The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Easy my little jingoist. Iʻm sure we can come up with some type of defense budget plan to meet your thirst for blood. The rest is classified.

Oh Huli Huli Boi... you're not just stupid you're a liar.

NE Syria was relatively peaceful, now folks are dying, Daesh have been left unguarded, we are sending 2k more troops to the House of Saud, "because they pay..." (you seem to love using US troops as mercenaries for other folks national interest... interesting...)

I sometimes think it's just you're too stupid to actually realize how the world works, but I think it's probably a combination of you're too stupid and you're also a dishonest cretin.
Only a real ignoramus would think that Trump is intending to reduce the defense budget.
One of the main GOP jobs is to continue to pad the defense budget and serve defense contractors.
You might just be stupid enough not to know that.
You are a bit emotional this morning.
Oh Huli Huli Boi... you're not just stupid you're a liar.

NE Syria was relatively peaceful, now folks are dying, Daesh have been left unguarded, we are sending 2k more troops to the House of Saud, "because they pay..." (you seem to love using US troops as mercenaries for other folks national interest... interesting...)

I sometimes think it's just you're too stupid to actually realize how the world works, but I think it's probably a combination of you're too stupid and you're also a dishonest cretin.
Bruh has your number nothing new here.
You can't tell the diff between your ass and your elbow, or an asset and a loan either, so no one is surprised.
It was November of 1987 in the Sea of Japan. I was on the flight deck of the U.S.S. Midway. The deck was pitching and rolling. There is no way we should have been conducting flight operations that day. The C-2 Greyhound (Supply/Mail Plane) was at three-quarters of a mile. I was standing starboard of the landing area foul line just behind the starboard JBD (Jet blast deflector). I had watched just over 20 F/A-18's catch the wire that day. The C-2 , while obviously slower than the Hornet, was a bunch to handle and my novice opinion was that we can do without the supplies and mail today. The pilot managed to snag the "3 wire" albeit starboard of the landing area centerline. The starboard wingtip crossed the foul line and chopped off the tail rotors of three helicopters in the "Dog House" in front of the Island. Huge chunks of metal and rotor blades came flying toward us. When I turned left to avoid certain dismemberment if not death, as I ran for the starboard catwalk and cover, all I saw was "asses and elbows". I'm not sure the difference between the two really mattered to me at the time. But I've recounted that event and the "asses and elbows" with much laughter knowing that I had only 8 lives left at the time. They say that the flight deck of a carrier is a million accidents just waiting to happen. Had that C-2 not caught the wire, she would have continued up the bow into the Hornet's nest where at least 6 hornets were hooked up to fuel lines, refueling for the next launch. We would have been incinerated in the catwalks upon the C-2 impact with those Hornets.

Loans and assets were covered in 3rd-grade math class......more or less at Fries U.
Oh Huli Huli Boi... you're not just stupid you're a liar.

NE Syria was relatively peaceful, now folks are dying, Daesh have been left unguarded, we are sending 2k more troops to the House of Saud, "because they pay..." (you seem to love using US troops as mercenaries for other folks national interest... interesting...)

I sometimes think it's just you're too stupid to actually realize how the world works, but I think it's probably a combination of you're too stupid and you're also a dishonest cretin.
Sloppy as usual. Relative Syrian peace to "folks dying" at the flip of a switch huh? You had me at "relative". You, people, hate Trump so bad that you can't think straight if you even think at all before you post. Please tell me when the U.S. Military has not operated in the national interest of other folks. Hello? Fries U, what a deal!! Cretin. Nice use of a synonym. messy take note.
It was November of 1987 in the Sea of Japan. I was on the flight deck of the U.S.S. Midway. The deck was pitching and rolling. There is no way we should have been conducting flight operations that day. The C-2 Greyhound (Supply/Mail Plane) was at three-quarters of a mile. I was standing starboard of the landing area foul line just behind the starboard JBD (Jet blast deflector). I had watched just over 20 F/A-18's catch the wire that day. The C-2 , while obviously slower than the Hornet, was a bunch to handle and my novice opinion was that we can do without the supplies and mail today. The pilot managed to snag the "3 wire" albeit starboard of the landing area centerline. The starboard wingtip crossed the foul line and chopped off the tail rotors of three helicopters in the "Dog House" in front of the Island. Huge chunks of metal and rotor blades came flying toward us. When I turned left to avoid certain dismemberment if not death, as I ran for the starboard catwalk and cover, all I saw was "asses and elbows". I'm not sure the difference between the two really mattered to me at the time. But I've recounted that event and the "asses and elbows" with much laughter knowing that I had only 8 lives left at the time. They say that the flight deck of a carrier is a million accidents just waiting to happen. Had that C-2 not caught the wire, she would have continued up the bow into the Hornet's nest where at least 6 hornets were hooked up to fuel lines, refueling for the next launch. We would have been incinerated in the catwalks upon the C-2 impact with those Hornets.

Loans and assets were covered in 3rd-grade math class......more or less at Fries U.
These commies wouldn’t understand.
These commies wouldn’t understand.
Genovese would disagree. Their understanding is all about timing. We must be vigilant.

And I am afraid that some of that moral responsibility falls on the "democratic socialists," "radical democrats," and other leftwingers who endlessly denounced Stalinism but could usually be counted on to support— "critically," of course—the essentials of our political line on the world and national affairs.
Sloppy as usual. Relative Syrian peace to "folks dying" at the flip of a switch huh? You had me at "relative". You, people, hate Trump so bad that you can't think straight if you even think at all before you post. Please tell me when the U.S. Military has not operated in the national interest of other folks. Hello? Fries U, what a deal!! Cretin. Nice use of a synonym. messy take note.

Color me unsurprised that a guy who can't even admit when he's wrong about basic accounting is going to hang on to the - rushing to get our folks out of Syria before Turkey kills them is much better than an orderly withdrawal with an agreement that might have brought stability to the region.

The Pentagon guys themselves are saying this is a cluster that is releasing Daesh prisoners and a wave of refugees and putting our folks in danger.

But Huli Huli Boi is playing chicken coop general because he thinks our military assets are just on the bank's books. He's the imbecile on the Titanic, freezing cold water up to his beak telling everyone it's ok, the jacuzzi heater is just broken...
Oh Huli Huli Boi... you're not just stupid you're a liar.

NE Syria was relatively peaceful, now folks are dying, Daesh have been left unguarded, we are sending 2k more troops to the House of Saud, "because they pay..." (you seem to love using US troops as mercenaries for other folks national interest... interesting...)

I sometimes think it's just you're too stupid to actually realize how the world works, but I think it's probably a combination of you're too stupid and you're also a dishonest cretin.
Calling him dishonest is a stretch.
Just stupid.
Also has a strong and perverse fantasy life about economics and the military because of the books he reads while living in his mom’s basement.
Color me unsurprised that a guy who can't even admit when he's wrong about basic accounting is going to hang on to the - rushing to get our folks out of Syria before Turkey kills them is much better than an orderly withdrawal with an agreement that might have brought stability to the region.

The Pentagon guys themselves are saying this is a cluster that is releasing Daesh prisoners and a wave of refugees and putting our folks in danger.

But Huli Huli Boi is playing chicken coop general because he thinks our military assets are just on the bank's books. He's the imbecile on the Titanic, freezing cold water up to his beak telling everyone it's ok, the jacuzzi heater is just broken...
We werenʻt talking accounting. One of us was talking finance. And it wasnʻt you. Your uncle said youʻde have a problem with that and all other assets. Thatʻs why youʻre not working for him.....spigot boy.
We werenʻt talking accounting. One of us was talking finance. And it wasnʻt you. Your uncle said youʻde have a problem with that and all other assets. Thatʻs why youʻre not working for him.....spigot boy.
You aren’t making sense again. Try your native Russian.
Hey, what happened to Trey Gowdy? I thought he was going to end this whole impeachment mess with a few unintentionally-humorous remarks.
We werenʻt talking accounting. One of us was talking finance. And it wasnʻt you. Your uncle said youʻde have a problem with that and all other assets. Thatʻs why youʻre not working for him.....spigot boy.

You're a liar and an idiot. You have repeatedly told everyone here that houses are assets on a bank's books. Because you're a dimwit, huli huli boi. And too stubborn to admit anything, just like the mythical chicken who pecks up corn until she explodes out her assterix.. A perfect image for you, to be fair, huli huli boi.

You're a liar and you're stupid, which is why it makes sense you'd pretzel yourself to slurp Don the Con's smegma.

Now, anyone out there want to find any respected military or foreign policy analyst trying to spin this Syria nightmare as a good thing?

Even Lindsey freaking Graham had to go talk Don the Con into a U turn on this thing... Don the Con is a con, and not even good one.
Adam Schiff: Whistleblower May Not Testify in Impeachment Probe
PAM KEY13 Oct 20193,278

On Sunday’s broadcast of CBS’s “Face the Nation,” House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) said the whistleblower who triggered the impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump might not testify.

Partial transcript as follows:

SCHIFF: –the- the Republicans would like nothing better because they view their role as defending the president being the president’s lawyers. If witnesses could tailor their testimony to other witnesses. They would love for one witness to be able to hear what another witness says so that they can know what they can give away and what they can’t give away. There’s a reason why investigations and grand jury proceedings for example, and I think this is analogous to a grand jury proceeding, are done out of the public view initially. Now we may very well call some of the same witnesses or all the same witnesses in public hearings as well. But we want to make sure that we meet the needs of the investigation and not give the president or his legal minions the opportunity to tailor their testimony and in some cases fabricate testimony to suit their interests.

BRENNAN: You’ve been- well, the whistleblower has made these complaints and hand them- handed them over. Why push for this whistleblower to come before Congress? Because a- Republicans are calling for it and some Democrats would like to ask questions too but this information’s already out there. Can’t the committee do its own investigation without risking the identity of this person being–

SCHIFF: We can–

BRENNAN: –public?

SCHIFF: You know and I think initially, before the president started threatening the whistleblower, threatening others calling them traitors and spies and suggesting that you know we used to give the death penalty to traitors and spies and maybe we should think about that again. Yes we were interested in having the whistleblower come forward. Our primary–

BRENNAN: Not anymore?

SCHIFF: Well our primary interest right now is making sure that that person is protected. Indeed, now there’s more than one whistleblower, that they are protected. And given that we already have the call record, we don’t need the whistleblower who wasn’t on the call to tell us what took place during the call. We have the best evidence of that. We do want to make sure that we identify other evidence that is pertinent to the withholding of the military support, the effort to cover this up by hiding this in a classified computer system. We want to make sure that we uncover the full details about the conditionality of either the military aid or that meeting with Ukraine’s president. It may not be necessary to take steps that might reveal the whistleblower’s identity to do that. And we’re going to make sure we protect that whistleblower.
October 14, 2019
The Whistleblower and the 'Schiff-Biden Dossier'
By Daniel John Sobieski
In a striking parallel to the Trump-Russia "collusion delusion" fueled by the manufactured Steele dossier, we now have what I will dub the "Schiff-Biden dossier," a manufactured tale of Trump corruption involving a tangled web of Deep-State swamp rats seeking to deflect attention from the real collusion and the real corruption.

The Russian collusion fantasy was designed to frame Trump while diverting attention from Hilary Clinton's real collusion with Russia in Uranium One and using the Clinton Foundation as a pay-for- play cash cow as secretary of state.

With the revelations by the Washington Examiner that the whistleblower worked for former vice president Joe Biden and that two of Adam Schiff's aides worked with the whistleblower, we can see Schiff's fable of a phone call between Trump and Ukraine's President Zelensky, even the whistleblower's initial complaint, to be a fraud manufactured by Schiff and Biden, to get Trump while diverting attention from the Biden family corruption from Ukraine to China. As the Washington Examiner reports:

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff recruited two former National Security Council aides who worked alongside the CIA whistleblower at the NSC during the Obama and Trump administrations, the Washington Examiner has learned.

Abigail Grace, who worked at the NSC until 2018, was hired in February, while Sean Misko, an NSC aide until 2017, joined Schiff's committee staff in August, the same month the whistleblower submitted his complaint.

The whistleblower was an NSC official who worked with former Vice President Joe Biden and who has expertise in Ukraine, the Washington Examiner has reported.

This mirrors the Russian collusion anti-Trump plot where members, indeed leaders, of the Intelligence Community such as John Brennan and James Clapper worked hand in hand with Obama's DOJ, Obama's FBI, and even Sen. majority leader Harry Reid to keep Hillary out of jail and Trump out of the White House.

Interestingly enough, Misko has a long and strong working relationship with Hillary Clinton, the Washington Examiner reports:

Misko, 37, worked in the Obama administration as a member of the secretary of state's policy planning staff under deputy chief of staff Jake Sullivan, who became Hillary Clinton's top foreign policy official during her 2016 presidential campaign. ...

Misko's name surfaced in the Hillary Clinton email controversy when he worked in the State Department during the Obama administration.

In a Dec. 1, 2009, email released by Judicial Watch,Clinton adviser Huma Abedin sent classified information regarding foreign military contributions to the Afghanistan war effort to her private email account. That email originated with Misko, who wrote to Sullivan that he initially "accidentally" sent it on the "high side" (secure) but was sending the email again.

The whistleblower had contact with a Schiff aide, and Schiff had a copy of the whistleblower's complaint before it was sent to the Intelligence Community inspector general.

Adam Schiff and committee staff had a copy of the letters before it was submitted to the I.G. The New York Times published a report stating that Schiff "learned about the outlines of a C.I.A. officer's concerns that President Trump had abused his power days before the officer filed a whistle-blower complaint." As the New York Times related:

The early account by the future whistle-blower shows how determined he was to make known his allegations that Mr. Trump asked Ukraine's government to interfere on his behalf in the 2020 election. It also explains how Mr. Schiff knew to press for the complaint when the Trump administration initially blocked lawmakers from seeing it. ...

Before going to Congress, the C.I.A. officer had a colleague convey his accusations to the agency's top lawyer. Concerned about how that avenue for airing his allegations was unfolding, the officer then approached a House Intelligence Committee aide, alerting him to the accusation against Mr. Trump. In both cases, the original accusation was vague.

The House staff member, following the committee's procedures, suggested the officer find a lawyer to advise him and file a whistle-blower complaint. The aide shared some of what the officer conveyed to Mr. Schiff.

Schiff and his staff claim they had no hand in writing or editing the letter and did not coach the so-called whistleblower, even though his letter reads more like a legal brief written by a committee of lawyers. Schiff, with his track record, is not to be believed.

Schiff's Ukraine fable is just that: a fable, like the Steele dossier before it. That the whistleblower worked for Joe Biden and had an aide, now working for Schiff, who worked for Hillary in the Obama administration, shows that this is yet another plot to get Trump and protect the Biden-Clinton legacy. This is not whistleblowing. It is sedition.

While we're at it, perhaps Schiff would like to produce a transcript of his secret meeting with Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson at the Aspen Security Forum in July 2018. Schiff, it may be remembered, accused House Intelligence Committee chair Devin Nunes of conspiracy with President Trump. Conspiracies against President Trump and conspiring with Deep State players is okay in Schiff's alternate universe. As Chuck Ross writes in the Daily Caller:

The Schiff-Simpson meeting has come under scrutiny because of Simpson's role in pushing the unverified Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy theory. Simpson has also been accused by some Republican lawmakers of lying to the House Intelligence Committee about his interactions with government officials while working on the dossier.

During testimony to the House panel on Nov. 14, 2017, Simpson withheld that he met with Justice Department official Bruce Ohr prior to the November 2016 election. Simpson said that he met Ohr only after the election. But Ohr told Congress on Aug. 28, 2018 that he and Simpson met on Aug. 22, 2016 at Simpson's request. They met again on Dec. 10, 2016.

Ohr's wife worked as a contractor for Fusion during the 2016 campaign. And after the election, Ohr served as the back channel between the FBI and Christopher Steele, the former British spy who worked for Fusion GPS on the dossier project.

During the same testimony in which Simpson has been accused of lying, Schiff sought investigative leads from the Fusion GPS founder.

Schiff and Biden are both trying to hide their corruption with another anti-Trump diversion. Schiff sent a House intel staffer on a trip to Ukraine during August 24–31, just 12 days after receiving the whistleblower complaint. To do what? To dig up what? It is reported the staffer met with the previous president of the Ukraine, a friend of President Obama.

As reported by Gateway Pundit, Adam Schiff has strong ties to a prominent Ukrainian arms-dealer, Igor Pasternak, who has organized fund raisers for Schiff:

In 2013 Ukrainian Igor Pasternak held two different fund raisers for Schiff asking for contributions between $1,000 and $2,500[.]

Pasternak was reportedly in and around the Ukraine at the same time that Vice President Joe Biden had his son appointed to the Board of the Ukraine's largest oil and gas producer[.]

Oh, what a tangled web they have woven. Schiff should be expelled from the House for his sedition, if not prosecuted for it. And Biden should never be in the same ZIP code as the White House.
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October 14, 2019
Hunter Biden swears no more corruption if Dad wins
By Taylor Day
News broke yesterday morningthat Hunter Biden has officially stepped down from the board of directors of a Chinese-backed private equity company. Additionally, he made a public promise that if his father, Joe Biden, wins the presidency, he will “forego all foreign work.”

Quite a lot to unpack here. Firstly, he’s missing the point entirely. While President Trump’s Ukraine phone call shined a bright light on Joe and Hunter Biden’s corruption, the outrage was never about him working for a foreign company. It was about how he got those positions in the first place -- with his father’s power and status in the U.S. government. Questions were raised about what was promised in return for giving the former Vice President’s drug-addicted child an extremely lucrative career with virtually no experience. Next, stepping down only brings more attention to the scandal. Most voters probably didn’t even know that Hunter Biden was still on the board of the Chinese firm. Rookie mistake, as it also implies guilt. If Hunter really did nothing wrong, as was previously claimed, why would he feel the need to remove himself from those job positions?

The Bloomberg article states:

“After months of keeping a relatively low-profile as President Donald Trump leveled a barrage of unsubstantiated accusations of corruption at him, the younger Biden is publicly vowing to avoid any conflict of interest.”

Trump’s accusations were truly “unsubstantiated,” why would Hunter Biden feel the need to throw away a multi-million-dollar job? Further, why would he toss the job knowing that his father has a slim (if any) chance of actually winning in 2020? Missing from the Biden reportage is whether or not he was offered some compensation or awarded a package deal on his departure.