The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

The irony is HD seems to insinuate brainwashing of trump followers yep completely ignores his own brainwashing. Facts can be confusing, pride blinds
The irony is what I find so entertaining about these threads. "Orange man bad" is his rationalization for everything. I don't know why I even try to engage him in good-faith debate or try scratch beneath the surface of his opinions.

I would venture to say Trump "followers" is a very small group. In my realm of colleagues, family, friends and acquaintances I can only think of one distant Facebook friend that is a follower of Trump. Most of my friends tolerate him because his policies, with a few exceptions, are light years better than Biden's, and have achieved far greater results.
The irony is what I find so entertaining about these threads. "Orange man bad" is his rationalization for everything. I don't know why I even try to engage him in good-faith debate or try scratch beneath the surface of his opinions.

I would venture to say Trump "followers" is a very small group. In my realm of colleagues, family, friends and acquaintances I can only think of one distant Facebook friend that is a follower of Trump. Most of my friends tolerate him because his policies, with a few exceptions, are light years better than Biden's, and have achieved far greater results.
Therein lies the problem IMHO, you say “his policies”. You honestly believe he has policy ideas beyond nuke the hurricane or maybe inject bleach? He has signed off on policies that had long been on the Republican wish list. He doesn’t formulate these ideas and can’t/has never been able to explain any “policy” beyond “it will be great, I think you’ll really like it . . . we will be rolling it out soon! The best, the greatest, no one ever knew it could be done!”
I’m doing great and I’m not worried about the POTUS selling secrets to Putin, Kim Jong un or the Saudi’s. But I worked all my life, invested well and have always sought out qualified advice. What advice has Trump given you beside to hate your neighbors?
You mean the racial jungle neighborhoods JoeTato didn't want his crack porn son being bussed into, 'tard?
The whole case is obvious. Whether it is criminal or if the well connected can by jailed if it is proven criminal is another matter. With millions of magas paying his bills trump might actually have decent legal rep. Decades of stiffing lawyers, carpenters and charities made that tough BC (before the cult following).
Proof, 'tard?
I’m not a lawyer. Trump has been a pos since he was a kid. There’s no law against that but you’d think people would get a clue by now . . . but of course there’s a sucker born everyday.
Biden is a dishonest piece of shit. Lied about his upbringing dozens of times. Stolen valor, the whole shootin' match, 'tard!

Haven't once heard you cry about it. Why is that? Why are you too much of a coward to answer for your bullshit?
Therein lies the problem IMHO, you say “his policies”. You honestly believe he has policy ideas beyond nuke the hurricane or maybe inject bleach? He has signed off on policies that had long been on the Republican wish list. He doesn’t formulate these ideas and can’t/has never been able to explain any “policy” beyond “it will be great, I think you’ll really like it . . . we will be rolling it out soon! The best, the greatest, no one ever knew it could be done!”
Oh shit! You want FORMULATED ideas. Why didn't you say so! JoeTato has a bunch of those!

... look over there on the teleprompter. All of them are easily found right there, 'tard!
How’s that Ukraine kicking Russia out going? I know that last boatload of cash was supposed to win the war for Ukraine. I’m not hearing much in the MSM about it. Should I assume Ukraine won? Here some more well-invested money by Joe.

Therein lies the problem IMHO, you say “his policies”. You honestly believe he has policy ideas beyond nuke the hurricane or maybe inject bleach? He has signed off on policies that had long been on the Republican wish list. He doesn’t formulate these ideas and can’t/has never been able to explain any “policy” beyond “it will be great, I think you’ll really like it . . . we will be rolling it out soon! The best, the greatest, no one ever knew it could be done!”
These sentences alone prove you don't quite know how our government works. Dig a little deeper into how it works - how administrations are formed, who populates them, and what policies are generated from the dark recesses of administrations - where the real influence resides. You may not personally like trumpy but you likely would like less the people that surround JB and reside in those dark, slimy caves that are driving domestic and foreign policy. Anyway, I don't know why I would even say this to you....your response is going to man bad, he's dumb, can't formulate.....don't you find it interesting the issues we have today did not exist whilst he was in office (prove me wrong). I know he takes up residence in your brain sans rent and is clouding your judgement, but I'm willing to listen to you...kinda
These sentences alone prove you don't quite know how our government works. Dig a little deeper into how it works - how administrations are formed, who populates them, and what policies are generated from the dark recesses of administrations - where the real influence resides. You may not personally like trumpy but you likely would like less the people that surround JB and reside in those dark, slimy caves that are driving domestic and foreign policy. Anyway, I don't know why I would even say this to you....your response is going to man bad, he's dumb, can't formulate.....don't you find it interesting the issues we have today did not exist whilst he was in office (prove me wrong). I know he takes up residence in your brain sans rent and is clouding your judgement, but I'm willing to listen to you...kinda
Again you believe trump. Those people you refer to were/are public servants, life long committed to serving America and American interests, good people, educated people who could most likely make far more money in the private sector, but, as the are bound by laws, the Constitution and a moral compass “trumpy” had to find a way to get rid of them or minimize their abilities to do their jobs in the interests of America and not always trump. One day good Americans then your dear leader says they are not and guess what? You fall all over yourself to vilify them. You are a sucker.
Yes, another brilliant policy by the guy who brought you “we could just nuke the hurricane”, “disinfectant, intravenously”, “a bright light, in the body” plus big hits like, “repeal and replace, maybe in one day”, “infrastructure week” and “we’ll be rolling something out very soon . . . it will be very interesting, I think you will like it!” but of course who could forget “Covfefe”!
Again you believe trump. Those people you refer to were/are public servants, life long committed to serving America and American interests, good people, educated people who could most likely make far more money in the private sector, but, as the are bound by laws, the Constitution and a moral compass “trumpy” had to find a way to get rid of them or minimize their abilities to do their jobs in the interests of America and not always trump. One day good Americans then your dear leader says they are not and guess what? You fall all over yourself to vilify them. You are a sucker.
Bureaucracy is one of the biggest roadblocks to progress and a material reason for higher costs.

Have you ever tried to build something in California?
Again you believe trump. Those people you refer to were/are public servants, life long committed to serving America and American interests, good people, educated people who could most likely make far more money in the private sector, but, as the are bound by laws, the Constitution and a moral compass “trumpy” had to find a way to get rid of them or minimize their abilities to do their jobs in the interests of America and not always trump. One day good Americans then your dear leader says they are not and guess what? You fall all over yourself to vilify them. You are a sucker.
OMG- you actually believe this. I wish I lived in your idyllic world and put full faith and confidence in public servants - I can see the butterflies buzzing around your head, landing on your ice cream sundae topped with caramel and fudge.

But you can't get trumpy out of your mind.. My guess is you think our current Israel, Ukraine, and border policies are world class???
Yes, another brilliant policy by the guy who brought you “we could just nuke the hurricane”, “disinfectant, intravenously”, “a bright light, in the body” plus big hits like, “repeal and replace, maybe in one day”, “infrastructure week” and “we’ll be rolling something out very soon . . . it will be very interesting, I think you will like it!” but of course who could forget “Covfefe”!
yes little one, his recommendations or insinuations were quite silly and based loosely on stuff he had heard - UV irradiation is a cancer treatment that shows promise as a drug free alternative. Where the disinfectant thing came from who knows - I'm sure trumpy may have overheard someone brainstorming covid treatments (everyone was freaking out, remember). As far a nuclear bomb is concerned...the nuclear piece was made up, I believe he mentioned a bomb and someone added nuclear. Silly to drop a bomb, yes...clever for someone to add "nuclear" to stir the pot.

I mean, trumpy sure can't claim to be more greek than poseidon, raised by the puerto rican and black community and still manage somehow to be more jewish than most jews. It's a miracle of diversity.

But please, zoom out of your bubble. Splain to me how when the adults in the room took over, regions of the world went to shite. Suddenly we love Iran, the afghan exit was a debacle, Ukraine was handed over on a silver platter, we are paying for/enabling illegal immigration.....and eggs are expensive...eggs...
yes little one, his recommendations or insinuations were quite silly and based loosely on stuff he had heard - UV irradiation is a cancer treatment that shows promise as a drug free alternative. Where the disinfectant thing came from who knows - I'm sure trumpy may have overheard someone brainstorming covid treatments (everyone was freaking out, remember). As far a nuclear bomb is concerned...the nuclear piece was made up, I believe he mentioned a bomb and someone added nuclear. Silly to drop a bomb, yes...clever for someone to add "nuclear" to stir the pot.

I mean, trumpy sure can't claim to be more greek than poseidon, raised by the puerto rican and black community and still manage somehow to be more jewish than most jews. It's a miracle of diversity.

But please, zoom out of your bubble. Splain to me how when the adults in the room took over, regions of the world went to shite. Suddenly we love Iran, the afghan exit was a debacle, Ukraine was handed over on a silver platter, we are paying for/enabling illegal immigration.....and eggs are expensive...eggs...
Eggs? Pfft.

Lets talk about where food price increases are hitting us the hardest.


Actually, that's guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, and guilty.