The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

All the rats are abandoning ship, or on the way to or in jail. t certainly isn't the kind of captain to go down with the ship, he may take it down out of spite though.
I spent some time chatting with Eric Holder last evening.
Here's how clueless he was.
He had no idea that he and Hillary and Comey and Biden are headed for the slammer.
He thought that Trump's lawyer and campaign manager and first national security advisor are in jail...and that Trump's current lawyer's close associates are under arrest.
And that Trump's Sec of State's closest advisor just resigned.
I felt bad for him. He keeps reading fake news.
I was able to give him the accurate information because I spend time on this blog and I learn what's really going on.
Greta Thunberg just gets edged out for the Nobel Peace Prize . . . meanwhile t strikeout. House can see t's financials strike one, emergency funds for a wall declared illegal strike 2 and t tax returns will be reviewed strike 3. Loser, liar and now murderer, t is absolutely the worst.
If anybody sees a bus coming by in the next couple of days, look under it for a screaming nut foaming at the mouth with lies and insanity.
His name is either nono or Rudy.
As they close in, Trump will retreat to family and Stephen Miller.
It might not require the military to oust him, as I have often said.
American Justice!
This actor/business man probably dreams about taking over our democracy. Would anyone here be okay with him overthrowing our democracy?

I predicted he would get impeached right after he got elected, and it looks like it is headed that way. The Republican party will learn from this hopefully.

I am a registered Republican!!

From Nov 2018
I spent some time chatting with Eric Holder last evening.
Here's how clueless he was.
He had no idea that he and Hillary and Comey and Biden are headed for the slammer.
He thought that Trump's lawyer and campaign manager and first national security advisor are in jail...and that Trump's current lawyer's close associates are under arrest.
And that Trump's Sec of State's closest advisor just resigned.
I felt bad for him. He keeps reading fake news.
I was able to give him the accurate information because I spend time on this blog and I learn what's really going on.
Did he tell you the one about him helping pardon a terrorist?
Did he tell you the one about selling guns to Mexico to kill American law enforcement?
Funny guy.
Greta Thunberg just gets edged out for the Nobel Peace Prize . . . meanwhile t strikeout. House can see t's financials strike one, emergency funds for a wall declared illegal strike 2 and t tax returns will be reviewed strike 3. Loser, liar and now murderer, t is absolutely the worst.
But, at least he isn’t Hillary.

WHERE’S HUNTER? He Just Quit His Sweet Gig On The Board Of a Chinese Company

Posted at 9:30 am on October 13, 2019 by T.LaDuke


(AP Photo/Nick Wass, File)

Has it been fair when the Trump kids have had the same done to them? Probably not.

Here is where my friends that are #NeverTrump seem to skip or be appalled at.

The Democrats have done this stuff for years. Stern editorials were written at the Weekly Standard and National Review on the practice of Democrats doing these things, yet it continued on. Candidates for all sorts of office on the left could virtually say that Republicans are trying to kill grandma and make sure you starve to death in old age. Talking heads would go on news shows and say how outrageous it was and the practice continued.

Thank god we're sanctioning Turkey after they took the green light Don the Con gave them and already killed some Kurds and released a bunch of ISIS prisoners.

THAT's leadership!
I'm sure you're rending your garments after US military comes under fire from Turkey...

Huli Huli Boi - wrapping his beek around any tiny piece of Don the Con skin he can find, even if it threatens some military, "to own the libs"
Easy my little jingoist. Iʻm sure we can come up with some type of defense budget plan to meet your thirst for blood. The rest is classified.

Easy my little jingoist. Iʻm sure we can come up with some type of defense budget plan to meet your thirst for blood. The rest is classified.

Only a real ignoramus would think that Trump is intending to reduce the defense budget.
One of the main GOP jobs is to continue to pad the defense budget and serve defense contractors.
You might just be stupid enough not to know that.