The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

It's wild how much weight the liberals give the opinions of "Hollywood" elite. Of all the people the Administration could have chosen, like a prominent attorney, they choose unhinged DeNiro. He didn't address anything about the trial. More proof that this case is purely political.

The Democrats claim that Trump is a threat to democracy, but will cast aside democracy out of just pure hate for Trump. And they do it with glee. If they want to get rid of Trump they should replace Biden at the Convention.
The police officers are the ones I listen to. DeNiro is just a guy with acting chops and found his way. His opinion is no more important than any other individual. Democracy is supposed to mean all opinions are equal not just the loudest and rudest, like Bob and the maga crowd.
It’s obvious to all not under the spell that Trump is unqualified and worse incompetent. Joe is just old, but understands how things work . . . he’s got that going for him, trump doesn’t.
The police officers are the ones I listen to. DeNiro is just a guy with acting chops and found his way. His opinion is no more important than any other individual. Democracy is supposed to mean all opinions are equal not just the loudest and rudest, like Bob and the maga crowd.
It’s obvious to all not under the spell that Trump is unqualified and worse incompetent. Joe is just old, but understands how things work . . . he’s got that going for him, trump doesn’t.
I don't disagree, it's just an odd choice by the Administration. It certainly doesn't help their cause, but their desperate since Biden is polling behind Trump on all but Wisconsin which is a dead heat. Of course, I don't put it past the Republican's to do something stupid to change that between now and November.

What's your call on the trial? I put a hung jury slightly ahead of conviction with an acquittal not in the realm of possibility. The judges instructions are very unusual for a criminal trial where he lowered the standard of conviction on this alleged 2nd crime. Per the AP:

"While the jury must unanimously agree that something unlawful was done to promote Trump’s election campaign, they don’t have to be unanimous on what that unlawful thing was."

Any conviction won't last a minute on appeal.
I don't disagree, it's just an odd choice by the Administration. It certainly doesn't help their cause, but their desperate since Biden is polling behind Trump on all but Wisconsin which is a dead heat. Of course, I don't put it past the Republican's to do something stupid to change that between now and November.

What's your call on the trial? I put a hung jury slightly ahead of conviction with an acquittal not in the realm of possibility. The judges instructions are very unusual for a criminal trial where he lowered the standard of conviction on this alleged 2nd crime. Per the AP:

"While the jury must unanimously agree that something unlawful was done to promote Trump’s election campaign, they don’t have to be unanimous on what that unlawful thing was."

Any conviction won't last a minute on appeal.
Aren’t there over 30 charges? Is it guilty of all or nothing? Hung jury is the chalk, anything else would get high odds.

I’m just wondering what happened to the 2016 inauguration funds his committee supposedly ran off with. They collected millions and spent very little.
The police officers are the ones I listen to. DeNiro is just a guy with acting chops and found his way. His opinion is no more important than any other individual. Democracy is supposed to mean all opinions are equal not just the loudest and rudest, like Bob and the maga crowd.
It’s obvious to all not under the spell that Trump is unqualified and worse incompetent. Joe is just old, but understands how things work . . . he’s got that going for him, trump doesn’t.
Joe does understand how things work. Afterall, he's a career politician and multi-millionaire CIVIL SERVANT.

1. Send U.S. tax dollars to other countries and receive a kickback.
2. Stay in power so you can pardon your dipshit son on the take.
3. Blame Trump for all your failures even though he did a better job.
Aren’t there over 30 charges? Is it guilty of all or nothing? Hung jury is the chalk, anything else would get high odds.

I’m just wondering what happened to the 2016 inauguration funds his committee supposedly ran off with. They collected millions and spent very little.
34 charges because they charged each piece of paper or general ledger entry as fraudulent. Which is the equivalent of charging someone for assault for every punch thrown.

Aren’t there over 30 charges? Is it guilty of all or nothing? Hung jury is the chalk, anything else would get high odds.

I’m just wondering what happened to the 2016 inauguration funds his committee supposedly ran off with. They collected millions and spent very little.
Funny... you never wonder about anything that's happened in the last 3 years. Wonder why that is.
The police officers are the ones I listen to. DeNiro is just a guy with acting chops and found his way. His opinion is no more important than any other individual. Democracy is supposed to mean all opinions are equal not just the loudest and rudest, like Bob and the maga crowd.
It’s obvious to all not under the spell that Trump is unqualified and worse incompetent. Joe is just old, but understands how things work . . . he’s got that going for him, trump doesn’t.
Which police officers do you listen to? curious.

It would be interesting to hear/see what your version of unqualified and incompetent looks like. "Joe is old, but understands how things work" is a measure of competency and qualification? That's how you measure? What are your thoughts on how the administration has been doing so far? Has Joe demonstrated competency in his duties? For now, pull trumpy out of your brain and examine your surroundings. Take an honest assessment of what's happened to this country since 2020. Examine it from the view of your average person as they go about their day buying eggs, putting gas in their car, and deciding on where to send their kids to school. You are delusional if you think competency has been the hallmark of the current administration.
34 charges because they charged each piece of paper or general ledger entry as fraudulent. Which is the equivalent of charging someone for assault for every punch thrown.

Really? Cuz I remember someone ranting on about a certain number of “documents” that Trump was charged with hiding at Mar a lago not needing the number of boxes in the photos . . . they were confusing “documents” with “pages” as if each “document” was only one “page”. Not saying you are, it just reminded me of that.
Aren’t there over 30 charges? Is it guilty of all or nothing? Hung jury is the chalk, anything else would get high odds.

I’m just wondering what happened to the 2016 inauguration funds his committee supposedly ran off with. They collected millions and spent very little.
I don't think it would be all or nothing. If he's found guilty my guess is that it would be on the checks that he signed. With the other documents I don't know that there is proof he had anything to do with them...but anything is possible.
Which police officers do you listen to? curious.

It would be interesting to hear/see what your version of unqualified and incompetent looks like. "Joe is old, but understands how things work" is a measure of competency and qualification? That's how you measure? What are your thoughts on how the administration has been doing so far? Has Joe demonstrated competency in his duties? For now, pull trumpy out of your brain and examine your surroundings. Take an honest assessment of what's happened to this country since 2020. Examine it from the view of your average person as they go about their day buying eggs, putting gas in their car, and deciding on where to send their kids to school. You are delusional if you think competency has been the hallmark of the current administration.
I’m doing great and I’m not worried about the POTUS selling secrets to Putin, Kim Jong un or the Saudi’s. But I worked all my life, invested well and have always sought out qualified advice. What advice has Trump given you beside to hate your neighbors?
I don't think it would be all or nothing. If he's found guilty my guess is that it would be on the checks that he signed. With the other documents I don't know that there is proof he had anything to do with them...but anything is possible.
The whole case is obvious. Whether it is criminal or if the well connected can by jailed if it is proven criminal is another matter. With millions of magas paying his bills trump might actually have decent legal rep. Decades of stiffing lawyers, carpenters and charities made that tough BC (before the cult following).
The whole case is obvious. Whether it is criminal or if the well connected can by jailed if it is proven criminal is another matter. With millions of magas paying his bills trump might actually have decent legal rep. Decades of stiffing lawyers, carpenters and charities made that tough BC (before the cult following).
I'm focusing on the legal part of the case, not the emotional part.

If its so obvious, what predicate crime did Trump commit that revives the barred document misdemeanors and turns it into a felony? And what evidence was presented in the trial to support the predicate crime?
I’m doing great and I’m not worried about the POTUS selling secrets to Putin, Kim Jong un or the Saudi’s. But I worked all my life, invested well and have always sought out qualified advice. What advice has Trump given you beside to hate your neighbors?
love the no answer. Wondering what secrets were sold. But good job deflecting.....feels like you are personally offended by the great orange menace and that he lives 100% rent free in your head. Where did trumpy say to hate neighbors? I haven't seen that charge.. maybe your hero (JB) has a better record on living in the jungle with his neighbors? Asking for a black friend.
love the no answer. Wondering what secrets were sold. But good job deflecting.....feels like you are personally offended by the great orange menace and that he lives 100% rent free in your head. Where did trumpy say to hate neighbors? I haven't seen that charge.. maybe your hero (JB) has a better record on living in the jungle with his neighbors? Asking for a black friend.
Repeating talking points is easy, trying to substantiate them is a whole other matter.
I'm focusing on the legal part of the case, not the emotional part.

If its so obvious, what predicate crime did Trump commit that revives the barred document misdemeanors and turns it into a felony? And what evidence was presented in the trial to support the predicate crime?
I’m not a lawyer. Trump has been a pos since he was a kid. There’s no law against that but you’d think people would get a clue by now . . . but of course there’s a sucker born everyday.
I’m not a lawyer. Trump has been a pos since he was a kid. There’s no law against that but you’d think people would get a clue by now . . . but of course there’s a sucker born everyday.
Another deflection from statements you're unable to support. I guess the end justifies the means in your world, which is ironic since Trump is the threat to democracy.

Both candidates are low character options, and we've never had a presidential election where both have a track record as President. So voters will vote in their self interests, which is why your seeing a shift to Trump despite all his flaws, particularly among minorities.