that has weaponized the legal system, so yeah payback may be a bitch.
Yeah, I voted against Trump twice, but not this time. When I saw the Twitter files, I realized the various letter organizations were rotten to the core, doing the uniparty’s bidding to maintain narrative control with the MSM the propaganda arm of it all. As you state above, Biden’s presidency has been a colossal failure from the average citizens perspective - not to mention his obvious connection to overseas bank accounts that collect deposits from foreign countries. In terms of the charges they used for Trump, I can’t imagine they wouldn’t have tried him for the insurrection if they thought there was any chance of conviction. The results of this trial neither surprise me, nor move me. It’s consistent with everything I’ve learned.
Yeah, I voted against Trump twice, but not this time. When I saw the Twitter files, I realized the various letter organizations were rotten to the core, doing the uniparty’s bidding to maintain narrative control with the MSM the propaganda arm of it all. As you state above, Biden’s presidency has been a colossal failure from the average citizens perspective - not to mention his obvious connection to overseas bank accounts that collect deposits from foreign countries. In terms of the charges they used for Trump, I can’t imagine they wouldn’t have tried him for the insurrection if they thought there was any chance of conviction. The results of this trial neither surprise me, nor move me. It’s consistent with everything I’ve learned.
I feel the same way, although I'm half tempted to vote for Trump this time as a ceremonial middle finger to the un-hinged left. :cool:

I see glimpses of a return to common sense, but all the anti-Semitic words and actions that are being tolerated, or promoted, on our university campuses causes me great concern, and a symptom of a much more troubling issues.